Moviebattles II Release 20 Available



Important: Due to unavoidable backend changes coupled with the limits of the game engine that were required to bring new features in this release, it is strongly recommended that players revist and adjust their control bindings before playing the game.
Several existing controls have been moved and will not work without being bound to the new correct command.

Developer Summary

Finally, after a very long "two weeks", the long awaited "Tempest Saber Build" has been released. This overhaul adds massive improvements in all areas of the code for the saber system. On the backend, over 60k lines of code was removed in efforts to remove bloat. This should improve the 'smoothness' of the game as well as provide improvements in FPS. Legends mode has received large optimization in load-in time as well as a new way for players to customize their points for each Hero/Villain. This will slowly be updated over time and balanced.

In an effort to encourage more community contributions to the mod, we have created a new category in our Discord. This area includes a place where you can discuss Dueling, Legends, showcase your files and content created for MBII or WIP stuff and help contribute to the mod or learn how to do so with guides and our Wiki.

This patch also features a lot of new assets and features! A new map, Hrakert Station and updates to Echo Base, Snow Facility, Dxun, Alderaan and as well as third party map changes or additions. There are also large changes to how force powers work for Jedi and Sith. Due to the optimization done on the backend, we have now freed up space in the binds to allow for Class Special 3/4 as well as added a specialized slap/gunbash weapon.

To celebrate 20 years of Movie Battles, we have also decided to change the version naming of our releases. Release 20 seemed fitting. Our goal moving forward is to have faster releases to keep things fresh for you all. Thank you all for continuing to play. We hope you enjoy and continue to game with us now that we have reached this milestone.
  • Change: Optimized several areas of the code base to increase FPS performance drastically (Most notable fix was an issue with Weapon overwrites that was causing a large fps performance loss with too many players.)
  • Change: Marginally increased animation blending for a smoother look and feel. Can be adjusted with cg_animBlend (was 100, now 120)
    Legends now loads substantially faster, and should not crash as often with Vulkan.
  • Change: maps no longer require a .siege file in order to be played in Movie Battles II. This should make playing on 3rd party maps (like those found on JKHub easier to enjoy within Movie Battles. Note: MBII still mainly uses info_player_siegeteam entities, so on occasion with certain maps they may need to be decompiled to change spawns and remove various entities in order to enjoy them.
  • Change: New g_competitive bit flag that limits the severity and damage mitigation of team kills.
    • Bit Flags are now
      • 1 "Hide HUD From Specs"
      • 2 "No Spec Move"
      • 4 "Disallow spectators to talk to Clients"
      • 8 "Spectate Team Only"
      • 16 "Hide Enemy Team Class Icons On Scoreboard"
      • 32 "No Friendly Player Indicators"
      • 64 "Team Spectator is not allowed to spectate all players"
      • 128 "Removes most Anti-TK Mechanics" (Punish/Forgive System remains, but no mitigation or TK points from damage) - Only on locked servers
  • Change: Button Key Bind and Ability Refractoring
    • There has been a relatively large overhaul with keybindings and button mappings in order to present a more consistent framework with abilities and features
    • New JediSlap/GunBash key has been added
      • *SBD Slap has been removed from alt fire (Now on GunBash key)
    • FA 'Alt' Ability 1/2/3 have been removed in favor of Class Special 1/2/3/4 (and are now all button based for better input and control)
    • Reload key has been rebound to a different button, be sure to rebind accordingly
    • FunctionCommand
      Class Special 1+button10
      Class Special 2+button11
      Class Special 3 (New)+button12
      Class Special 4 (New)+button13
      Use Inventory+button2
      Melee Weaponweapon m
      Pistolsweapon p
      Blastersweapon b
      Sniperweapon s
      bowcasterweapon c
      repeaterweapon r
      Rocketsweapon e
      Grenadesweapon g
    • Grip Lightning and Drain have also had their binds relocated, be sure to rebind accordingly
  • New: Zoom Latch:
    • New command /latchtoggle (Also found in Controls -> Weapons toggles whether Scopes can be used by simply holding right click. By default Zoom Latch latch is on.
  • Change: Wookiee can now block in melee.
  • Change: Updated jetpack effect, removed conditional offsets for general models and durge specific conditions. Use proper model tags from now on.
  • Change: Increased normalized knockback vs saberists when on the ground and doing forward inputs.
  • Fix: Fire grenade kill credit
  • Fix: Wookiee Barge should no longer stagger saberists multiple times.
  • Fix: TK point accumulation not resetting between rounds and causing inconsistent spikes in TK points as well as cases where the "settk" command not being able to lower TK points.
Saber System Adjustments
  • General stuff:
    • Fix: Special attacks no longer lose damage when hitting the same target multiple times.
    • Fix: Fixed autotaunt when acquiring ACM not triggering again unless you lost all ACC on the style you acquired ACM.
    • Fix: Some adjustments to crosshair indicators that should fix some missing visuals when spectating players.
    • Fix: Force Focus no longer builds when you have an invulnerability bubble.
    • Fix: Outlier cases involving BP drains with invulnerability bubbles should be fixed.
    • Change: Cartwheels no longer deal damage until the end where the swings actually come out visually.
    • Change: Saber v saber sweepkick vs block
      • If crouching and moving, will cause a stagger
      • If not crouching, requires the opponent to be in an attack to stagger
    • Change: Saber v saber side/back kick once again staggers. Requires an opponent to be moving and attacking.
    • Change: Thrown sabers now have their pullback timer scale based on how far away the saber is from the owner. Minimum of 1.5 seconds with a maximum of 3 seconds.
      • Disarmed sabers still have the maximum time to be pulled back.
  • Visual Damage
    • New: BP damage can now be seen with the cg_visualDamage cvar. Requires being in a private duel.
  • Duel Mode
    • Can no longer challenge a player to a duel when they have an invulnerability bubble (in order to prevent getting put into a duel by someone who respawns close to you without manually challenging them back).
    • Can no longer do melee moves immediately after a duel starts.
    • Change: Force Repulse
      • Now additionally enabled outside of private duels if a server password is set.
      • Now additionally enabled if g_PrivateDuels is set to 0.
    • /ignore prevents duel challenges.
    • All single styles can now be chosen simultaneously in Duel Mode.
Overall Sabering system changes:
  • Back attacks:
    • Can now also be activated while inputting crouch + only backwards movement + attacking. Manually activated back attacks will be the following for each style:
      • Red and Purple styles do the current crouched swing that staggers.
      • Duals, Cyan, and Yellow styles do the standard backswing.
      • Blue and Staff styles do the standard backstab.
    • Slow movement and ability to turn are now unlocked at the end of back attacks.
    • Change: Back attacks no longer hit targets in front of the attacker.
  • Counter swings:
    • No longer trigger in the following circumstances:
      • If you've passed your style's swing count.
      • When hit during a saber out melee move.
    • When interrupted, now does a slower counter sequence (goes into return animation and then can do a counter attack).
  • Parry Refactoring
    • New: Parries now deal 10% base damage (body hit damage without ACM bonus).
    • New: Parrying and taking more BP damage than the amount of BP you have will cause you to lose your saber.
      • Duals' offhand will deactivate if it tries to parry when this triggers while you don't have your mainhand equipped. This is disabled for players in FA/Legends if both do not have at least Saber Defense 1.
    • Fix: DFAs don't trigger in cases where you've been knocked upwards without doing jump inputs.
    • Change: Knockback on special moves reduced by 30% (100 -> 70).
      • Blue’s lunge attack remains at 100.
    • New: Most special moves now cost BP to activate as shown below. Specials activated under these thresholds will deal 25% damage.
      • Blue Lunge:
        • BP: 7
        • FP: Reduced from 35 to 20.
      • Cyan DFA:
        • BP: 10
        • FP: Reduced from 25 to 15.
      • Yellow DFA:
        • BP: 10
        • FP: Reduced from 25 to 15.
      • Red DFA:
        • BP: 15
        • FP: 25
      • Rollstab:
        • BP: 10
        • FP: 25 reduced to 15.
      • Dual Forward Jump Special:
        • BP: 10
        • FP: 25
      • Staff Forward Jump Special:
        • BP: 10
        • FP: Reduced from 25 to 20.
      • Staff Left Butterfly:
        • BP: 10
        • FP: Reduced from 25 to 15.
      • Staff Right Butterfly:
        • BP: 10
        • FP: Reduced from 25 to 15.
      • Dual Crouch Kata:
        • BP: 15
        • FP: Reduced from 25 to 20.
      • Staff Crouch Kata:
        • BP: 15
        • FP: Reduced from 25 to 20.
      • Duals Front/Back Stabs:
        • BP: 10
        • FP: Reduced from 35 to 25.
      • Duals Side Stabs:
        • BP: 10
        • FP: Reduced from 35 to 25.
      • Purple Kata:
        • BP: 15
        • FP: 20
      • Purple Stab:
        • BP: 15
        • FP: 30
      • Red Lunge:
        • BP: 15
        • FP: 15
  • Damage Modifiers
    • Change: Damage modifiers relating to blocking/not blocking/running/walking have been simplified to the following:
      • If not blocking while running, the defender has a 1.20x incoming damage modifier.
    • Change: Incoming damage increase for getting hit while crouching reduced from 1.5x to 1.25x.
    • Change: Outgoing damage multiplier for attacking while crouching reduced from 0.80x to 0.75x.
    • Change: Consecutive swings now also drop to 0.50x if you've parried your opponent (no longer just after scoring a body hit on the opponent).
    • Airborne damage multipliers now exclude hitting someone that's in a special move or while damaging with a special move (since all of the moves these would apply to already have their own damage multipliers).
    • Change: Incoming damage when knocked down reduced from 1.35x to 1.25x.
    • Damage multiplier when being hit while doing melee moves increased from 1.2x to 1.4x.
    • Change: Special moves no longer benefit from ACM.
    • Change: Hitting too early in an attack animation reduces the damage by up to 30% depending on animation timer.
    • Downstab damage split between being in the air and on the ground (65 and 50 respectively).
    • Change: Light styles no longer lose 2x ACM when body hit by non-light styles
    • New: ACC modification changed to the following:
      • 1 ACC = 1 ACM. Once you hit 4 ACM, you gain the following damage increase:
        • Light Styles (Blue, Cyan): 1.08x
        • Medium Styles (Yellow, Staff, Duals): 1.10x
        • Heavy Styles (Red, Purple): 1.12x
      • Below 4 ACM, damage increases by 1.05x per 1 ACM.
      • After reaching 4+ ACM (when the auto-taunt triggers), the 1.05x damage increase upgrades to the following:
        • Light Styles (Blue, Cyan): 1.08x
        • Medium Styles (Yellow, Staff, Duals): 1.10x
        • Heavy Styles (Red, Purple): 1.12x
    • During a combo, If you've already landed a body hit, been parried, or are using Yellow's fast A halfswing, you build partial ACM.
      • Defensive Styles (Blue/Staff): 0.25 ACM
      • Balanced Styles (Yellow/Cyan/Purple/Duals): 0.50 ACM
      • Offensive Styles (Red): 0.66 ACM
      • Partial ACM is not drained from defenders unless it’s on a neutral/half swing.
    • Successfully Mblocking vs Duals when it only has its offhand active turns it off.
    • New: Failing (does not trigger a PB in some form or another; has orange blocking crosshair indicator) always triggers a body hit now.
    • Now adds 1.15x bonus damage on the counter attack from the Mblock. Only applies when matching the PB zone.
    • Change: Mblock cooldown timer is now 200ms on success instead of always 1500ms.
    • New: Mblock Defense
      • Triggers: Not matching PB zones while doing doing the correct timing + correct movement vs incoming swing
      • Builds/Drains partial ACM.
      • 0.50x incoming damage multiplier
      • Won't disarm opponent
      • Has a yellow blocking indicator for the defender
  • Blocking
    • Instead of triggering a Perfect Block in the return phase of the swing (if not feinting), now does the following:
      • Has a yellow blocking indicator for the defender
      • Can only be done if you've landed some kind of hit on your opponent (no whiffs).
      • No damage by default.
      • Having 4-8 ACM vs your opponent, this increases to 0.50x damage.
      • At 9+, this increases to 0.75x.
  • Saber Styles
    • General
      • Change: Staff and Duals no longer cost an extra 2 points to purchase.
      • Movement speed adjustments for Red/Purple:
        • Purple:
          • Now has the same movement speed penalty as Yellow/Green/White styles when attacking while moving backwards (0.45x changed to 0.60x).
          • Now has the same general movement penalty for attacking while moving as Yellow/Duals/Staff (reduced, 0.7x to 0.85x).
        • Red:
          • While attacking and moving forward without strafing, now has the same general movement penalty for attacking (reduced, 0.7x 0.85x)
          • While attacking and strafing with no other movement, remains at 0.7x speed penalty
          • While attacking and moving backwards, penalty reduced from 0.45x to 0.55x
      • New: Can now change between styles with Staff/Duals while saber is off..
      • Offense Rating: 6
      • Defense Rating: 55
      • Swing count of 3.
      • Change: Blue no longer has instant halfswings from all directions
      • Perk - Perfect blocks delay attacker's BP regen after reaching 4 ACM. Delay increases by 50ms every 2 ACM.
      • Perk - Gains 1 additional swing in any chain started with a PB counter body hit.
      • Offense Rating: 8
      • Defense Rating: 47
      • Swing count of 3.
      • Perk - Deals a minimum of 5 BP damage to opponents on parries.
        • Will only trigger against opponents if you have MB_ATT_SABER_DEFENSE
      • Perk - Benefits from ACM on parries.
      • Perk - Receives no BP damage on parries. Will not get disarmed if parrying with 0 BP but won't be able to chain an attack after.
      • Change: Now has the Stab special move for forward + crouch. Damage multiplier of 0.60x. Costs 10 BP and 15 FP to activate.
      • Only gains 0.75 ACM on neutral/half swings instead of 1.0
      • Offense Rating: 10
      • Defense Rating: 50
      • Swing count of 4.
      • Perk - Has its old fast A halfswing.
        • This swing is treated like a consecutive as far as damage and ACM being affected.
        • Initially only triggers when doing a halfswing from an A or D swing. Once you have reached 4 ACM, it can be triggered from any previous swing.
      • Perk - Now gains additional 0.25 ACM on Mblock counter.
      • Offense Rating: 8
      • Defense Rating: 50
      • Swing count of 3.
      • Change: Overall swing speed reduction of 15% on top of other adjustments.
      • Change: Increased delay in damage damage window from 350ms to 400ms.
      • Change: Duals’ jump + forward special move can now turn after the initial jump time.
      • Perk - Doing a half swing before you’ve reached max swing count resets swing count to 0, allowing for another chain of swings.
      • Perk - Gain additional swings vs your opponent every 4 ACM
        • 1.4: 4 swings
        • 1.8: 5 swings
        • 2.2: 6 swings
        • 2.6 (max): unlimited swings
      • Perk - Special moves have bonus scaling from ACM
      • Offense Rating: 9
      • Defense Rating: 53
      • Swing count of 4.
      • Change: Slowdown on spins is removed while moving forward and lessened from 0.5x to 0.75x in other circumstances.
      • Change: Halfswings that change sides can now spin. A to D or D to A are exempt from this.
      • Perk - Non-special move spinning saber attacks have a 1.75x outgoing damage multiplier.
      • Perk - Can use Mblock to trigger PBs without matching PB zones. Won't disarm if not matching PB zones.
      • Perk - Can stagger with Mblock vs swingblocked swings when matching PB zones. Stagger duration increases at 4 ACM.
      • Can now be thrown.
      • Offense Rating: 12
      • Defense Rating: 48
      • Swing count of 3.
      • Change: Additional special move added for crouch + forward + use inputs. This is the defensive twirl attack it previously had.
      • Perk - Can fully Perfect Block in returns (still requires holding block). Does not require hitting the target.
      • Perk - Can continue countering past its swing limit but can’t chain swings after these counters.
      • Offense Rating: 12
      • Defense Rating: 48
      • Swing count of 3.
      • Change: Red hop FP (feint + rdfa combo) drain split from RDFA. Now drains 15 FP instead of the full cost. RDFA still retains the full FP cost.
      • Perk - Red can now stagger on hits in certain circumstances. The duration of the stagger scales with how much ACM it has:
        • On first body hit (excluding attacking from cartwheels or vs someone doing standing slap moves) landed in a combo if it hasn’t been parried.
          • Staggers from a counter do not scale with ACM.
        • Any spinning attack.
        • PB'ing any follow up swings while in the stagger will break you out of the stagger animation.
      • Perk - On the first swing of a combo, has the following traits if the swing is PB’d:
        • Does 50% damage through PB. Will not disarm the opponent. Will stagger the opponent if they have less than the BP required to take the hit.
        • Builds partial ACM for the attacker
      • New: Now has a crouch + forward attack. Big wind-up swing with large damage that causes stagger and knockback. Requires 15 FP to use and drains 15 BP when activated.

Damage Normalization
  • For years we have had mostly stable damage and hit location multiplier values from nearly two decades of balance changes. In order to make things slightly more readable for the end-user we have normalized the hit location multipliers so that chest shots have a clean 1.0 multiplier. As a result other hit location multipliers have changed, and damage values for all weapons have been adjusted to compensate. The overall time to kill will be the same as v1.10. Below is a complete list of the changes.
  • Hit locations:
    • Neck / Head: 2.5x → 2.0x
    • Neck / Head (Sniper): 3.0x → 2.3x
    • Torso / Arms: 1.3x → 1.0x
    • Legs / Feet: 0.8x → 0.6x
  • Droideka:
    • Adjusted health and shield totals to account for damage normalization.
      • Health: 200/300/400 -> 260/390/520/520.
      • Shield: -> 200/300/500/700 -> 260/390/650/910
    • Adjusted Shield Discharge cost to account for damage normalization
      • 150 -> 195
    • Reduced shield piercing ratio from Projectile Rifle from 33% to 25%.
    • A-280
      • Damage: 30 → 39
    • Amban
      • Primary Damage: 15/15/40 → 20/20/50
      • Secondary Damage: 60-110 → 80-143
    • Arc Pistol
      • Damage: 28 → 36
    • Bowcaster
      • Damage: 30 → 39
      • Damage (Charge): 30-85 → 39-110
    • Clone Pistol
      • Damage: 28 → 36
    • Clone Rifle
      • Damage: 20 → 26
    • Disruptor
      • Primary Damage: 24 → 31
      • Sniper Damage: 28 → 36
    • DLT-20a
      • Damage: 30 → 39
    • Droideka Arm Blaster
      • Damage: 25 → 32
    • E-11
      • Primary Damage: 28 → 36
      • Secondary Damage: 24 → 31
    • EE-3
      • Primary Damage: 28 → 36
      • Secondary Damage: 28 → 36
    • EE-4 (FA)
      • Primary Damage: 28 → 36
      • Secondary Damage: 65 → 84
    • Emplaced Gun
      • Damage: 25 → 34
    • Fire Grenade
      • Damage: 15 → 19
      • Damage (Splash): 15 → 19
    • Pistol
      • Damage: 26/26/40 → 34/34/52
      • Damage (Charge): 26-48 → 34-62
      • Damage (Charge Level 3): 40-60 → 52-78
      • Damage (Akimbo): 40 → 52
      • Damage (Akimbo Charge): 40-80 → 52-104
    • Projectile Rifle
      • Damage: 150 → 195
    • SBD Arm Blaster
      • Damage: 26 → 34
    • Shotguns (FA)
      • Primary Damage: 18 → 23
    • T-21
      • Primary Damage: 60 → 78
      • Secondary Damage: 26 → 34
    • Westar M5
      • Primary Damage: 24 → 31
      • Sniper Damage: 50 → 65
    • Westar Pistol
      • Damage: 28 → 36
      • Damage (Charge): 28-48 → 36-62
      • Damage (Dual Charge): 28-36 → 36-47
    • Whisting Bird
      • Damage: 37 → 48
    • Wrist Laser
      • Damage: 50 → 65
Weapon Changes
  • Change: Clone Rifle's Ion blast now has an audio beep, rather than a visual cue
  • Change: Proj Rifle now has a secondary mode, which increases Zoom Magnification (double right click to get to this zoom removed).
    • Timer on delay until 'ready' to fire increased from 500ms to 600ms
  • Change: Clone Rifle level 3 Minigun has been removed. (Pending new future weapon coming to clones)
Point Adjustments
  • Change: SBD Advance Targeting is now 3 points instead of 5
    • This skill is now on right click and SBD Slap is now on GunBash key
  • Change: ARC Dexterity 0/20/5 Points (was 0/0/20)
    • Level 3 now includes the auto-roll once displaced.

  • Change: Internal back end resource mechanics have changed:
    • Fuel/Stam/Battery/Energy/Fury no longer share the same stats as BP. BP is now an isolated mechanic focused on Saber game play.
    • Fuel/Stam/Battery/Energy/Fury are now considered Forcepower internally but each with their own style of regen and conditional exceptions.
      • This means abilities that taking or giving resources such as drain poison or force energize will operate on a classes primary resource mechanic. While this will have little effect in Open it is designed to facilitate more team play or ability denial in FA, but its primary objective is to keep the sanctity of the Saber dueling system.
  • Change: Regen Mechanics Updated
    • Force
      • Force regens at a rate of 1 per 150ms (6.6 per second).
      • Force doesn't regen while in air. (Unchanged)
      • Meditating with this resource gains 2x bonus after 3 seconds and 3x after 6 seconds. (Unchanged)
      • Active force abilities do not halt force regeneration but may still drain force while in use. (New)
    • Energy
      • Energy regens at a rate of 1 per 200ms (5 per second).
      • Classes that utilize energy now are given 100 energy instead of Dodge granting 0/33/66/100 at ranks 0-3.
    • Rage
      • Drains at a rage of 1 per second when out of combat (5 seconds) and not enraged. (Changed from 2 per second at rank 1, and 2 per 2 seconds at rank 2)
      • While enraged, Fury drains at a rate of 8 points per second.
    • Battery
      • Regen ticks happen every second, gaining 2/3/4 points (2x if in recharge boost)
      • With Drain condition for the amount as follows:
        • If you are attacking: Drain 3/2/1 Battery (was 3/3/2)
        • If you are Running: Drain 3 points
    • Stamina
      • Regen ticks happen every second.
      • If walking, crouched, or not moving, regen 5/7/9 points
      • If running and not sprinting, regen 3/4/5
      • If sprinting drain 4 or 8 while firing
    • Fuel
      • No Regen
      • For FA with MB_ATT_FUELREGEN
        • Regen 1/2/3 every second while not flying or cloaked
New: Specialization and point cost changes
  • General notes:
    • Change: Force that you can deactivate (Speed Sense ect) have a shared 500ms timer before you can deactivate. (Down from 1500)
  • New abilities that help set up these build paths: Force Attunement, Saber Defense (now strictly vs sabers), and Gun Defense (strictly vs non-sabers). These will be change class configuration options in the following way:
    • Force Attunement determines the tiers of force powers you have available (excluding Jump). Level 3 Attunement lets you buy level 3 force powers. This will have a mutual exclusion with Blaster Defense based on the following:
      • If you have level 3 Attunement, you can only have level 1 Blaster Defense.
      • If you have level 2 Attunement, you can only have level 2 Blaster Defense.
      • If you only have level 1 Attunement, you can have level 3 Blaster Defense.
  • Change: Force Focus builds faster (400ms -> 300ms tick rate) faster vs targets who are moving while not blocking/walking/crouching
  • New: Force Attunement
    • Cost of 0/6/6
    • Level 0:
      • Max FP pool of 80.
    • Level 1:
      • Max FP pool of 100.
    • Level 2:
      • Max FP pool of 120.
    • Level 3:
      • Max FP pool of 140.
  • Change: Saber Defense
    • Split into Saber Defense and Blaster Defense
    • Cost of 6/6/4
    • Level 0:
      • 1.6x incoming damage
    • Level 1:
      • 1.4x incoming damage
      • BP regen: 3
    • Level 2:
      • 1.0x damage
      • BP regen: 4
    • Level 3:
      • Remove BP cost for jumping.
      • Remove BP cost for specials (includes cartwheels)
      • Grants extended blocking arc vs sabers (removed as exclusive Staff/Duals upgrade).
      • Regain BP when defeating opponents:
        • Force users that have a saber: 50
        • Other saber weapon users: 25
        • Anyone else: 15
  • New: Blaster Defense
    • Cost of 8/8/4
    • Level 0:
      • FP drain: 2.5x (unchanged)
      • Can no longer Deflect at saber defense 0 w/ deflect levels
    • Level 1:
      • Unlock being able to purchase Deflect
      • FP drain: 1.3x (unchanged)
    • Level 2:
      • FP Drain: 1.1x
    • Level 3:
      • FP Drain: 1.0x
      • Removes FP penalty for being shot while airborne.
      • Gives extended block radius vs projectiles (removed as exclusive Staff/Duals upgrade).
  • Change: Deflect
    • Cost changed from 2/4/6 to 4/4/2.
    • Swingblock drains are now based on your level of Deflect instead of Defense.
    • General:
      • Fix: Can now deflect less common weapon types like sentry turrets.
      • Activating Mblock inputs starts a 150ms timer for deflecting (does not refresh while holding both buttons down)
      • Minimum Deflect range lowered from 250 to 160 (now matches close IDR range)
      • Being within the minimum range causes deflect accuracy to be treated as the minimum (pretty random)
      • Swingblock drains:
        • Being shot in a return shouldn’t do extra FP drains
        • No extra swingblock drains on red/purple in startup
    • Level 1:
      • Drains 1 FP/100ms
      • Swingblock FP drain: 1.4x
      • Timed Deflect: 0.8x FP drain
        • Timer: 50ms
      • Non-Timed Deflect:
        • 1.1x FP drain
    • Level 2:
      • Drains 1 FP/150ms
      • Swingblock FP drain: 1.2x
      • Timed Deflect: 0.7x FP drain
        • Timer: 100ms
      • Non-Timed Deflect:
        • 1.0x FP drain
    • Level 3:
      • Drains 1 FP/300ms
      • Swingblock FP drain: 1.0x
      • Timed Deflect: 0.5x FP drain
        • Timer: 150ms
      • Non-Timed Deflect:
        • No penalty
  • Change: Push/Pull/Repulse
    • General notes:
      • Point cost for Push changed from 2/2/8 to 4/4/6.
      • Point cost for Pull changed from 2/4/8 to 4/4/6.
      • Adjusted to be mirrors of each other in most aspects.
      • Range standardized to 512 for all 3 levels.
      • Reduced knockdown time for Pull at all levels.
      • Pull
        • No longer has randomization for pulling weapons.
        • Vulnerability window now matches Push's.
      • Displacement:
        • Reworked displacement to be more consistent between the various powers that use this code. Displacement now scales based on distance the way that Repulse did.
        • Push and Pull now affect all rocket-like projectiles in the same way as grenades.
    • Repulse:
      • Repulse now requires not having Blaster Defense instead of not having Saber Defense.
      • FP cost increased from 50 to 70.
    • Level 1:
      • FP cost: 20
      • Vision arc: 80
      • Displaces targets.
    • Level 2:
      • FP cost: 20
      • Vision arc: 80
      • Now breaks Grip if used before reaching the choking threshold.
      • Knocks down targets that you have your crosshair over.
    • Level 3:
      • FP cost: 20
      • Vision arc: 100
      • Knocks down all targets within the radius.
  • Change: Speed
    • General:
      • Point cost changed from 2/4/8 to 4/2/2.
      • Can now jump while using Speed with saber out
      • FP Drain:
        • Tick rate changed from 1000ms to 500ms
        • FP drain normalized to 10 per tick (changed from 15/10/5).
    • Level 1:
      • Initial cost reduced from 25 to 20.
    • Level 2:
      • Initial cost reduced from 25 to 15.
      • Unlocks Speed lunge (can now attack instead of only being able to do the jump)
    • Level 3:
      • Initial cost reduced from 25 to 10.
    • Speed Lunge:
      • No longer requires a saber to activate
      • Once you're in the time window for being able to attack, you can now once again aim your camera freely in any direction.
      • New interactions with walls:
        • If holding the jump button when colliding with the wall, you will grab and hold onto it.
        • If not holding the jump button, you will automatically rebound off of the wall.
  • Heal
    • Change: Cost is now 45/40/35 (was 50/40/30)
    • Change: Restored EFX.
    • Change: If you have lights beacon and no target was healed force is not consumed.
  • Protect
    • Change: Cost is now 35/30/25 (was 50/25/10)
    • Change: Duration increased to 6 seconds from 4 seconds.
    • Change: Cool down is now 3 seconds from 5 seconds.
    • Change: Using the ability while it is active will now extend the duration.
  • Absorb
    • Change: Cost is now 30/25/20 (was 50/25/10)
    • Change: Duration increased to 6 seconds from 4 seconds.
    • Change: Cool down is now 3 seconds from 5 seconds.
    • Change: Using the ability while it is active will now extend the duration.
    • Change: Absorb returns a flat amount of power to the user when blocking these Forcepowers:
      • Push: 20
      • Pull: 20
      • Repulse: 20
      • Grip: 15
      • Lightning: 1
      • Drain: 2
      • Destruction: 25
  • Mind Trick
    • Change: Point cost changed from 8/4/8 to 6/2/2.
    • Change: Cost is now 50/40/30 (was 20/20/20), and does halt regen or consumes additional FP while in use. Costs an extra 20 FP when re-casting while active.
    • Change: Mind Trick no longer works on targets with Absorb active.
    • Change: Mind Trick will no longer work if the target reaches its forceblock immunity threshold, but if they go below the threshold they will become Mind Tricked mid use.
    • Change: Mind Trick no longer ignores Force Block with Force Focus.
    • Change: You can give an ally Mind Trick with Lights Beacon in FA.
    • Change: The duration of Mind Trick is increased to 8 seconds but scales downward based on your movement state. (was 2.5/2.5/4.0 seconds)
      • If standing still you gain the full 8 seconds of MindTrick.
      • If crouching or walking you have 6 seconds of MindTrick
      • If you are running at normal speed you have 4 seconds of MindTrick.
      • If you are in air or using speed you have 2 seconds of MindTrick.
      • (Calculations and deductions from duration are done every 100ms, not on startup of Mind Trick)
    • Change: Cooldown is now 2 seconds (Changed from duration)
    • Change: Using this ability while already Mind Tricking will refresh the duration (not add to it, like Absorb and Protect).
    • Change: Re-added the transitional alpha fade when going invisible with this power. This fade also applies when getting hit or revealed by Advance Logic and Tracking darts.
  • Team Heal
    • Change: Cost is now 45/40/35 (was 50/33/25)
    • Change: Radius is now 512 at all ranks (was 256/384/512)
    • Change: It is now possible to heal NPCs
  • Team Force
    • Change: Cost is now 45/40/35 (was 50/33/25)
    • Change: Radius is now 512 at all ranks (was 256/384/512)
    • Change: It is now possible to energize NPCs
  • Force Rage
    • New: Restored base game Rage.
    • Rage will use Wookiee Fury Animations while in Melee.
  • Sense
    • Change: Sense now drains forcepower at a rate of 5/4/3 every 250ms (Normal regen is still active)
    • General:
      • Point cost changed from to 2/4/6 to 4/2/2.
      • Split max distance between levels (1024/1536/2048 placeholders)
      • No longer grants vision through are portals if distance is greater than 1024.
      • Now only shows enemy players as circles on radar instead of oriented arrows.
      • Level 1:
        • 10 FP Cost
        • Distance cap: 1536
      • Level 2:
        • 15 FP Cost
        • Distance cap: 2048
        • Always shows allies through walls.
        • Shows enemies through walls while they are attacking.
      • Level 3:
        • 20 FP Cost
        • Distance cap: 2560
        • Gives constant vision of allies and enemies.
  • Blind
    • New / Change: Blind is now its own separate force power no longer tied to Mind Trick (except in the cases of "force_distract" bind, it will use Mind Trick if you have both)
    • Change: Cost is 45/40/35 (was 40/30/20)
    • Change: Duration is 3 seconds (down from 4)
    • Change: Blind remains a single target only skill.
    • Change: Force Blind EFX now shows up for all players, not just players who own the power.
  • Grip
    • General:
      • Change: Point cost changed from 6/8/13 to 6/4/2.
      • Fix: Not being able to grip someone in special moves
      • Fix: Pausing target's FP regen while choking them in the air.
      • Change: No longer drains FP from the target while damaging them.
      • Change: Increased range from 256 to 300 (to match Lightning)
      • Change: Now works on Jedi who have Mind Tricked you.
    • Grip Lock:
      • Change: Grip lock is now delayed when being shot. If being shot in rapid succession (every 100ms), stacks of grip lock will be reduced.
      • Change: Lock on time changed from 350/280/280 -> 280 at all levels
      • Change: Lock drop off time changed from 350/450/550 -> 500 at all levels
      • Change: 0.85x movement speed multiplier for target while locking on. Drains 3 FP per lock on tick.
    • Change: FP Cost
      • Removed FP drain on completing full grip lock
      • Instead, now drains FP before and after choking the target:
        • Before choking:
          • Levels 1 and 2 drain 3 FP per lock attempt. Level 3 reduces the cost to 2 FP.
        • After choking:
          • Drains 3 FP every 200ms.
    • Change: Ramping Damage:
      • Damage after completing lock on now deals ramping damage. Every second adds 1 additional damage. Level 3 adds 2 per second.
      • Level 1:
        • Initial damage 10.
        • Per tick damage: 1 + ramping damage
      • Level 2:
        • Initial damage 10.
        • Per tick damage: 5 + ramping damage
      • Level 3:
        • Initial damage 20.
        • Per tick damage: 8 + ramping damage
  • Lightning
    • Change: Point cost changed from to 6/6/15 to 6/4/2.
    • Change: Initial use cost reduced to 15.
    • Change: Minimum required FP for activation removed.
    • Change: No longer locks out other force powers for 2 seconds. Only locks out Push, Pull, and itself for 500ms.
    • Change: Instead of instantly stunning while damaging a target, now has a stacking mechanic:
      • Initially slows rate of fire to 30% while damaging a target.
      • Stun stacks once every 300ms. After 8 stacks of damage, it will fully stun the target while damaging them and 2 seconds after.
        • STR3 Wook will not get stunned but will retain the lower RoF
    • Change: All levels of lightning can now be channeled.
      • Level 1:
        • Base damage of lightning increased from 1 to 2.
        • Single stream of lightning.
        • Range of 300.
      • Level 2:
        • Upgrades into fan lightning.
        • Range of 300. Width of 300.
      • Level 3:
        • Range of 300. Width of 300.
        • Now pierces targets.
        • Two handed lightning:
          • Now adds 1 damage instead of doubling (total multiplier: 2x vs armored, 3x vs unarmored).
          • Lightning push now adds 1 damage vs knocked down targets instead of doubling (total multiplier: 3x vs armored, 4x vs unarmored).
  • Drain
    • Change: Drain 1's reuse (cooldown) rate lowered to 1500ms to match rank 2 and 3 (was 3000ms)
  • Deadly Sight
    • New / Change: Deadly Sight is now its own separate force power no longer tied to See (except in the cases of "force_seeing" bind, it will use See if you have both)
    • Cost is 30/30/30 (unchanged)
    • Change: Deadly Sight no longer has the See through walls mechanics as it former parent Force Power, it is strictly a damage force power.
    • Change: You can now use other force powers while Deadly Sight is active.
  • Destruction
    • New / Change: Destruction is now its own separate forcepower no longer tied to Rage (except in the cases of "force_rage" bind, it will use Rage if you have both)
  • Blind
    • New / Change: Force Blind now uses black effect to avoid eye strain.
  • Force Block
    • New: Ranks 4 and 5 introduced for FA, the FP required for Forceblock is 80/60/40/20/10.
    • New: If blocking with a saber but FP is below the threshold, will be staggered by Repulse.
    • New: If not blocking with a saber but FP is above the threshold:
      • Vs Repulse:
        • If in circumstances that would normally negate displacement (Walking, not moving, etc), will be staggered.
        • If not doing anything that would normally negate displacement, will be knocked down.
  • Advance Logic (Anti MindTrick)
    • Change: Rank 1 no longer shows target on radar but instead functions like rank 2
    • Change: The time between flickers is 3/1/0 seconds.
    • Rank 3 is FA only.
  • Dash
    • Change: Cool down at rank 2 decreased from 4 seconds to 3 seconds.
    • New / Change: You can now dash in diagonal directions, and also perform a stand still or partial dash with no or limited movement input.
  • Dodge
    • Change: Dodge costs 15/10/5 energy per 250ms to maintain. Can not be used while poisoned or electrocuted, and will cancel early if you become poisoned or electrocuted.
    • Change: When Dodge consumes energy, resource regeneration is halted for 500ms.
  • Tracking Darts
    • Change: Tracking darts are now shared team wide to holders of MB_ATT_TRACKING_BEACON, or MB_ATT_TRACKING_DART
  • Dexterity
    • Dex 1 Grants Enhanced get ups, and wall runs and wall flips, and the class special dexterity rolls. Also can roll with any weapon.
    • Dex 2 Allows you to fire your weapon while getting up, and enhances jump.
    • Dex 3 Puts you into a recovery roll when knockdown, if not knockdown in air.
    • Change: You can now Dex high jump with Rocket Launcher
    • Change: Dex Forward roll costs 30 points. (was 33) All other directions cost 20. (unchanged)
    • Change: You can wall kick and flip with grapple hook at rank 2 while using grapple (down from rank 3).
  • Wookiee Fury
    • Change: Wookiee Fury damage reduction changed to 15%/30%/45%, added an additional level 3 for FA (was 15%/35%)
Jump Physics
  • Fix: Fixed an issue that was causing reduced air control at higher FPS due to the anti bunny hop mechanics.
  • Change / Removed: Removed Automatic jumping when standing on NPCs (So they function and feel more like players)
  • Change: Allowed forward facing wallruns at any ground height. If you perform a forward lunge or flip animation while jumping you wall grab instead.
  • Change / Removed: Removed Additional FP drains on Force Jump 0/1.
  • New: Base JKA Bunny Hopping is now available for FA characters.
    • New FA Attribute MB_ATT_BUNNY_HOP
    • For FA editor's purposes:
      • No Rank: MB2 style jump physics with 45% movement speed reduction when landing.
      • Rank 1: JKA Seige style jumping with no added acceleration on jump. No movement penalty when landing.
      • Rank 2: JKA FFA style jumping with added acceleration on jump. No movement penalty when landing.
User Interface
  • Change: Updated control settings menu for new special ability, gun bash, etc.
  • Change: Updated points menu for Jedi and Sith.
  • Change: Gave a new (+) icon for Legends point purchase classes to allow toggling between description and point purchasing
  • Removed: Old Class bar. UI editors can use new vertical hud components to achieve the same results.
Full Authentic
  • Change: Due to an increase in 12->42 sub classes: Support for FA's old Menu has been dropped. Hybrid menu now contains a more feature complete example with Feeders.
  • Feature: Custom Point builds have been introduced into FA.
    • These values are now listed in the .mbch values MBII Wikipedia post
    • There is a guide specific to creating these custom point builds for classes as well here
    • As a reminder, the MBII Wiki has guides on How to Create your First FA
  • New: Base weapons re-integrated into MBII. Base weapons upon which MBII previously overwrote were created in order to remove confusion on weapon overrides.
    • WP_FLECHETTE (As seen in base Jedi Academy)
    • WP_A280 (was WP_FLECHETTE)
    • WP_DLT20A (was WP_FLECHETTE)
    • WP_M5 (was WP_FLECHETTE)
    • WP_DET_PACK (As seen in base Jedi Academy)
    • WP_T21 (was WP_DET_PACK)
    • WP_CONCUSSION (As seen in base Jedi Academy)
    • WP_DEMP2 (As seen in base Jedi Academy)
    • WP_BRYAR_OLD (As seen in base Jedi Academy)
    • WP_REPEATER (As seen in base Jedi Academy)
    • WP_MINIGUN (was WP_REPEATER with weaponInfo isMinigun flag or WP_REPEATER with no blobs)
    • WP_THERMAL (As seen in base Jedi Academy)
      • WP_THERMAL instances in FA will have to use WP_REAL_TD instead
    • WP_THROWER (Element thrower weapon, primarily used as Flamethrower)
      • Ice, Plasma, Lightning and Flame variants are the current available variants. Perhaps more to come!
  • New: Additional FA Fields:
    • startArmor field (Default of -1)
      • if -1 maxArmor is start armor
      • if -2 Open Mode MB_ATT_ARMOUR value based on rankArmor
    • rateOfFire_Melee field
      • Melee rate of fire is now seperate from all other rate of fires.
    • skillTimerMod
      • Adjusts the cooldown time for most abilities (default 1.0f, lower is faster, higher is slower)
    • baseSpeed
      • An override for base speed for a FA character, flat amount 250 is hero movement speed
    • saberDamage
      • Force all the FA characters Saber damages across all styles to be this flat amount (possible to have negative value for healing (Requires Testing))
    • saberThrowDamage
      • Force the saber throw damage to this flat amount for this FA character (possible to have negative value for healing (Requires Testing))
  • New: Additional FA Attributes:
    • MB_ATT_DEMP2
  • Removed: Removed FA Items:
    • FP_RAGE no longer grants Destruction, use MB_ATT_FP_DESTRUCTION or FP_DESTRUCTION
    • CFL_CONCUSSIONRIFLE removed, use WP_CONCUSSION in weapon field
    • CFL_SHOTGUN removed, use WP_SHOTGUN
  • FA Held Flag weapon table now has these flags: (Old and New are both stated)
    • [*]WP_MeleeFlags
  • FA Held Flag Enums:
    • [*]HELD_HEAL

      New: Resource field used with "resource RESOURCE_FORCE" for example
    • And uses RESOURCE Enum defines:
    • New: Class Special FA freedom of customization: Each FA character can now have any class special the designer desires.
      • FA Class Specials can be modified with these fields:
        • special1
        • special2
        • special3
        • special4
      • To see an example of how these new additions work, there will later be a post in our Wiki

  • New: Added BX Commando Droid; Black Sun, Black Sun Captain, Diplomat (The Clone Wars), Hybrid, Melee, Rifle (Jedi: Survivor) to Imperial Commanders.
  • New: Added Grand Admiral Thrawn in battle armor (Rebels) to Imperial Commanders.
  • New: Added Luke Skywalker (BoBF) with Grogu in basket to Jedi.
  • New: Added Jedi Temple Guard (Rebels) to Jedi.
  • New: Added the Grand Inquisitor (Rebels) to Sith.
  • Change: Reverted ANH Luke Skywalker skins to old Toshi model. Revamped ESB and RotJ skins based on community feedback and general consensus.
  • Change: Moved all B1s to Soldiers that aren't black or red.
  • Change: Moved Czerka Corporation to Commanders.
  • Change: Moved Narkina Guard to Commanders.
  • Change: Moved Saul Karath to FA-only but kept its soundset for default Sith Officer.
  • Change: Moved B1 Bones to FA-only.
  • Change: Removed SOTE Trooper from Soldiers.
  • Official
    • New: mb2_hrakertstation
    • Change: mb2_echobase
      • Moved respawns for both teams slightly for a more fair loadout to side and main.
      • Added a new room near t junction in which imps may respawn in if spawns are pushed forward.
      • Expanded main t junctions to better fit larger populations and reworked terrain and cover.
      • Changed both corridors in t junction.
      • Added destructible ropes in the warehouse area near imp spawn to be able to climb up large objects.
      • Reworked med bay.
      • Added an additional elevator in side which goes up when the other elevator is shot down.
      • Refined the clip brushes on various models across the map.
      • Widened the hallway and door to t junction from rebel spawn and added additional cover.
    • Change: mb2_dxun
      • The map has been visually reworked with more modern textures.
      • There is now a connecting route between the middle area and the bridge area, with a 'river pit' between the two. This river pit forces the player into the cave region, which now has two elevators up back to the middle area.
      • At low population, the cave doors are locked and a new door in the main area unlocks where rebels can hack to shut down the forcefields.
      • Cover and terrain reworked to help improve gameplay.
    • Change: mb2_alderaan
      • Optimized for better FPS and re-textured
      • Added a few new lanes on either side of the map to help with pain points for attackers pushing towards the bomb.
      • Respawns for both teams modified.
      • Bomb objective reworked, additional time is added to the round timer on bomb plant.
    • Change: mb2_snowfacility
      • Now has a middle route between the inside and outside, unlocked by imperials from the inside.
      • Cover slightly modified, more rocks added outside.
    • Change: Updated/increased func_breakable health on: Battle Over Coruscant, Cloud City, Comm. Tower, Comm. Tower Classic, Corellia, Coruscant Chase, CTF & PTF Deathstar, CTF DOTF, Deathstar, DOTF, DOTF Classic, DOTF Classic B, Duel BOC, Dxun, Enclave, Jakku, Kamino, Snow Facility, Duel RC Bridge, Lunarbase, Mustafar, Mygeeto, RC Hangar C, Republic Cruiser, CTF & PTF Scarif, Regular + Duel + CTF Star Destroyer, PS Desert, Tantive, Tantive Classic, Tatooine, Theed, Tradefed, Tutorial01.
    • Change: Updated/Increased NPC health on: Deathstar, Lunarbase, Mustafar, Coruscant Chase, Echo Base, Jabba, Jedi Temple
    • Change / Removed: Removed older version HDR lightmaps from: BOC & Duel BOC, Coruscant Chase, Duel Senate, Jedi Temple, Jedi Temple Classic, Dxun, Tantive, Tantive Classic, TradeFed, PS Korriban.
  • CMP
    • Change: Updated/increased func_breakable health on: Arctic, Assault, CoruscantUC, CTF Ascension, Delta Prime, Doomgiver, Duel Vengeance, Endor, Hetzal Prime, Hotel, HOTFO, Jedha, Kashyyyk, Massassi, Mountain Keep, Nar Shadaa, Onderon, Prison, Raxus, Telos, Theed Streets, Zombie Horror.
    • Change: Updated/Increased NPC health on: Arena
    • Change: mb2_cmp_fdepot
      • Given a new rend2 texture overhaul.
      • Modified cover further and expanded the imperial spawn hangar as well as added new respawns and doors out from this hangar.
    • Change: mb2_cmp_hetzalprime
      • Given more friendly terrain adjustments for Deka.
      • Fixed a few areas with caulk showing.
      • Minor cover modifications made throughout the map.
  • MGMP
    • Change: Updated/increased func_breakable health on: Aliens, Aliens2, Aliens3, cod4_tanker, FFVIIAC_Church, halo_for, matrix_lobby, monster_forest to account for increase damage from weapons. Other maps like lotr_helmsdeep with breakables were not updated due to their melee focus.
  • UM
    • New: uM_ctf_DFArena and uM_ctf_DarkAndLight - These are CTF maps made/ported by Arbok with a bunny hopping JK series-themed FA created by 2cwldys
    • New: uM_yavin2 - a duel map based on the JKA single player mission
    • Change: Updated uM_ns_streets, added Starpad expansion pack (rumble pack required)
    • Change: Updated/increased func_breakable health on: CTF Medievil, downfall_guns, pirvsnin, prison raid, sniper labs, ctf & gib ctf narshaddaa, spice, spice_skirmish, spice_towers.
    • Change: uM_Breakfloor FA updated
OpenJK / MBII Client
  • OpenJK:
    • Fixed OpenGL context memory leak (by Fau)
  • Rend2:
    • Fixed shaders with time offsets
    • Fixed refractive surfaces writing to depth buffer
    • Fixed UI bug on AMD video cards
    • Got rid of some shader permutations -> faster load times
    • Fixed some shaders with detail multiply stages
    • Fixed parallax mapped alpha tested surfaces with tcMods
    • Fixed surface sprites vertex colors behavior
Changed Files ( Manual / Server Downloads )

Changelog Legend
New - New feature or addition to the game.
Change - Changes to the game.
Fix - Bug fix.
Remove - Removed feature.
Feature - New feature name.
Last edited by a moderator:
I don't know, I feel happy that somehow people still enjoy and play JK3, in let's say MBII. But not me anymore.

I reinstalled the game, but now I need an UI editor to have the old BP bar?

And add ClassAlora animations for female characters, in legends at least.

For me almost every mode seems worse and broken, except dueling servers that are just chilling.
Reading all the meticulous changes, yet in game you see just trolling, makes no sense, a people spamming taunt at base all round, killing mates, asking TK reset, throwing thermal, being kicked and logging again. XD

Just punish TK more, for the first minutes, if it results in death, what is this TK reset horseshit? Why does the game have teams then? They can just re-enter room before next round starts to reset their TK. Another thermal detonator or Arc rocket at start.

I still haven't seen any fast style player in open to learn how to do shit, it seems to be only used in forcepower builds, two swings to kill a soldier, forget about SBD, rambowookie or droideka emp latest tech, another game where sabers almost are scary. You know, wookies can fulfill their role in the team without having to kill with 2 hits faster than bolts and blue style, wookie shoud have rockets in options, the batman rope, bowcaster, pistol, HP to pierce enemy lines, and mostly knockback with Melee, not being fucking Wolverine. Also, delete wolverine and that crap from the .pk3 files, almost 3GB of Legolas and Superman... but still no Mission Vao from kotor 1? You are undying trolls

Now a good thing:
Baby Yoda grogu
Other unique assets.


FA Contributor
Internal Beta Team
I don't know, I feel happy that somehow people still enjoy and play JK3, in let's say MBII. But not me anymore.

I reinstalled the game, but now I need an UI editor to have the old BP bar?

And add ClassAlora animations for female characters, in legends at least.

For me almost every mode seems worse and broken, except dueling servers that are just chilling.
Reading all the meticulous changes, yet in game you see just trolling, makes no sense, a people spamming taunt at base all round, killing mates, asking TK reset, throwing thermal, being kicked and logging again. XD

Just punish TK more, for the first minutes, if it results in death, what is this TK reset horseshit? Why does the game have teams then? They can just re-enter room before next round starts to reset their TK. Another thermal detonator or Arc rocket at start.

I still haven't seen any fast style player in open to learn how to do shit, it seems to be only used in forcepower builds, two swings to kill a soldier, forget about SBD, rambowookie or droideka emp latest tech, another game where sabers almost are scary. You know, wookies can fulfill their role in the team without having to kill with 2 hits faster than bolts and blue style, wookie shoud have rockets in options, the batman rope, bowcaster, pistol, HP to pierce enemy lines, and mostly knockback with Melee, not being fucking Wolverine. Also, delete wolverine and that crap from the .pk3 files, almost 3GB of Legolas and Superman... but still no Mission Vao from kotor 1? You are undying trolls

Now a good thing:
Baby Yoda grogu
Other unique assets.
Alora uses her animations in legends.