Moviebattles II R20.0.3 Now Available


Note: We are aware of and will continue to work towards fixing gameplay issues caused by the various complex reworking done to code on the backend. Please continue to report any new R20 issues related to the various modes of MBII in our Discord.

  • Change: Spectating someone that fully dies now follows a new client instead of dropping off
  • Change: TK point ramping when dealing high % of teammate damage has been dropped down
  • Change: Gunbash can now be used while shooting.
  • Fix: Issue with TK points being generated for Sentry Turrets
  • Fix: Reload speed and clip size on various weapons should now feel the same as past releases.
  • Fix: Soldiers having a slower getup speed.
  • Fix: button9 input isssues related to binoculars/distributing ammo/health causing input conflicts issues with grip and lightning due to the new backend changes.
  • Fix: Scoped-In Mechanics
    • Removed movement penalty for all weapons except Proj while scoped in.
    • Can no longer Kick, Gunbash or other unintended interactions while scoped-in
    • The animation on the player when scoping-in now plays properly in time with the input of the user
  • Fix: Added missing UI title 'Bowcaster' (instead of 'weapon_bowcaster)' name to weapon cycle
  • Fix: Disruptor no longer bypasses Blaster Defense if running Saber Defense 0.
  • Fix: Poison Darts working as intended and not stacking damage improperly.
  • Fix: Pulse icon for ARC grenade launcher is again viewable in ui
  • Fix: Grapple hook causing crashes if hitting targets when the user was no longer alive.
  • Fix: Droidekas being unable to hack triggers. Note: This issue is still currently being looked at, but has been temporarily fixed.
  • Fix: Westar M5 sniper is now accurate when Dexterity 2 is purchased
  • Fix: Some weapons not triggering knockback vs saberists.
  • Fix: Charged Bowcaster shot not firing upon inputting weapon mode.
  • Change: Weapon point costs
    • E-11 point cost changed per level from 6 7 8 to 6 6 9 (should encourage more E-11 level 2 builds)
    • Amban point cost for level 2 reduced 3 points
  • Change: Increased Projectile reload time to 3 seconds from 2.5
  • Change: Increased speed slightly of Amban rifle projectile speed to match that of Westar M5
  • Change: Projectile Rifle damage reduced (195 -> 180)
  • Change: Fire grenade burn radius reduced (75 -> 70)
  • Change: EE-3 Primary damage 36 reduced (-> 33)
  • Change: EE-3 Secondary Damage reduced (36 - > 33)
  • Change: EE3 Primary FP Damage reduced (11 -> 10)
  • Change: Bowcaster charge shot damage reduced (110 -> 100)
  • Change: Pistol 3 now granted an additional shot per clip
  • Change: A-280 Primary level 1 spread is now accurate when standing.
  • Change: A-280 Primary level 1 spread accuracy increased when walking (1.25 -> 1.15)
  • Change: Bowcaster FP damages increased
    • When saberist is not blocking (closest distance): 9%
    • When saberist is not blocking (furthest distance): 12%
    • When saberist is blocking (closest distance): 10%
    • When saberist is blocking (furthest distance): 17%
  • Fix: DLT scope no longer given at level 2
  • Fix: Mandalorian Utilities having unexpected bugs due to the backend work of R20
    • Fix: Not being able to fire Wrist Laser or rocket during the kata cancel animation or the comms menu gestures
    • Fix: Unable to fire Wrist Laser during punches/uppercuts
    • Fix Flamethrower having less input sensitivity
    • Fix: Wrist Laser using Westar sound effect
    • Fix: Whistling Bird ammo counter always reading as "0" on classic UI
  • Change: Get-up Speed from being pulled decreased.
  • Change: Pull 3 now does a stagger instead of a knockdown on area targeting. Its aimed knockdown time now matches Push
  • Fix: Push/Pull applying on entities opposite of where you are aiming.
  • Fix: Lightning/Grip/Drain should no longer get stuck in input for JAMP users.
  • Fix: Grip should no longer be able to transfer locks from one target to another (this is the source of the instant grip bug).
  • Fix: Addressed outlier case where you could be prevented from being able to use repulse as a saberless jedi.
  • Fix: Backend interactions with grip not working as it did previously. (note: there still may be some input issues with grip that we will continue looking at fixing)
  • Fix / Change: Force Protect animation not giving any FP or BP drain (now does 10/15 upon input)
  • Change: Blaster Defense
    • Level 3
      • General FP drain modifier decreased from 1.1x to 0.8x
  • Change: Deflect
    • Level 2
      • Timed deflect drain lowered from 0.70x to 0.60x
      • Non-timed deflect drain lowered from 1.0x to 0.9x
    • Level 3
      • Timed deflect drain lowered from 0.50x to 0.40x
      • Non-timed deflect drain lowered from 0.90x to 0.80x
  • Change / Fix: Reverted saber collision to feel a bit more like previous builds.
  • Change: Getting an in-return block vs an opponent with less than 4 ACM will now play a green indicator instead of yellow to match the visual clarity of a perfect block fully negating the damage.
  • Change:
    • All styles now have normalized movement penalties while attacking and in the damaging phase of the swing:
    • While moving backwards: 0.60x
      • Previously:
        • Blue/Cyan were 0.75x
        • Yellow/Dual/Staff were 0.60x
        • Red was 0.55x, Purple was 0.60x
    • While not moving backwards: 0.85x
      • Previously:
        • Blue/Cyan had no penalty
        • Yellow/Dual/Staff/Purple were 0.85x
        • Red was 0.85x and previously also had a 0.75x when only strafing
  • Change: Perfect block:
    • Zones reverted back closer to pre r20 (lower diagonals changed, minor adjustments to horizontal ceiling with top diagonal floors lowered to compensate).
    • Now drains 0.25 ACM from attackers.
  • Change: Manual Block:
    • Fixed Mblock being able to trigger without moving (which likely always resulted in failure and triggering corresponding mechanics).
    • Fixed logic hole that may have allowed for mblocking while staggered by Red.
    • Fixed cases where Mblock could be counted as active when not in a blocking state.
  • Change: Damage Multipliers:
    • Fixed some cases where consecutive swing damage was not being reduced when being parried
    • Being perfect blocked will now reduce consecutive damage and ACM gain the same way other swing mechanics were.
  • Change: BP Drains/Regen:
    • Crouching no longer allows BP regen while attacking/being hit.
    • Fixed some cases allowing BP to regen when it shouldn't be.
  • Change: Saber defense 3:
    • Now allows jump to drain BP if in an attack when jumping.
    • BP drain for specials is now half instead of 0.
  • Change: Parrying:
    • Movement states now factor into parry damage (reminder that base parry multiplier is 0.10x of the body hit damage):
    • If running while opponent is not running (has movement inputs while not pressing walk or block), parry multiplier multiplier increases by 0.50x (mutually exclusive with the following multiplier):
      • If crouching while opponent is not crouched, parry multiplier increased by 0.50x
  • Change: Saber Styles:
    • Purple:
      • Offense rating reduced from 12 to 11.
      • Startup buffs given in R20 reduced by 10-15%.
    • Blue:
      • Chaining speed increased by 5%
      • BP regen delay perk fixed.
    • Staff:
      • Fix: Stagger perk should now actually be staggering.
Full Authentic
Ongoing fixes are being made to resources on various classes which had hybrid ability sets or resources. If any issues or bugs are found, please report them in our new channel in Discord or on the forums.

  • Change: FA General
    • CMP Class Special Assignments (This is a gradual process)
    • Fix: Massassi Royal Guard Fix
  • Change: MB2_Enclave
    • Lowered Vandar’s FP Regeneration and lowered force pull from 3 to 2
    • Jedi Watchman mindtrick increased to level 3
    • Gave Sith Marauder red stance
    • Sith Master force pull lowered from 3 to 2
  • Change: Death Star:
    • Luke: Removed FP_HEAL,3 and replaced it with MB_ATT_HEALING,3
    • Removed R2-D2's Fuel Attribute and set resource to use Force for Jetpack and abilities, ensuring he can use them.
  • Change: MB2_Dxun
    • Removed or replaced some of the 5 point or tiny resource pools from mercenary and Mandalorian classes that existed as an artifact of the prior game version.
    • Kreia - lowered speed multiplier from 1 to .9
    • Atton - Set energy points to 125
    • Kelborn - Replaced Battery resource with Energy to fix a bug that stopped cloak not working
    • Twilek - Set energy points to 100 and resource regeneration rate to 1.3
    • Kelborn - Switched resource to battery and gave battery recharge 2, intended to synergize with the use of a cloaking device.
    • Added T3-M4 as a playable class due to crashing issues problems with G0-T0.
    • Disabled G0-T0 temporarily due to the model causing crashes when using JAMP as the engine, till a fix can be found.
    • T3-M4 is similar to the one used on Telos with the difference of having 4 Trip Mines down from 8 due to the map layout.
  • Fix: MB2_CMP_Narshaddaa
    • Twin sun poison dart ability fixed
    • FA class special assignments fixed
  • Fix: MB2_CMP_lab:
    • Specimen X37
      • Removed Mandalorian Wrist Flamethrower and Fuel
      • Removed Wookiee Fury
      • Added Flamethrower Rifle with reduced clip and ammo
    • Specimen X88
      • Removed Wookiee Fury
      • Changed Resource to use Force Pool instead of Rage for Cloak and Jumping
  • Fix: Um_bespin_classic
    • R5 fuel resource fix
  • Fix: Mb2_cmp_massassi
    • Royal guard skin fixed
  • Known Issues
    • At the moment class specials which make use of certain abilities such as force powers, dodge, dash, dexterity roll, etc allow the player to use those abilities regardless of whether they have the appropriate attribute for it. This is mainly an issue for customizable classes.
  • Point Scales
    • Customizable classes received anywhere between 80-150 points in previous versions. The purchase costs tended to reflect open mode values and the totals were based on the kinds of build combinations we wanted to make possible. The current game has a visual limit of 30 points per rank. Many (but not all) classes had the point costs and total points scaled down in case it was felt that certain purchases (such as reinforcements) should cost relatively more than 30 points.
    • The factor chosen was 4/10ths, which isn’t going to give exact integers all of the time, but it works well for multiples of 5, which are the most common values.
      • When point costs don’t round evenly the next closest values that got closest to 4/10ths of the original cost were chosen.
    • Some point costs are relatively more or less expensive than 4/10ths, which was either done because of the aforementioned rounding or done intentionally to make them relatively more or less expensive.
  • Fix: Legends surpassing the engine limit configstrings ("MAX GAMESTATE CHARS" error message)
    • Gamestate debug error now moved behind a cvar (also now triggers at 500 under limit instead of 1000). Will also now print out a log file called "gamestatelog.txt" in your game directory when using this cvar and the error triggers. This cvar is cg_debuggamestate and will be used to help the dev team debug Legends in the future.
  • Change / Fix: No longer do sounds and effects from .sab load in the same manner as other textassets for FA. This frees up more space for future Legends/FA additions to sounds, effects and models.
  • Fix: General
    • Fix:Various taunt, skin, and description additions/tweaks/fixes
    • Han Solo and Greedo pistol point level change
    • Various Weapon sound fixes from the previous patch which made melee weapon swing sounds like lightsabers.
  • Change: Jedi Crusader
    • AP multiplier reduced from 1.4 to 1.3
    • AS multiplier reduced from 1.1 to 1.06
    • CS multiplier reduced to 1.125
    • Force Focus reduced to 2 from 3
  • Change: Purge Trooper/Clone Assassin
    • Point costs and point pool were rescaled
      • Total points to spend = 60 (previously, 140)
      • Most items cost 4/10ths what they did before.
      • Cortosis costs 5 points (relatively more expensive)
      • Clone Rifle level 2 on the purge trooper is relatively more expensive, but blobs are relatively cheaper.
      • Reinforcements cost 15 points (relatively more expensive)
    • Collectively the above changes are intended to increase the cost of adopting 2 life builds.
    • Purge Trooper and Assassin must now purchase force block 1 for 8 points, they do not get it automatically for free.
    • Healing removed on both classes
    • Movement speed multiplier for both classes was lowered from 1.2 to 1.07
    • Purge trooper rate of fire multiplier increased from 1 to 1.1 (higher is slower) this will only affect ranged weapon ROF.
  • Change: Kowakian Monkey-Lizard
    • Lowered HP from 130 to100
  • Change: BX Commando Droid
    • Point costs and point pool were rescaled
      • Total points to spend = 48 (previously, 120)
      • Most items cost 4/10ths what they did before.
      • Reinforcements cost 15 points (relatively more expensive)
    • Armor Ranks and point costs are as follows [rank point costs]
      • HP 65>80>100 [2,2]
      • Armor 20>35>65 [2,4]
      • Vibro block points BP multiplier .5>.8>1.1>1.4 [3,3,3]
    • Movement speed multiplier changed from 1.05 to 1.1
    • Resource recharge multiplier increased from 2 to 5
  • Change/Fix: Jedi Savant / Dark Pursuer
    • Gave Cyan Stance
  • Change/Fix: Jyn Erso
    • Removed Dexterity 1 from the class, as it interfered with functional force jump.
  • Change/Fix: Jan
    • Flechette level increased from 1 to 2. This should noticeably increase the per shot damage.
  • Change: Starkiller
    • Increased Force Pool from 115 to 140
    • Reduced FP Regen from 1.5 to 1.35
    • Increased Force block from 2 to 3
  • Change: Clone Commando
    • Reload speed multiplier changed from 1.5 to 1.25 (higher is slower)
    • Clip size changed to 180 (previously was default)
  • Change: Grogu
    • Gave Force Speed 1
    • Base Speed multiplier lowered changed from .75 to .725
    • Gave Stat viewer attribute
  • Change: Han/Greedo
    • HP Ranks changed to: 100>120>140>160 At a cost of 5 per rank
    • Armor Ranks changed to 25>40>80 at a cost of 5 and 10 for ranks 1 and 2. Respectively.
    • Energy pool levels changed to 100>135>165>200 at a cost of 10 per rank.
    • ROF multipliers lowered from 1.3 to 1.2 (lower is faster)
    • Quickthrow levels restored
  • Change: Zam/Andor
    • Proj rifle ammo increased to 24
  • Change: Thrawn/Leia
    • Both classes Force Block changed from 2 to 3
    • Thrawn: Changed resource type to force with base regen rate (should be same as Leia)
    • Both classes should have 150/80 HP/Armor
  • Change: R2D2/Astromech
    • Set resource pool to 100
    • Fuel_regen changed from 1 to 2
  • Fix: Gammorean Guard:
    • Fixed an issue where mass reversion of class binds to slap caused this class to lose his Wook Barge ability.
  • Change: General Grievous
    • Fix: Removed Dexterity as it interfered with force jump
    • Changed force jump from level 2 to level 1
    • Movement Speed Multiplier changed to 1.26 (MBClass Jedi Equivalent of 1.05, this plus his sprint ability Greivous should have a much easier time chasing enemies down, or running away like he always does)
    • Force pool changed from 80 to 100
    • Gave Dash 1
    • Gave 50% melee damage resistance
    • Increased Armor fromm 65 to 100
    • Removed Magnetic Plating
  • Change: Jabba the Hutt
    • Rage pool changed from 50 to 100
  • Change: Watto
    • Stam pool changed from 35 to 70
  • Change: Ewok
    • Bow knockback increased
  • Change: Super Battle Droid
    • Given Adv. Targeting as default ability
  • Change: Jedi Healer
    • Given stat viewer attribute
  • Change: Traya
    • Given stat viewer attribute
    • Replaced Grip 1 with lightning 1
    • Removed force drain
  • Change: Kowakian Monkey-Lizard
    • Force Jump 2 > 1
    • Added: Dex Roll
    • Resource regen 1 > 1.25
  • Change: Bo Katan
    • Increased Damage Reduction Multiplier to .5 (Equivalent to half damage Taken)
      • Removed Beskar
      • Lowered max HP/Armor to 75/60 respectively
    • Replaced Flamethrower with poison darts and the wrist laser
    • Changed MBClass to Hero and removed speed multiplier
      • Gives hero speeds plus quick fall recovery
  • Change: Baze Malbus
    • In previous versions, Baze’s MWC-35c was a reskinned t-21. It has been replaced with a reskinned ee4 with a .65 firing multiplier, which is identical in performance to the main blaster used by the death trooper.
    • Increased Armor from 80 to 125
    • Replaced blast armor with CFL_STRONGAGAINSTPHYSICAL
    • Lowered Speed multiplier from .99 to .96
    • The above changes are designed to improve Baze’s effectiveness in gunfights whilst reducing his effectiveness against explosives (Lore appropriate given how he died).
  • Change: Imperial Rocket Trooper
    • Lowered Clip size from 50 to 45
    • Lowered outgoing damage by ~5%
  • Change: Durge
    • Outgoing damage reduced from 1.143 to 1.1
    • FP multiplier damage from pistols increased from 1.15 to 1.35
    • Damage reduction multiplier lowered from .75 to .7 (lower is more damage reduction)
  • Change: Clone Trooper / Heavy Stormtrooper
    • These 2 classes were changed to behave more similarity towards each other
    • Point costs and point pool were rescaled
      • Total points to spend = 48 (previously, 120)
      • Most items cost 4/10ths what they did before.
    • Each gets 1 reinforcement by default (2 lives) and can buy an additional 2 lives.
      • The relative point cost of reinforcements is higher (14 and 16)
      • 4 life classes will still be possible but but 3 lives is more optimal from a stat-spread perspective
    • Both classes can buy a PLX1 Type Weapon (previously only the clone could) up to level 2.
      • It will not be possible to buy 3 rockets and 4 lives.
      • 3 life 3 rocket or 4 life 1 rocket combinations are possible but with very limited points remaining.
      • Rockets cost 7 and 14 points (i.e. 7 points per rocket)
    • The Heavy Stormtrooper now has access to the grapple hook
      • Rank 1 and 2 cost 1 and 3 points, respectively.
    • The Heavy Stormtrooper no longer has blast armor
    • Armor Attribute Rank and cost changed.
      • Only 2 levels
      • Default 20 Armor, Rank 1: 50 Armor Rank 2: 80 Armor
      • Costs 3 points per rank.
  • Change: Clone Commando
    • Increased all outgoing damage by 10%
    • Increased ammo of the DC-17M to 900
    • Changed armor/shield regeneration to be uncapped at 4 per second
    • Lowered the reload multiplier on the Dc-17m from 1.25 to 1.0 (lower is faster)
    • Increased the clip size on the DC-15 pistol to 15 and changed the reload modifier from 1.25 to 2
    • Removed healing 2 and replaced it with a large and small Bacta consumable.
  • Change: Palpatine
    • Lowered HP from 90 to 85
    • Removed speed flag on melee.
    • Deflect 1 removed
  • Change: Juggernaut
    • Lowered AS/CS multipliers from 1.05 to 1
  • Change: Savage/Jedi Brute
    • Increased FP from 85 to 100
    • Increased HP from 140 to 180
    • Force Regen reduced from 1.0 [default] to 0.9
  • Change: Jawa/Skirmisher
    • Energy increased from 25 to 65
  • Change: B1 Droid
    • Resource Pool increased to 100 (Intended to make the force sense more effective)
    • Changed MBclass to Soldier
    • Added CC Training as a purchasable ability
    • Reduced default reinforcement to 1.
      • Will have 5 reinforcements at level 3 reinforcements instead of 6
    • Total Points adjusted to 60. (Previously 150)
      • Purchase costs adjusted down roughly to 4/10ths of what it was, with some relative adjustments.
      • Rockets limited to 1 level.
        • Done because the 3 rocket option has effectively been moved over to the heavy stormtrooper
      • E-11 level 3 and the Rocket cost more than they do on the Imperial Infantry and Vanguard.
      • Reinforcement points cost: 4,8,10 points respectively.
      • Cost of Rally is 8 points (much more expensive)
    • HP/Armor Rank and purchase cost adjusted as follows:
      • HP: 20>35>65 Costs 2,4 respectively
      • Armor: 0>15>35>65 Costs 3,4,6 respectively
  • Change: Youngling
    • Reduced Armor from 20 to 15
    • Lowered Speed Multiplier from 1.01 to .99
    • Lowered force push from 2 to 1
  • Change: Imperial Conscript / Rebel Infantry
    • Reduced reinforcements to 4 (i.e. 5 lives)
    • Changed MBclass to Soldier
    • Gave CC Training 1
    • Removed Stamina as an ability & Resource
  • Fix: Jedi Knight / Dark Acolyte
    • Attunement level costs changed to 3,3,3 (previously 4,6,4)
    • Deflect level cost changed to 4,4,2 (previously 8,8,6)
      • These are treated as fixes as the point costs for these abilities is intended to match those in open mode
  • Change: Old Republic Defender
    • Added HELD_LOWDAMAGE to the Heat Rifle (aka disruptor rifle aka reskinned bowcaster) as this weapon was overperforming (50% damage reduction).
    • Reduced Rank costs to 10,15,5 to partially compensate for the above.
  • Change: Padme
    • Increased HP to 160
    • Increased pulse grenades to 4
    • Increased Concussion grenades to 3
    • Increased pistol 3 clip to 24 (from 16)
  • Change: Rebel Vanguard / Imperial Infantry
    • Changed MBclass to Soldier
    • Added CC Training as a purchasable ability
    • Total Points adjusted to 60. (Previously 150)
      • Purchase costs adjusted down roughly to 4/10ths of what it was, with some relative adjustments.
      • Rockets limited to 1 level (Vanguard only).
        • Done because the 3 rocket option has effectively been moved over to the clone trooper/heavy trooper
      • Reinforcement Ranks cost 4,8,16 relative to the b1 droids 6,8,10 which makes 3 or 4 life builds more cost effective for the vanguard/infantry and 5 life builds relatively cheaper for droids.
    • HP/Armor Rank and purchase cost adjusted as follows:
      • HP: 40>60>80 Costs 2,4 respectively
      • Armor: 0>15>35>50 Costs 3,4,3 respectively.
  • Change: Scout Trooper
    • Notes: This class was not very popular & some abilities were not working as described.
    • Class now receives gun defense 2 by default.
    • Attack Speed modifier ranks are as follows: 1.0 >1.04 > 1.08 > 1.12. Previously they had no effect.
    • Default AP multiplier raised from .6 to .75
    • Default BP modifier raised from 1 to 1.15
    • Default resource regen lowered from 1.25 to 1.1
    • Total Points adjusted to 60. (Previously 140) Purchase costs adjusted down roughly to 4/10ths of what it was, with some relative adjustments.
      • Reinforcement levels now 6 and 16, making 2 life classes comparatively more optimal. (Also to compensate for various buffs received)
      • Saber Defense costs 6,10 (Second rank saber defense now purchasable)
  • Change: Anakin
    • HP lowered from 140 to 130
    • Forcepool lowered from 125 to 120
    • AP/BP multipliers reduced from 1.35/1.15 to 1.3/1.1
    • Force Sense lowered to 2
    • Speed multiplier lowered from 1.04 to 1.03
    • Fix: Force Block is now 2 (should align with description)
  • Change: Sith Warrior
    • Sense lowered to 2
    • CS multiplier raised to 1.2
    • Speed multiplier lowered to 1.03
    • Force grip lowered from 3 to 2
  • Change: Bones
    • Damage received multiplier reduced from .95 to .9 (lower is more damage reduction)
    • Speed multiplier increased from 1.1 to 1.13 (higher is faster)
  • Change: Bothan Spy
    • The Projectile rifle has been swapped out with a reskinned amban phase pulse blaster (the kind available to the Mandalorian Class)
      • This was done on account of the combination of cloak and projectile rifle performing too well.
      • As compensation, other changes to available points and costs listed below give the Bothan a slightly bigger point budget.
    • Total Points adjusted to 60. (Previously 140)
      • Purchase costs adjusted down roughly to 4/10ths of what it was, with some relative adjustments.
      • Gave 1 extra life by default, with the second life costing 15 points (comparatively more expensive)
      • Amban level 1 costs 8 points, level 2 and 3 are not available for this class.
      • Flashbangs cost 3 points, Tripmines 2, Sonics 4
    • Miraluka Sense ability removed, radar scanner as an activated force power which is now a purchasable ability for 3 points
  • Change: Imperial Storm Commando
    • Total Points adjusted to 60. (Previously 140)
      • Purchase costs adjusted down roughly to 4/10ths of what it was, with some relative adjustments.
      • Gave 1 extra life by default, with the second life costing 12 points
      • Armor Regen 1 and 2 costs 5 and 12 points which are comparatively more expensive. Note this extra cost is somewhat compensated by the higher relative available points and that the first reinforcement is now free.
    • Changed resource to ‘Battery’ and added purchasable battery recharge.
      • This is intended to add a penalty to the duration of cloak from moving and attacking.
    • Miraluka Sense ability removed, radar scanner remains as an activated force power and purchasable ability.
    • Resource pool regeneration rate increased to 2.6 which is intended to help with managing the drain cost of force sense/radar.

  • Change: Noghri
    • Stamina increased to 100
    • HP/Armor reduced to 90/50
  • Change: Hondo
    • Stamina Increased to 100
  • Change: Bossk
    • Stamina Increased to 100
  • Change: Reelo
    • Freeze gun reload time modifier increased from 1.25 to 1.5 (higher is slower)
  • Change: T3M4
    • Replaced the class special ability ice thrower with the WP_THROWER which has the same effect. Similar to the kind used by Reelo.
      • This change was intended to limit the duration of T3’s freeze ray.
    • Increased mounted blaster firepower to 1 (previously was 0)
    • Gave Advanced Targeting (Right click to zoom)
    • Lowered movement Speed multiplier from 1.35 to 1.3
    • Fix: Blaster sound effect should be working properly
  • Change: Marka Ragnos
    • Has underwater breathing.
  • Fix: Jedi Forcemaster
    • Added missing Dodge (1) attribute, ability should work now
  • Fix: Geonosian Warrior
    • Fixed saber carrying Yellow style
    • Set saber damage at flat amount across styles
  • Change: Mandalore the Preserver
    • Lowered rank 1 cost of repeater (WP_CLONE_RIFLE) from 6 to 5
    • Made rank 2 saber defense purchasable for 15 points
    • The third rank of health grants 150 HP instead of 140
    • The second and third ranks of AP cost 10 points each instead of 9.
  • Change: HK-Series Assassin Droid
    • Class ROF multiplier raised from 1 to 1.1
    • The Droid Assassin Disruptor has been replaced with a reskinned ee3 level 3.
      • FP drain multiplier is 1.15 not 2
      • Disintergrates target on kill
      • Unlike the old republic defender this weapon does not have held_flame and/or held_lowdamage for balance reasons and the emphasis of this weapon on sniping.
    • The dual blaster pistols have been replaced with a reskinned T21 level 3 (Light repeating blaster)
      • This was done because there are already several rebel classes that use dual blaster pistols, and Baze Malbus was the only Rebel Class with T-21 which was swapped with a different underlying weapon.
      • FP Drain multiplier is 1.15
    • Resource pool changed from 50 to 100
  • Change: Lando
    • Increased HP from 145 to 160
    • Replaced reskinned EE4 with EE3
      • Done because HK now uses an ee4 and there are no rebel classes that use an EE3.
    • Changed rate of fire multiplier from 1 to .75
  • Change: Boba Fett
    • Changed rate of fire multiplier from .79 to .75
  • Change: Kyle Katarn
    • We felt that Kyle’s abilities were spread too thin across low level force powers and weapons. To address this, Kyle has been overhauled into a custom class with a 90 point pool. Players can decide what aspects of Katarn they do/don’t wish to lean into.
    • Default Abilities (Given for free): Jump 2, Force Focus 1, Saber Throw 2, Blue/Yellow/Red Stances, 2 JKA Thermals, Stun Baton, Bunny Hop 1, Float Hop, Ammo 1
    • Abilities Available for Purchase [Rank Cost]
      • Push [4,6]
      • Pull [6,10]
      • Speed [6,4]
      • Protect [4,4]
      • Absorb [4,4]
      • Lightning [4,6]
      • Grip [4,6]
      • Force Block [6,8,6]
      • Saber Defense [8,8,2]
      • Blaster Defense [8,10,12]
      • Bryar Pistol [2,2,16]
      • E-11 Blaster Rifle [5,10]
      • Det Pack [3,3,3]
      • Armor [4,6,10] (0>20>50>100 Armor)
    • Certain abilities are comparatively more expensive than the Jedi Knight counterparts because of interactions between having ranged weapons and force powers. In particular, Blaster Defense and force pull.
    • Changed MBclass to Hero with a .95 speed multiplier (equivalent to a jedi at 1.056x base speed)
    • Removed the ability to perform slaps and gun bash.

Missed notes from R20-20.0.02

  • Change: Ewok
    • Spear damage lowered
    • Added RDFA for Yellow style
    • Removed: Quick Throw
    • Removed: Stones (frag grenade secondaries)
    • Added: 6 stones per life based on Imp. Repeater secondary fire. New stones knock down and damage on direct hit and deal mild splash damage.
    • Melee damage lowered
    • Melee swings sped up
    • New stone and bow/arrow effects/sounds

  • Change: Savage Opress
    • Added: Shoulder Barge
    • Can Staff saber throw
    • Saber Throw damage moderately increased
    • Jump 3 > 2
    • Grip 2 > 3
    • Deflect 2 > 1
    • FP 110 > 85
    • HP 160 > 140
    • APmult 1.35 > 1.45
    • BPmult 1.15 > 1
    • CSmult 1.05 > 1.10
    • Removed: Healing 1
    • Switched up or disabled some Saber specials
    • Overall stats tweaked to feel more like his character: a powerhouse who can’t fight sustained battles, more of a brute than Maul
  • Change: Mercenary Thug
    • Removed: Dash
    • Added: Thermal Grenades (3)
    • Added: Det Pack (1)
  • Change: Geonosian
    • Slightly decreased Spear damage
  • Change: Jawa/Skirmisher
    • Melee damage lowered
    • Melee swings sped up
  • Change: BX Commando Droid
    • Added: Flipkick (1)
  • Change: Jar-Jar
    • Added: Underwater Breathing
  • Change: Boss Nass
    • Added: Underwater Breathing
  • Change / Fix: Conc rifle primary fire does damage again, no knockback on others, but it allows you to do some 'conc jumps' for higher elevation. Secondary fire does knockback on targetsm, but only when they are jumping/moving.
  • Change: uM_ctf_dfarena / uM_ctf_darkandlight
    • renamed .mbtc and .siege to reflect the new name of the FA - LOTA_Red / LOTA_blue (LOTA - "Lair of the Ancients")
    • Numerous changes to balance this custom, point purchase-focused CTF FA
      • General:
        • Balance and design changes based on player feedback to the custom BHOP strafe jumping legends CTF.
        • No class limit versions were created, LOTA_NCL_Red && LOTA_NCL_Blue.
        • All team sided weapon shots are color-coded, with exception of Wookiee Bowcasters.
        • Point buy revisions to almost all classes and all aspects of these FAs.
        • HELD_KNOCKBACK, given to all Gunner classes by request and feedback.
        Two new classes added:
        • Humanoid 'deka' class with point purchaseable bubble shield with armor values, and minigun.
        • Access to rocket launcher, e-11 reskinned mechanical ee4, and damage resistant point buys.
        • Low health infiltrator class capitalizing on the element of surprise.
        • Bothan Incinerator, low magazine weapon that does roughly 2x flamethrower DMG.
        • Prototype Disintegrator weapon that functions as a very very low ammo instagib hitscan weapon.
        • Decent lasting cloak for purpose of disguise uses or flag infiltration.
        [*]Existing class changes:

        • Sniper
          • 1.1 damagegiven increase, to compensate for the knockback changes and inclusion of other powerful classes.
          • Projectile rifle has two shot magazines.
          • Wrist Rocket can no longer be refilled by CTF dispensers, and now has 2->1 missiles, which are far more lethal.
          • Wrist Rocket visuals changed, they are different for their corresponding team.
          • Firing the Wrist Rocket mechanically locks you in place for duration of the rocket, using WP_PLX1.
          • May now jetpack with point purchasable ability known as "Jump Thrusters" to easier navigate maps.
          • sb_droid modelscale changes so that they no longer clip inside walls on um_ctf_dfarena.
          • Saber defense 3->1, and push 2->3. Duels were reportedly too long.
          • Class Limits raised from 2->4, they were reportedly too small.
          • Blaster defense 3 given to all jedi support to accommodate for knockback changes.
            Point buy revisions:
            • Players can become sorcerous "MB_ATT_LIGHTS_BEACON" to function as grogu, and extend absorb and protect.
            • Players may also point buy "MB_ATT_INAIR_FORCE_REGEN" to gain force while doing BHOP acrobatics.
          • MB_ATT_BUNNY_HOP,2 and MB_ATT_FLOAT_HOP granted to Wookiees. They were reportedly too slow.
          • Fury 3 access purchasable through point buy.
          • RESOURCE class special bind fixes, players may now rage properly.
          • Imperial Repeater is nerfed from base, and given proper visuals when hitting their target.
          • Grunts can no longer infinitely supply rockets, ammo, or grenades to theirselves. Now uses MB_ATT_DISP_AMMO.
          • Grunt movement speed reduced, no longer as fast as scout.
          • No more flying jawas, their movement speed has been reduced.
          • Engineers may no longer cloak, with introduction of the new Spy class.
          • Given access to the DEMP2, slightly nerfed, with access to alt fire only to empty enemy magazines.
          • Given HI_EWEB, and HI_SENTRY as gadgets.
          • Can now dispense armor properly.
          • Movement speed increased from base (1.25x), WP_SHOTGUN is less lethal.
          • WP_FLECHETTE nerfed from base, but is still a deadly weapon in the right hands.
          • Some character models used were traded off this class, to be used for the Spy class.
          • Given WP_CONCUSSION with the ability to do conc jumps.
          • Force Speed given as a point purchaseable option.
          • Given the ability to arc roll.
          • Can now dispense health properly.
          • Grapple hook was taken away due to it being too fast with base jka speeds.
          • Has Rally.
      • Fix: MB2_CMP_Onderon crashing due to corrupted .bsp file.
      • Fix: Shader issue with MB2_Dxun minimap
  • New: added Undead Deathtrooper (Ahsoka series) to Commanders
  • New: added Mandalore helmetless variant to Bounty Hunters
  • New: added jetpack variants (FA only) for Stormtrooper, B1 Battledroid, Neo-Crusader, TOR Sith Trooper
  • New: added Kitsu's Thermal Detonator as a new weapon override for Bounty Hunters in Open mode (meanwhile in FA: the classic TD is now thermal grenade and the new TD is thermal detonator)
  • Change: additional Stormie sounds, resulting in Mudtrooper, Nighttrooper, and a select few Stormie Commanders having unique voicelines
  • Change: re-organized/consolidated icons for: Battledroids, Cassian, Lando, Palpatine, Imperial Officer
  • Fix: Nighttrooper: reduced draw calls by 20
  • Fix: darkened HK-51 textures

Changed Files ( Manual / Server Downloads )

Changelog Legend
New - New feature or addition to the game.
Change - Changes to the game.
Fix - Bug fix.
Remove - Removed feature.
Feature - New feature name.
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FA Contributor
Internal Beta Team
  • Change: MB2_Dxun
    • Removed or replaced some of the 5 point or tiny resource pools from mercenary and Mandalorian classes that existed as an artifact of the prior game version.
    • Kreia - lowered speed multiplier from 1 to .9
    • Atton - Set energy points to 125
    • Kelborn - Replaced Battery resource with Energy to fix a bug that stopped cloak not working
    • Twilek - Set energy points to 100 and resource regeneration rate to 1.3
    • Kelborn - Switched resource to battery and gave battery recharge 2, intended to synergize with the use of a cloaking device.
    • Added T3-M4 as a playable class due to crashing issues problems with G0-T0.
    • Disabled G0-T0 temporarily due to the model causing crashes when using JAMP as the engine, till a fix can be found.
    • T3-M4 is similar to the one used on Telos with the difference of having 4 Trip Mines down from 8 due to the map layout.
  • Fix: MB2_CMP_Narshaddaa
    • Twin sun poison dart ability fixed
    • FA class special assignments fixed
  • Fix: MB2_CMP_lab:
    • Specimen X37
      • Removed Mandalorian Wrist Flamethrower and Fuel
      • Removed Wookiee Fury
      • Added Flamethrower Rifle with reduced clip and ammo
    • Specimen X88
      • Removed Wookiee Fury
      • Changed Resource to use Force Pool instead of Rage for Cloak and Jumping

Correction: Both Specimens have Shoulder Barge now on CS1 and Kelborn uses ENERGY not Battery to fix his cloak.
I mean a 20-90 wait before execing scripts is better than 250-750 but why not simply skip frames instead of adding wait before commands?


why does mando feel slower? i cant see anything logs about this

Oh i see either stealth nerf or unintended bug
jetpack usage then land, and you get slowed down like post rage wook. why tho
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Chaos Connoisseur
Movie Battles II Team
why does mando feel slower? i cant see anything logs about this

Oh i see either stealth nerf or unintended bug
jetpack usage then land, and you get slowed down like post rage wook. why tho
Not intended, will be patching that out alongside a more serious crash asap.
For some reason, since yesterday my game crashes 30 sec - 1 min. after I enter any server. WTF? How do I fix that?
It didn't change anything at all, it just made my game worse, devs, many call me crazy but many other trolls agree with me, why don't you let the players take care of the game? Give me the admin, and I'll create an update better than what you've done in 6 years! The game is slowly dying, thank God I took fives, and mia of the game, destroying the aliits and the rest of their henchmen!

woke culture is decimating the game!
who tf is Kvinto?
kvinto was one of the most known duelists of his era, a mb2 player of great renown. he was aaron's step father. problem is, at some point in his mb2 career he met this woman, rosey, and well, rosey is... a bitch. long story short she drove kvinto to alcoholism, he was never the same. on the evening of march the third 2018 kvinto was speeding up highway 16 on his corvette c5 that he bought using money he earned by winning dueling competitions. he had drinked a lot prior to getting on his vehicle, and was in no state to drive. "if i can win tournaments despite my massive mental retardation, i sure as shit can get home in my car despite my current drunken state" he thought. oh, how wrong he was. details of the event are scarce and extremely varied, but the most agreed upon theory is that kvinto saw something in the road. what did he see? we'll never know. it wasn't an animal, it wasn't a human. it was something.. darker. whatever it was, he tried to dodge it. driving at 180km/hr, his attempt at dodging the creature caused his car to start flipping, it did so around 4 times until it fell of a cliff. the car exploded upon impact, and kvinto was sent flying 2km north.
to this day kvinto is the only mb2 player to have nadejumped IRL. #irememberkvinto #hestillroamstheDOTFmaps #roseydidhimwrong #supguysitsblazehere
kvinto was one of the most known duelists of his era, a mb2 player of great renown. he was aaron's step father. problem is, at some point in his mb2 career he met this woman, rosey, and well, rosey is... a bitch. long story short she drove kvinto to alcoholism, he was never the same. on the evening of march the third 2018 kvinto was speeding up highway 16 on his corvette c5 that he bought using money he earned by winning dueling competitions. he had drinked a lot prior to getting on his vehicle, and was in no state to drive. "if i can win tournaments despite my massive mental retardation, i sure as shit can get home in my car despite my current drunken state" he thought. oh, how wrong he was. details of the event are scarce and extremely varied, but the most agreed upon theory is that kvinto saw something in the road. what did he see? we'll never know. it wasn't an animal, it wasn't a human. it was something.. darker. whatever it was, he tried to dodge it. driving at 180km/hr, his attempt at dodging the creature caused his car to start flipping, it did so around 4 times until it fell of a cliff. the car exploded upon impact, and kvinto was sent flying 2km north.
to this day kvinto is the only mb2 player to have nadejumped IRL. #irememberkvinto #hestillroamstheDOTFmaps #roseydidhimwrong #supguysitsblazehere
do a gogo cocker please master
kvinto was one of the most known duelists of his era, a mb2 player of great renown. he was aaron's step father. problem is, at some point in his mb2 career he met this woman, rosey, and well, rosey is... a bitch. long story short she drove kvinto to alcoholism, he was never the same. on the evening of march the third 2018 kvinto was speeding up highway 16 on his corvette c5 that he bought using money he earned by winning dueling competitions. he had drinked a lot prior to getting on his vehicle, and was in no state to drive. "if i can win tournaments despite my massive mental retardation, i sure as shit can get home in my car despite my current drunken state" he thought. oh, how wrong he was. details of the event are scarce and extremely varied, but the most agreed upon theory is that kvinto saw something in the road. what did he see? we'll never know. it wasn't an animal, it wasn't a human. it was something.. darker. whatever it was, he tried to dodge it. driving at 180km/hr, his attempt at dodging the creature caused his car to start flipping, it did so around 4 times until it fell of a cliff. the car exploded upon impact, and kvinto was sent flying 2km north.
to this day kvinto is the only mb2 player to have nadejumped IRL. #irememberkvinto #hestillroamstheDOTFmaps #roseydidhimwrong #supguysitsblazehere
I heard Kvinto committed suicidal after Instant-Grip was removed.
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