Moviebattles II R20.0.04 Now Available


This hotfix focuses primarily on issues reported over the past few weeks regarding JAMP crashes. Most of these were specific to vehicle and npc code.

  • Fix: NPCs or Droidekas causing JAMP users to crash.
  • Fix: Fixed model dismemberment issue by correcting bone rotation handling.
  • Fix: Ensured correct bolt order for hands and jetpacks.
  • Fix: Rancor should now have proper mouth tags, leading to better head and mouth animations.
  • Fix: Further refinements made to weapon swapping, should now feel smoother and more accurate.
  • Fix / Change: NPCs are no longer hackable by default, this must be defined in the .NPC text file.
  • Fix: Instances of dual Clone Pistol being held incorrectly
  • Change: Nearly all NPCs should now be allied to their 'canon' team.
  • Fix: Strong and fast saber styles having lower blaster defense
  • Fix: Further refinements to proper weapon handling across saber moves and animations.
  • Fix: Gunbash now cancels burst fire
  • Fix: Mandalorians no longer receive a slow movement speed
  • Fix: issues with animation predictions in Low Power Mode
  • Fix: Getups with pull normalized for all levels
  • Fix: stopping continual fp drains on wallruns
  • Fix: TK points not attributing environmental kills
Full Authentic
  • New / Change:
    • mp/ctf1 mp/ctf2 mp/ctf3 mp/ctf4 mp/ctf5
      • Now have proper .siege files and work/play/functions properly for MBII ctf
      • Note to server admins: adding mp/ctf1 to the maps.txt for rtv will not work currently. These maps will need to be manually swapped to in order to play them ("smod map mp/ctf1")
  • Fix: mb2_Dxun
    • Removed Blaster from Canderous
    • Fixed HK-47's Ice Thrower
    • T3-M4 give a 15% Speed increase
    • Reduced Twi'leks Regen from 1.3 to 0.6 to stop infinite Cloak/Disguise
      • Fixed her Dash/Dodge CS not being assigned
  • Fix: mb2_dotf:
    • New/Change:
      • Maul now has a new special Lunge animation on his Saber Staff
      • Mauls Saber Staff is now 40 Units in length, up from 32.
    • New:
      • All Naboo Pistols now have authentic sounds similar to the movie when fired.
  • Change: mb2_echobase:
    • Change:
      • Luke and Vader now have Sense 1.
  • Change: mb2_yavinassault
    • All characters have had their descriptions reordered and updated to be consistent with all other FA/Legends descriptions.
  • Fix: MB2_CMP_Transport
    • Removed Armor Attribute from characters
    • Reduced Jedi Fugitives Armor from 30 to 15
    • Reduced Dengars Healing from 3 to 2
    • Changed Demo Droids Thermal Detonator to Thermal Grenade and increased number from 1 to 2
    • Reduced Demo Droids Max lives from 2 to 1
    • Given Demo Droids Shield Regen 1
    • Reduced Pyke Thermal Detonators from 2 to 1
    • Reduced Imp Medics Max Armour from 50 to 30
    • Increased Shocktrooper ROF by 5%
    • Deleted 3 unused files (Snowtrooper, Snow Officer and Storm Officer)
  • Change: uM_ctf_dfarena / uM_ctf_darkandlight (AKA "LOTA" - "Lair of the Ancients" FA)
    • Heavy force pool and movement speed increased.
    • Heavy minigun no longer does HELD_LOWDAMAGE
    • Spy class increased hp (30->50) and armor (10->20)
    • Support jedi APmultiplier changed from 1 ->1.1 for swifter duels
    • SBD forceregen increased to replenish battery for jetpack & sustaining general damage
  • Change: Integrated more animations to various characters.
  • Fix: Issues with various missing skins
  • Fix: Changed description on AP/BP multiplier abilities to make absolutely clear that’s what’s being purchased.
  • Fix: Blaster Deflect is renamed to Saber Deflect to descriptively align with Open Mode.
    • Change: Padme Amidala
      • Change: Diplomat’s Pistol: Shots per clip increased from 4 to 6
    • Change: Zuckuss
      • Fix: Fixed Staff blocking blasters
    • Change: Chirrut Imwe
      • Fix: Fixed Staff blocking blasters
    • Change: Kyle Katarn
      • Increased Force point pool from 90 to 100
      • Lowered the rank cost of Push level 2 from 6 to 4
      • Received Force Sense 2 as a default ability.
      • Speed Rank 3 now purchasable
      • Ability Rank cost Adjustments to more closely align with Open Mode
        • Pistol (2,2,16) > (2,2,15)
        • Push(4,6) > (4,4)
        • Push (6,10) > (4,4)
        • Speed (4,4) > (4,2)
        • Blaster Defense (8,8,8) > (8,8,4)
        • Force Block (4,6,8) > (4,6,4)
        • Saber Defense (6,6,6)> (6,6,4)
        • Blaster (5,10)>(6,6)
      • Removed ‘Cannot Slap/Gunbash’ from description.
    • Change: General Grievous
      • Lowered Speed multiplier from 1.24 to 1.18
      • Lowered Armor from 100 to 90
    • Change: Din Djarin
      • Saber Defense or “Spear (Saber) Defense” Rank cost changed from 0,15,20 to 15,15,5
    • Change: Jedi Knight / Dark Acolyte
      • Change: Attunement attribute was changed to more closely align with Open Mode. Default Force Pool is now 100, 2 ranks of attunement are purchasable for 6 points each, giving 120 and 140 force points, respectively.
        • It is assumed that everyone would buy Attunement level 1 in Open Mode so the first rank is redundant.
      • Fix: (Jedi Knight) Missing UI shader for the Jaden Player model.
    • Traya
      • Change/Fix: Added Drain 2
        • Heal 1 was supposed to have been added to 20.0.03.
        • Jedi Healer Received Heal 2
        • We have settled on letting Traya restore her HP with Drain 2, so this is both a change and a fix.
      • Change/Fix: Force Grip included in description. The previous changelog stated that it was removed which it wasn’t. It was decided to keep Grip 1 for R20.0.04.
      • Change: Added Push 2
      • Change: Lowered Mind Trick Level to 1. (The Jedi Healer has a higher MT level but a lower saber throw level.)
      • Increased HP to 80
    • Jedi Healer
      • Change: Removed (Self) Heal 1
        • Frenz is adamant this class not have self healing
      • Change: To compensate for the above, made the class somewhat more independently effective
        • Gave Pull 2
        • Gave passive Healing 2 attribute
        • Increased HP from 90 to 100
        • Increased Deflect from 1 to 2
    • Imperial Jumptrooper
      • Fix: Now receives correct Repeater reload speed penalty (From 15% to 35%)
      • Change: 2 extra ticks of ammo granted as compensation (allows for 2 Sec. fire blobs per clip)
    • Lando Calrissian
      • Fix: Grenades now correctly can only be thrown with Quick-Throw ability.
  • Missed Notes from R20.0.03
    • Geonosian Warrior
      • Spear attacks now briefly electrocute targets
      • Spear attacks now inflict a small amount of knockback
    • Rosh Penin
      • Added: Bunny Hop (1)
      • Added: Slow Faller attribute
    • Hondo Ohnaka
      • Array Gun (Shotgun) shots do 2x more damage. This is compensation for his hitscan shots not working properly.
    • Zuckuss
      • Gand Staff attacks now briefly electrocute targets
      • Gand Staff attacks now inflict a small amount of knockback

  • New: mb2_cmp_ctf_poolparty
  • New: mb2_cmp_duel_palp
  • Fix: mb2_cmp_onderon - further fixes to crash issue
  • Fix: mb2_hrakertstation - tweak to final obj area where players could evade the depressurization room

  • New/Change:
    • Maul now has a new special Lunge animation on his Saber Staff
    • Mauls Saber Staff is now 40 Units in length, up from 32.
  • New:
    • All Naboo Pistols now have authentic sounds similar to the movie when fired.
  • New/Change:
    • Luke and Vader now have Sense 1.
  • Change:
    • All characters have had their descriptions reordered and updated to be consistent with all other FA/Legends descriptions.
    • Characters have had their resources fixed to changed them to make use of certain abilities, along with Class Specials being assigned.
Yavin Assault:
  • Change:
    • All characters have had their descriptions reordered and updated to be consistent with all other FA/Legends descriptions.
  • Change:
    • All characters have had their descriptions reordered to be consistent with all other FA/Legends descriptions.
    • Characters have had their resources changed to allow them to make use of certain abilities, along with Class Specials being assigned.
    • Jawa has had an FP increase from 20 to 30.

Changed Files ( Manual / Server Downloads )

Changelog Legend
New - New feature or addition to the game.
Change - Changes to the game.
Fix - Bug fix.
Remove - Removed feature.
Feature - New feature name.
We need MOAR MOOOOAR authentic animations in LEGENDS, THANK YOU. Actually add breath for Darth Vader permanently finally... It is his Iconic thing
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