Moviebattles II 1.9.3 Released


V1.9.3 Update
  • Change / Fix: Anti-Teamkill System
    • The TK spec threshold now adjusts dynamically per player based on their score. The baseline threshold on joining is what the cvar is set to minus 100. The difference can be made up for by positive score (enemy kills, doing objective). Score penalty for teamkills also doubled. Examples (server's TK_Spec is set to default of 500, so players start at 400):
      • Player Padme kills a few enemies in her first round for a score of 24. Her TK spec threshold is now 424.
      • Player Obi-Wan kills ten enemies over several rounds and has a score of 120. His TK spec threshold is now 500.
      • Player Anakin teamkills three allies over 5 rounds and has a score of -47 (their team won a round). His TK spec threshold is now 353.
    • Fixed damage attribution for certain environmental attacks (e.g. getting spaced on Lunarbase).
  • Change / Fix: Duel Mode
    • Replaced duel mode respawn system with the one developed for CTF for better consistency and easier maintenance.
      • Added cvar g_DuelRespawnTimer for setting custom spawn time in seconds (Default: 5, Range: 1-60).
      • Deprecated cvars g_DuelLives, g_DuelMidRoundRespawnTimerInitial, g_DuelMidRoundRespawnTimerNoLives, g_DuelMidRoundRespawnTimerNoLivesIncrement, and g_DuelRespawn.
    • Hid water splash effects coming from other players while in a private duel.
  • Change / Fix: Reverted to static bounding boxes for ground vehicles with non-square shapes. Mitigates unresolved collision issues.
  • Fix: Prevented crash related to vehicle weapons, especially ones player spawn in as. Known to have impacted the Power Battles FA.
  • Fix: Prevented tracking dart effect bleeding over to every enemy jedi/sith that has force sense while the darted player is using mind trick.
  • Fix: Dynamic crosshair no longer reacts to enemies that are using mind trick on you.
  • Fix: Prevented droideka pilots ejecting from their own vehicle if they directly completed an objective.

  • Change: Slightly reduced initial loading time for FA / Legends mode by skipping default Open mode models and adjusted time when models are loaded. May reduce frequency of server connection issues related to long load times in FA / Legends.
  • Change/ Fix: Refactored the join system further so class configuration and cosmetic changes are sent in a single action between clients and servers. Should prevent edge case issues like getting the wrong points if a join is done just before the round begins (in the worst case players will spawn with their last build instead of no points).
  • Fix: Prevented taunting just after death.
  • Fix: SBD advanced targeting overlay now also works for spectators.

  • Change: Rate limited forceteam command to once per 5 seconds per player to prevent admins effectively locking out a player's UI.
  • Change / Fix: Spin Event
    • Single broadcast print per spin result to reduce spamming.
    • Slightly increased odds of 'good' spins from 69% to 75%.
    • Slightly reduced odds of receiving a grenade and their average quantity.
    • Added grappling hook as a rare spin result.
    • Added eweb, portable sentry, seeker droid, and cloak items as possibilities when a 'weapon' is rolled.
    • Fixed jetpack fuel not being given on respawn if player has a jetpack.

  • Fix: Last set character RGB setting is now remembered properly after shutdown.

Full Authentic
  • Change: Slightly increased baseline and minimum cloak opacity.
  • Change / Fix: Complete overhaul of FA descriptions, fixed missing icons, skins, and QOL updates. (BoC, Citadel, Cloud City, Corellia, Coruscant Chase, CMP Arena, CMP Delta Prime, CMP Mountain Keep, CMP Nar Shaddaa, Duel Supremacy, Duel Citadel Cell, Duel Revan, Duel SABH, Duel Senate, Duel Yavin 4). Special thanks to @Fuse294 for most of this work.
    • Most character descriptions have been updated. Some have had simple "Lore Friendly" changes to name weapons in the descriptions based on owner (and on the weapon bar itself). Others now include instructions for using less well known abilities like healing HP and armor with the use button.
    • Many characters have had missing information in their descriptions fixed and certain information such as Ammo level removed so only the "essential" information displayed. This includes fixing inaccuracies from previous updates where an attribute, power or weapon had been added/removed/changed but the description hadn't been updated.
  • Change / Fix: mb2_cmp_onderon
    • Optimized soldier models and fixed holster config.
  • Fix: Prevented Miraluka sense activating while only spectating after joining as a class with it.

Legends has once again been reworked. Nearly every class has had large changes. Some classes were given less variants to help with load times.

  • New: Archetype: Resistance Pilot - A speedy dexterous gunner with powerful medium-range rifle and pistol.
  • New: Boss Nass - A tanky rocketeer with an equippable shield and various close range weapons.
  • New: Jedi Brute - A strong staff saberist with Strength 2
  • New: Youngling - A tiny, fast saberist with numerous reinforcements
  • New: Clone Riot Trooper - A crowd control support melee class capable of reflecting blaster shots.
  • Change: Archetypes
    • Tarrful: Wookiee Brawler
    • Praetorian Guard: Royal Protector
    • Veers: Imperious
    • General Luke: Jedi Seeker
    • Rey: Jedi Healer
    • Yoda: Jedi Sage
    • Naboo Soldier: Security Force
    • Poe: Resistance Pilot
    • Bastila: Jedi Savant
  • Class changed from Hero to Bounty Hunter
  • Added Flipkick (2)
  • Removed E-11
  • Modelscale increased by .02%
  • Added Force Focus (1)
  • Force pool increased to 80
  • Removed Poison from his blasters
  • Heal set to (3)
  • Replaced Sentry Gun with a Training Remote
Jar Jar
  • Attack Power Multiplier increased to 90%
  • Counter Swing Multiplier increased to 90%
  • Attack Speed set to default
  • Force Pool increased to 90
  • Removed Q3
  • Added Radar Scanner (Perma-Sense 1)
  • Added Shield Recharge (1)
  • Added Dash (2)
  • Attack Power Multiplier set to default
  • Attack Speed Multiplier increased to 120%
  • Counter Swing Multiplier increased to 120%
  • Rate of Fire increased to .85
Han - Renamed to Archetype: Smuggler
  • Heal set to (3)
  • Rate of Fire set to .94
  • DL-44 Clip Size set to 44
  • DL-44 FP Multiplier set to 1.15
  • Added Shield Recharge (1)
  • Heal set to (2)
  • Removed Dodge
  • Lightbow is now based on the T-21, with enhanced knockback and rate of fire
  • Added Shield Recharge (1)
  • Flipkick set to (2)
  • Rate of Fire set to .75
  • Removed Force Block
  • Removed Q3
Archetype: Clone Commander
  • Added PLX-1 Rocket Launcher (2)
  • Added a Wrist Shiv
  • Added Shield Recharge (1)
  • Added Radar Scanner (Perma-Sense 1)
  • Added Flipkick (2)
  • Added Grappling Hook (2)
  • Damage Taken set to 90%
  • Speed set to 1.06
  • Rate of Fire set to default
  • Damage Given set to 90%
  • Attack Power Multiplier set to 120%
  • Given Dex 3, Jump 1 and 5% more speed
  • Rifle now DC-17m, level 1 with 20% more damage
  • Force Sight removed

Clone Assassin
  • AS/CS multipliers lowered 5
  • Cannot block blaster fire

Jedi Acrobat
  • Added Serra Keto model variant
  • Given Pull 2 and Mind Trick 2
  • No BP loss while jumping
  • Immunity to Mind Trick and Sense

Jedi Enforcer
  • Now has Purple and Red stances
  • Given 140 hp
  • AS/CS Multipliers increased
  • Now has Q3 (can block blaster fire while swinging
  • Has Saber Throw 3 and Pull 2, Speed 3 removed

Jedi Gladiator
  • BP/AS/CS Multipliers and force regen increased
  • Given Protect and Mind Trick 2

Jedi Guardian renamed to Anakin Skywalker

Jedi Knight
  • Q3 removed
  • BP/AP modifiers increased to default.
  • Given Speed 3, Block/Focus 2

Jedi Swordmaster
  • Q3 Removed
  • Protect now level 1, given absorb

Kyle Katarn
  • Given Concussion Grenades and Trip Mine
  • E-11 removed

  • Given more health, armor and speed
  • BP Multiplier increased
  • No longer has fast hack or passive regen when running/jumping

  • No longer has repulse, Lightning or Dash
  • BP/BP/AS/CS Multipliers increased to 1.05
  • Drain increased to level 3
  • Saber throw increased to level 3

  • Given Speed and Deflect 2
  • Given Purple Style
  • Now has Heal 1

  • Speed and size increased
  • Given Force Focus 3 and Jump 1

Din Djarin
  • Changed to Mandalorian Class
  • Reload speed decreased, but higher FP Drains and ignites enemies on hit.
  • Given Flamethrower and Wrist Laser

  • Given more armor and grappling Hook

ARC Trooper
  • Given Wrist Shiv and M5
  • Given Grappling Hook

Heavy Clone
  • Given Dodge 1
  • Speed decreased

Rebel Spy
  • Frag nades now have alt aoe knockdown
  • Given Cyan instead of Blue style
  • No longer immune to sense
  • Sniper no longer deals poison damage
  • Flashbang grenade replaced with Stun Grenade
  • Now has Dexterity 2

NR Security Droid
  • DH-17 now based on A280
  • Given Stun Baton
  • Now has 2 conc nades
  • Now has Shield recharge and Cortosis armor
  • Given Perma Sense 1

Old Republic Defender
  • Given Blaster based on M5 level 1
  • Given Heavy Pistol
  • Given choice of dual or Staff Vibrosword

Rebel Soldier
  • Now based off Clone class
  • Given Dash 1

  • Given Martial Arts (saberless melee stances)
  • No longer has Grip and Dodge
  • Given Speed and Sense 4
  • Immune to Sense
  • Given Flipkick

  • Has more damage resistance
  • Outputs 10% more fp and hp damage

  • Has 50 more hp points
  • Has choice of various Vibro weapons
  • Given Bowcaster 3
  • Runs faster with Sonic Pistol out
  • Now has Jump 2

  • Movement speed increased from 1.1 to 1.177
  • Now has Force Block 3 and Cortosis
  • Given a larger force pool and faster regen
  • Now has Jump 2

Clone Captain
  • No longer has Rocket Launcher, Flipkick and MT immunity
  • Given Shiv, Grappling Hook, Shield recharge and Sniper Rifle
  • Given larger forcepool.
  • Does 10% more damage and has 10% more damage reduction

  • No longer invisible to sight
  • Now has fast hack
  • 10% damage reduction
  • New Rifle does 15% less fp dmg
  • Has permanent radar (sense 1)

  • Now has 100 armor and 200 health (to make healing meta less impactful)
  • Given 10% more damage reduction

  • No longer melee, saber and grenade/explosive resistant
  • Ion Blaster clip lowered 50%
  • Speed lowered 10%
  • No longer has Blast Armor
  • Given Strength 2, flipkick ("headbutt") and fuel regeneration

  • New: Watto - A flying dextrous hybrid gunner and melee user with a sonic stunning blaster and spear.
  • New: Geonosian - A flying dextrous hybrid gunner and melee user with a sonic stunning blaster and spear.
  • New: Dark Trooper -Flying tank with high-powered rifle and single-use rocket launcher.
  • New: Dark Acolyte - A multi-life Sith saberist.
  • New: Zuckuss - A speedy dexterous gunner/melee hybrid with permanent radar sense and a powerful limited-ammo gun.
  • New: Clone Riot Trooper - A crowd control support melee class capable of deflecting blaster shots.
  • New: Savage Opress - A large sith with high powered long reaching staff lightsaber attacks who cannot be knocked back by blaster fire.
  • New: Sion - A Sith with automatic self-healing able to drain force points to augment this ability.
  • Change: Archetypes:
    • Desann: Sith Juggernaut
    • Dooku: Sith Duelist
    • Maul: Dark Pursuer
    • Cultist: Sith Force Master
    • Tarrful: Wookiee Brawler
    • Praetorian Guard: Royal Protector
    • Veers: Imperious General
    • Nute Gunray/Rune Haako: Seperatist Councilor
  • Class changed from Jedi to Clone Trooper
  • Now has Pistol 2
  • Only able to use Dual stance
  • Given Shield recharge (1)
  • Given Strength (1) and Dexterity (2)

  • Class changed from Jedi to Clone Trooper
  • Given Shield Recharge (1)
  • Now has Stamina/Dodge 3 and Dash

Dark Trooper
  • New/updated weapon - Assault Canon
  • Now has permanent Sense (1)

  • Does less damage (20%)
  • Given 10% damage reduction
  • Given 'Repulsor Wave' - Force Push 2
  • Runs faster with melee

  • No longer immune to Mind Trick
  • Given Dex 3 and Grappling Hook (2)

Purge Trooper
  • Given choice of electro weapon
  • Concusion blobs reduced (1)
  • Given Ion Blobs
  • Cannot block blaster shots.
  • Given Flipkick (2)
  • No Longer has Dodge (2)

  • Has sentry gun instead of E-Web
  • Given Dash (1)

  • Now has Flipkick level 2

4lom - Now Mercenary with Dengar variant
  • Now has Disruptor, Trip Mines and Fire Nades

  • Given Wrist Rockets (Explosive Pistol 1)
  • Given Sonic Detonator (1)
  • Now has E-11 (2)
  • Now has Dash (2) and Shield Recharge

  • No longer has 'Sharp Claws' and Dodge
  • Given Healing 3

  • E-11 now based off A280
  • Given an extra life, Fury (1), heal 1 and Blast Armor

  • Given more ammo for Pistol
  • Now has Heal 3

  • Given Sonic and Stun Nade (1)
  • No longer has Melee
  • Has Mind Trick resistance
  • Droid Melee only uses strong stance, no longer knocks enemies down
  • Now has Strength 1
  • Is invisible to Force Sense

  • Has 50% less armor

Tusken Raider
  • Weapon no longer causes knockdown on wall hits.
  • Has 1 reinforcement instead of 2
  • Given Shield recharge (1)
  • Given Fury (2) and Gunbash

  • AP and BP Multipliers increased (0.9-1.1 / 0.9-1.0)
  • Given Force Focus 3
  • Miraluka vision decreased to level 2

Kylo Ren
  • Increased damage of Cyan to Yellow style
  • Given Protect (2)

  • Increased saber reach
  • Now has deadly Sight (2)

  • Given dual lightsabers
  • Regens slightly less fp
  • AP/BP/AS multipliers increased slightly

Sith Assassin
  • Removed Flip Kick
  • Given Pull/Grip/Focus (2)

Sith Berserker
  • Given Force Flight (uses rage points as fuel)
  • Given Drain 3, Defense 3
  • No longer has Deflect

Sith Juggernaut
  • Now has Sense 2 and heal 1
  • Increased AP/BP/AS/CS multipliers

  • No longer has Dash, Repulse and Mind Trick immunity
  • Given Cyan style
  • AP/BP/AS/CS Multipliers increased

  • Has more health, less force pool
  • BPMultiplier increased 10%
  • Removed team heal, given self heal instead.

  • Only has Purple style
  • Improved Saber throw (3)
  • Now has Deflect (2)

  • Increased BP Multiplier to default, AP Multiplier 10%
  • Now has Mind Trick (2) and Speed (2)
  • No longer has Lightning

  • Uses Cyan instead of Yellow
  • Now has Lightning 2

Battle Droid
  • Weapon does 10% less FP DMG
  • No longer has Blast Armor

Death Trooper
  • Given 80 health and armor
  • Now has one frag grenade
  • No longer has Magnetic Plating
  • Given Grappling hook, assemble, Quickthrow (1), poison darts (1) and Flip Kick
  • Class Limit increased to 4
  • Given an extra life

Heavy Stormtrooper
  • Given Z-6 Rotary canon, specialty grenades and grappling hook
  • Runs faster in melee
  • Given Dodge (1), Grappling Hook, Quick Throw (1) and Bacta

Sith Trooper
  • Class based off Clone Trooper
  • Given choice of vibro weapons with 10% faster swing speed
  • Blaster fire does 10% less FP dmg
  • Stormtrooper Specialist
  • Given Dodge 3, E-Web Canon and bacta

BX Droid
  • Gun based off EE-3 level 3
  • Given Cortosis, lowered FP regen, raised force pool
  • Given Force Block 2
  • Class speed lowered 1.17->1.1

  • E-11 now level 3
  • Stamina and Dodge increased to level 3

  • Given T-21 and Stokhli Spray Stick (Based on Bowcaster, with increased FP drains and stuns)
  • Now has Shield regeneration 1
  • No longer immune to MT

  • No longer deals poison damage
  • Given a Stun Grenade
  • Uses cyan instead of blue style
  • Now has Dex 3 instead of 2

  • Class changed from ET to Clone Trooper
  • Given one conc nade and vibro axe
  • Given Dodge (2) and Stamina (2)

  • Given tougher armor, Strength 2
  • No longer immune to MT

  • Now has 300 HP and Armor
  • Now has 60 Force Pool
  • Given advanced melee
  • Given heal 1 and rally

  • Now has 10% damage reduction
  • Does 10% more damage

Kowakian Monkey-Lizard
  • Class now Clone Trooper
  • Taunts do damage to force users (similar to Rosh Taun)
  • Now has Jump 2, Strength 1, E-11(1) Grappling Hook, Blast Armor, Dex/Stamina 2 and frag nades

  • New: Added Narkina V Prisoner to Rebel Soldiers.
  • New: Added Juggernaut Driver to Imperial Soldiers.
  • New: Added Mud Trooper to Imperial Commanders.
  • New: Added Imperial Officer female blonde sub-div to Imperial Commanders. Brightened white outfit.
  • New: Added Hoth Trooper female blonde sub-div to Elite Troopers.
  • New: Added Ishi-tib and Sullustan Rebel Guerilla sub-div to Elite Troopers.
  • New: Added Dengar to Bounty Hunters.
  • New: Added Klatoonian pirate to Bounty Hunters.
  • New: Added Tales of the Jedi Dooku to Jedi. (Distributed TV Show VA and Sir Christopher Lee voicelines between Jedi and Sith variants of Dooku exclusively.)
  • New: Added Darth Malgus unmasked sub-div to Sith.
  • New / Change: Brand new Han Solo model with extra Sailbarge and Endor variants not seen before.
  • New / Change: Moved Twilek from Rebel Commando to Rebel Guerilla as sub-div. Upgraded ported head mesh to a custom one instead.
  • Change: Rebel Pathfinder now uses modified HM Jaden heads instead of ported KOTOR heads.
  • Change: Moved Chagrian to Resistance Soldier bunch.
  • Change: Moved Shoretrooper "elite" skin to Imperial Soldier as a variant.
  • Change: Nikto Thug now uses modified looks seen in RotJ at Sailbarge instead of HM Jaden outfit.
  • Change: Converted Snoova from Chewie model to Wookiee V2 model due to optimization reasons.
  • Change: Set sequel trilogy cosmetic weapon overrides for Hux and female FO officer.
  • Change: Darth Plagueis masked skin re-imagined to look more damaged.
  • Change / Fix: Optimized performance of the following models by greatly reducing unnecessary surface rendering:
    - Aayla Secura
    - Abednedo Pilot
    - Baze Malbus
    - Captain Panaka
    - Darth Maul
    - Deathtrooper
    - Devaronian BH
    - Din Djarin
    - E-22 Blaster Rifle
    - Finn
    - First Order Female Officer
    - Hux
    - IG-88
    - Imperial Gunner
    - Krennic
    - Luke (ROTJ)
    - Naboo Guards/Pilots
    - Nien Nunb
    - Poe Dameron
    - Purge Trooper
    - Rey
    - Shoretrooper/Tanktrooper
    - Sith Assassin (Absent from 1.9.2's release)
    - Sith Stalker
    - Tarkin
  • Change / Fix: Improved and optimized Mayfeld's specular shaders.
  • Change / Fix: Improved and optimized Poe Dameron's LODs & draw calls.
  • Change / Fix: Improved face textures for Jorak Uln.
  • Change / Fix: Added LODs to Rebel Guerilla. Upgraded textures, new head mesh, optimized backpack mesh, adjusted proportions.
  • Change / Fix: Added LODs to Imperial Navy Trooper.
  • Change / Fix: Added LODs to Ep6 Luke Skywalker.
  • Change / Fix: Added LODs to Queen Amidala. Additional face and hand animation. Updated head mesh.
  • Change / Fix: Added LODs to Queen Amidala's decoy. Fixed missing mouth. Additional face and hand animation.
  • Change / Fix: Added LODs to Padmé Amidala (AotC).
  • Change / Fix: Added LODs to Noodle's Bounty Hunter.
  • Change / Fix: Added LODs lvl 3 to TIE Pilot.
  • Change / Fix: Added LODs lvl 3 to Kubaz species.
  • Change / Fix: Added LODs to Ailyn Vel / Sariss / Female Rebel Troopers.
  • Change / Fix: Added LODs to Migs Mayfeld. Improved and optimized Mayfeld's specular shaders.
  • Change / Fix: Added LODs to female Imperial Officer. Adjusted proportions and fixed transparent flaps.
  • Change / Fix: Added LODs to Dash Rendar. Converted from JK2 to JA skeleton.
  • Change / Fix: Added LODs to Ponda Baba. Converted to JA skeleton. Upgraded head mesh using Mat Gaunt's version.
  • Change / Fix: Added LODs to Ki-Adi Mundi. Converted to JA skeleton. Added facial animation.
  • Change / Fix: Added LODs to Leia Organa (ANH, ESB, RotJ).
  • Change / Fix: Added LODs to Bail Organa. Properly weighted face. Added caped skin as sub-division.
  • Change / Fix: Added LODs to Lobot. Lighting fix.
  • Change / Fix: Added LODs to Jek Porkins.
  • Change / Fix: Added LODs to Mara Jade (MotS).
  • Change / Fix: Converted Kyle Katarn (DF1) to JA skeleton. Improved vertex normals.
  • Change / Fix: Converted Admiral Ackbar to JA skeleton.
  • Change / Fix: Converted 4-LOM to JA skeleton. Improved vertex normals. Merged into 3PO model.
  • Change / Fix: Converted Eerin Bant (Jedi Temple FA) skeleton to JA.
  • Change / Fix: Added lip movement to Rebel Commando. Fixed missing teeth for Duros.
  • Change / Fix: Further proportion tweaks and decapitation fix on generic Jedi Female.
  • Change / Fix: Fixed glitchy LODs on Kylo Ren.
  • Change / Fix: Reduced resolution on some recently added alien head UVs to save space.
  • Fix: Onderon Soldiers are now merged with Crix Madine model.
  • Fix: Corrected glitchy tags on Pykes.
  • Fix: Soundset maintenance in terms of volume here and there.

Official Maps
  • New: mb2_xmas_smuggler
    • A seasonal version of Smuggler contributed by @Bully
  • Change / Fix: mb2_mustafar, mb2_duel_mustafar, and mb2_xmas_mustafar
    • Added cover near rebel spawn, and hallway to objective room.
    • Fixed some misaligned textures.
    • Fixed some splitting terrain brushes & reduced vertex count for optimization.
    • Mitigated some time wasting spots.
    • Increased size of door to main building from rebel spawn.
  • Fix: mb2_smuggler
    • Added clipping around the top of the office window to prevent it being used as a jump ramp.
CMP Maps
  • New: mb2_cmp_xmas_narshaddaa
  • New: mb2_cmp_xmas_telos
  • Change: mb2_cmp_narshaddaa
    • Added an invisible wall in one of the pits to prevent players from going under the map.
    • Misplaced trigger now properly deals dmg when players are out of bounds.
  • Change: mb2_cmp_onderon
    • Boma now attacks both teams.
    • Lower doors now open at normal speed.
    • Added cover in main (near Medical bay).
    • Slightly changed bridge breakable spot to make sniping more viable.
  • Change: mb2_cmp_hotel
    • Made Mon Mothma immune to team damage to prevent objective sabotage.
uMad? Maps
  • New: um_ctf_yavinvalley
    • New CTF map by Biggs.

MBII OpenJK Client
  • Change / Fix: Merged upstream changes from OpenJK and Vulkan renderer projects.
  • Fix: Improved handling of some mixed AMD/Nvidia GPU systems with the Vulkan renderer so it does not shutdown at startup with an error.

Changed Files ( Manual / Server Downloads )
MBII Maps-Models Credits.txt

Changelog Legend
New - New feature or addition to the game.
Change - Changes to the game.
Fix - Bug fix.
Remove - Removed feature.
Feature - New feature name.
Last edited:

V1.9.3 Update
  • Change / Fix: Anti-Teamkill System
    • The TK spec threshold now adjusts dynamically per player based on their score. The baseline threshold on joining is what the cvar is set to minus 100. The difference can be made up for by positive score (enemy kills, doing objective). Score penalty for teamkills also doubled. Examples (server's TK_Spec is set to default of 500, so players start at 400):
      • Player Padme kills a few enemies in her first round for a score of 24. Her TK spec threshold is now 424.
      • Player Obi-Wan kills ten enemies over several rounds and has a score of 120. His TK spec threshold is now 500.
      • Player Anakin teamkills three allies over 5 rounds and has a score of -47 (their team won a round). His TK spec threshold is now 353.
    • Fixed damage attribution for certain environmental attacks (e.g. getting spaced on Lunarbase).
  • Change / Fix: Duel Mode
    • Replaced duel mode respawn system with the one developed for CTF for better consistency and easier maintenance.
      • Added cvar g_DuelRespawnTimer for setting custom spawn time in seconds (Default: 5, Range: 1-60).
      • Deprecated cvars g_DuelLives, g_DuelMidRoundRespawnTimerInitial, g_DuelMidRoundRespawnTimerNoLives, g_DuelMidRoundRespawnTimerNoLivesIncrement, and g_DuelRespawn.
    • Hid water splash effects coming from other players while in a private duel.
  • Change / Fix: Reverted to static bounding boxes for ground vehicles with non-square shapes. Mitigates unresolved collision issues.
  • Fix: Prevented crash related to vehicle weapons, especially ones player spawn in as. Known to have impacted the Power Battles FA.
  • Fix: Prevented tracking dart effect bleeding over to every enemy jedi/sith that has force sense while the darted player is using mind trick.
  • Fix: Dynamic crosshair no longer reacts to enemies that are using mind trick on you.
  • Fix: Prevented droideka pilots ejecting from their own vehicle if they directly completed an objective.

  • Change: Slightly reduced initial loading time for FA / Legends mode by skipping default Open mode models and adjusted time when models are loaded. May reduce frequency of server connection issues related to long load times in FA / Legends.
  • Change/ Fix: Refactored the join system further so class configuration and cosmetic changes are sent in a single action between clients and servers. Should prevent edge case issues like getting the wrong points if a join is done just before the round begins (in the worst case players will spawn with their last build instead of no points).
  • Fix: Prevented taunting just after death.
  • Fix: SBD advanced targeting overlay now also works for spectators.

  • Change: Rate limited forceteam command to once per 5 seconds per player to prevent admins effectively locking out a player's UI.
  • Change / Fix: Spin Event
    • Single broadcast print per spin result to reduce spamming.
    • Slightly increased odds of 'good' spins from 69% to 75%.
    • Slightly reduced odds of receiving a grenade and their average quantity.
    • Added grappling hook as a rare spin result.
    • Added eweb, portable sentry, seeker droid, and cloak items as possibilities when a 'weapon' is rolled.
    • Fixed jetpack fuel not being given on respawn if player has a jetpack.

  • Fix: Last set character RGB setting is now remembered properly after shutdown.

Full Authentic
  • Change: Slightly increased baseline and minimum cloak opacity.
  • Change / Fix: Complete overhaul of FA descriptions, fixed missing icons, skins, and QOL updates. (BoC, Citadel, Cloud City, Corellia, Coruscant Chase, CMP Arena, CMP Delta Prime, CMP Mountain Keep, CMP Nar Shaddaa, Duel Supremacy, Duel Citadel Cell, Duel Revan, Duel SABH, Duel Senate, Duel Yavin 4). Special thanks to @Fuse294 for most of this work.
    • Most character descriptions have been updated. Some have had simple "Lore Friendly" changes to name weapons in the descriptions based on owner (and on the weapon bar itself). Others now include instructions for using less well known abilities like healing HP and armor with the use button.
    • Many characters have had missing information in their descriptions fixed and certain information such as Ammo level removed so only the "essential" information displayed. This includes fixing inaccuracies from previous updates where an attribute, power or weapon had been added/removed/changed but the description hadn't been updated.
  • Change / Fix: mb2_cmp_onderon
    • Optimized soldier models and fixed holster config.
  • Fix: Prevented Miraluka sense activating while only spectating after joining as a class with it.

Legends has once again been reworked. Nearly every class has had large changes. Some classes were given less variants to help with load times.

  • New: Archetype: Resistance Pilot - A speedy dexterous gunner with powerful medium-range rifle and pistol.
  • New: Boss Nass - A tanky rocketeer with an equippable shield and various close range weapons.
  • New: Jedi Brute - A strong staff saberist with Strength 2
  • New: Youngling - A tiny, fast saberist with numerous reinforcements
  • New: Clone Riot Trooper - A crowd control support melee class capable of reflecting blaster shots.
  • Change: Archetypes
    • Tarrful: Wookiee Brawler
    • Praetorian Guard: Royal Protector
    • Veers: Imperious
    • General Luke: Jedi Seeker
    • Rey: Jedi Healer
    • Yoda: Jedi Sage
    • Naboo Soldier: Security Force
    • Poe: Resistance Pilot
    • Bastila: Jedi Savant
  • Class changed from Hero to Bounty Hunter
  • Added Flipkick (2)
  • Removed E-11
  • Modelscale increased by .02%
  • Added Force Focus (1)
  • Force pool increased to 80
  • Removed Poison from his blasters
  • Heal set to (3)
  • Replaced Sentry Gun with a Training Remote
Jar Jar
  • Attack Power Multiplier increased to 90%
  • Counter Swing Multiplier increased to 90%
  • Attack Speed set to default
  • Force Pool increased to 90
  • Removed Q3
  • Added Radar Scanner (Perma-Sense 1)
  • Added Shield Recharge (1)
  • Added Dash (2)
  • Attack Power Multiplier set to default
  • Attack Speed Multiplier increased to 120%
  • Counter Swing Multiplier increased to 120%
  • Rate of Fire increased to .85
Han - Renamed to Archetype: Smuggler
  • Heal set to (3)
  • Rate of Fire set to .94
  • DL-44 Clip Size set to 44
  • DL-44 FP Multiplier set to 1.15
  • Added Shield Recharge (1)
  • Heal set to (2)
  • Removed Dodge
  • Lightbow is now based on the T-21, with enhanced knockback and rate of fire
  • Added Shield Recharge (1)
  • Flipkick set to (2)
  • Rate of Fire set to .75
  • Removed Force Block
  • Removed Q3
Archetype: Clone Commander
  • Added PLX-1 Rocket Launcher (2)
  • Added a Wrist Shiv
  • Added Shield Recharge (1)
  • Added Radar Scanner (Perma-Sense 1)
  • Added Flipkick (2)
  • Added Grappling Hook (2)
  • Damage Taken set to 90%
  • Speed set to 1.06
  • Rate of Fire set to default
  • Damage Given set to 90%
  • Attack Power Multiplier set to 120%
  • Given Dex 3, Jump 1 and 5% more speed
  • Rifle now DC-17m, level 1 with 20% more damage
  • Force Sight removed

Clone Assassin
  • AS/CS multipliers lowered 5
  • Cannot block blaster fire

Jedi Acrobat
  • Added Serra Keto model variant
  • Given Pull 2 and Mind Trick 2
  • No BP loss while jumping
  • Immunity to Mind Trick and Sense

Jedi Enforcer
  • Now has Purple and Red stances
  • Given 140 hp
  • AS/CS Multipliers increased
  • Now has Q3 (can block blaster fire while swinging
  • Has Saber Throw 3 and Pull 2, Speed 3 removed

Jedi Gladiator
  • BP/AS/CS Multipliers and force regen increased
  • Given Protect and Mind Trick 2

Jedi Guardian renamed to Anakin Skywalker

Jedi Knight
  • Q3 removed
  • BP/AP modifiers increased to default.
  • Given Speed 3, Block/Focus 2

Jedi Swordmaster
  • Q3 Removed
  • Protect now level 1, given absorb

Kyle Katarn
  • Given Concussion Grenades and Trip Mine
  • E-11 removed

  • Given more health, armor and speed
  • BP Multiplier increased
  • No longer has fast hack or passive regen when running/jumping

  • No longer has repulse, Lightning or Dash
  • BP/BP/AS/CS Multipliers increased to 1.05
  • Drain increased to level 3
  • Saber throw increased to level 3

  • Given Speed and Deflect 2
  • Given Purple Style
  • Now has Heal 1

  • Speed and size increased
  • Given Force Focus 3 and Jump 1

Din Djarin
  • Changed to Mandalorian Class
  • Reload speed decreased, but higher FP Drains and ignites enemies on hit.
  • Given Flamethrower and Wrist Laser

  • Given more armor and grappling Hook

ARC Trooper
  • Given Wrist Shiv and M5
  • Given Grappling Hook

Heavy Clone
  • Given Dodge 1
  • Speed decreased

Rebel Spy
  • Frag nades now have alt aoe knockdown
  • Given Cyan instead of Blue style
  • No longer immune to sense
  • Sniper no longer deals poison damage
  • Flashbang grenade replaced with Stun Grenade
  • Now has Dexterity 2

NR Security Droid
  • DH-17 now based on A280
  • Given Stun Baton
  • Now has 2 conc nades
  • Now has Shield recharge and Cortosis armor
  • Given Perma Sense 1

Old Republic Defender
  • Given Blaster based on M5 level 1
  • Given Heavy Pistol
  • Given choice of dual or Staff Vibrosword

Rebel Soldier
  • Now based off Clone class
  • Given Dash 1

  • Given Martial Arts (saberless melee stances)
  • No longer has Grip and Dodge
  • Given Speed and Sense 4
  • Immune to Sense
  • Given Flipkick

  • Has more damage resistance
  • Outputs 10% more fp and hp damage

  • Has 50 more hp points
  • Has choice of various Vibro weapons
  • Given Bowcaster 3
  • Runs faster with Sonic Pistol out
  • Now has Jump 2

  • Movement speed increased from 1.1 to 1.177
  • Now has Force Block 3 and Cortosis
  • Given a larger force pool and faster regen
  • Now has Jump 2

Clone Captain
  • No longer has Rocket Launcher, Flipkick and MT immunity
  • Given Shiv, Grappling Hook, Shield recharge and Sniper Rifle
  • Given larger forcepool.
  • Does 10% more damage and has 10% more damage reduction

  • No longer invisible to sight
  • Now has fast hack
  • 10% damage reduction
  • New Rifle does 15% less fp dmg
  • Has permanent radar (sense 1)

  • Now has 100 armor and 200 health (to make healing meta less impactful)
  • Given 10% more damage reduction

  • No longer melee, saber and grenade/explosive resistant
  • Ion Blaster clip lowered 50%
  • Speed lowered 10%
  • No longer has Blast Armor
  • Given Strength 2, flipkick ("headbutt") and fuel regeneration

  • New: Watto - A flying dextrous hybrid gunner and melee user with a sonic stunning blaster and spear.
  • New: Geonosian - A flying dextrous hybrid gunner and melee user with a sonic stunning blaster and spear.
  • New: Dark Trooper -Flying tank with high-powered rifle and single-use rocket launcher.
  • New: Dark Acolyte - A multi-life Sith saberist.
  • New: Zuckuss - A speedy dexterous gunner/melee hybrid with permanent radar sense and a powerful limited-ammo gun.
  • New: Clone Riot Trooper - A crowd control support melee class capable of deflecting blaster shots.
  • New: Savage Opress - A large sith with high powered long reaching staff lightsaber attacks who cannot be knocked back by blaster fire.
  • New: Sion - A Sith with automatic self-healing able to drain force points to augment this ability.
  • Change: Archetypes:
    • Desann: Sith Juggernaut
    • Dooku: Sith Duelist
    • Maul: Dark Pursuer
    • Cultist: Sith Force Master
    • Tarrful: Wookiee Brawler
    • Praetorian Guard: Royal Protector
    • Veers: Imperious General
    • Nute Gunray/Rune Haako: Seperatist Councilor
  • Class changed from Jedi to Clone Trooper
  • Now has Pistol 2
  • Only able to use Dual stance
  • Given Shield recharge (1)
  • Given Strength (1) and Dexterity (2)

  • Class changed from Jedi to Clone Trooper
  • Given Shield Recharge (1)
  • Now has Stamina/Dodge 3 and Dash

Dark Trooper
  • New/updated weapon - Assault Canon
  • Now has permanent Sense (1)

  • Does less damage (20%)
  • Given 10% damage reduction
  • Given 'Repulsor Wave' - Force Push 2
  • Runs faster with melee

  • No longer immune to Mind Trick
  • Given Dex 3 and Grappling Hook (2)

Purge Trooper
  • Given choice of electro weapon
  • Concusion blobs reduced (1)
  • Given Ion Blobs
  • Cannot block blaster shots.
  • Given Flipkick (2)
  • No Longer has Dodge (2)

  • Has sentry gun instead of E-Web
  • Given Dash (1)

  • Now has Flipkick level 2

4lom - Now Mercenary with Dengar variant
  • Now has Disruptor, Trip Mines and Fire Nades

  • Given Wrist Rockets (Explosive Pistol 1)
  • Given Sonic Detonator (1)
  • Now has E-11 (2)
  • Now has Dash (2) and Shield Recharge

  • No longer has 'Sharp Claws' and Dodge
  • Given Healing 3

  • E-11 now based off A280
  • Given an extra life, Fury (1), heal 1 and Blast Armor

  • Given more ammo for Pistol
  • Now has Heal 3

  • Given Sonic and Stun Nade (1)
  • No longer has Melee
  • Has Mind Trick resistance
  • Droid Melee only uses strong stance, no longer knocks enemies down
  • Now has Strength 1
  • Is invisible to Force Sense

  • Has 50% less armor

Tusken Raider
  • Weapon no longer causes knockdown on wall hits.
  • Has 1 reinforcement instead of 2
  • Given Shield recharge (1)
  • Given Fury (2) and Gunbash

  • AP and BP Multipliers increased (0.9-1.1 / 0.9-1.0)
  • Given Force Focus 3
  • Miraluka vision decreased to level 2

Kylo Ren
  • Increased damage of Cyan to Yellow style
  • Given Protect (2)

  • Increased saber reach
  • Now has deadly Sight (2)

  • Given dual lightsabers
  • Regens slightly less fp
  • AP/BP/AS multipliers increased slightly

Sith Assassin
  • Removed Flip Kick
  • Given Pull/Grip/Focus (2)

Sith Berserker
  • Given Force Flight (uses rage points as fuel)
  • Given Drain 3, Defense 3
  • No longer has Deflect

Sith Juggernaut
  • Now has Sense 2 and heal 1
  • Increased AP/BP/AS/CS multipliers

  • No longer has Dash, Repulse and Mind Trick immunity
  • Given Cyan style
  • AP/BP/AS/CS Multipliers increased

  • Has more health, less force pool
  • BPMultiplier increased 10%
  • Removed team heal, given self heal instead.

  • Only has Purple style
  • Improved Saber throw (3)
  • Now has Deflect (2)

  • Increased BP Multiplier to default, AP Multiplier 10%
  • Now has Mind Trick (2) and Speed (2)
  • No longer has Lightning

  • Uses Cyan instead of Yellow
  • Now has Lightning 2

Battle Droid
  • Weapon does 10% less FP DMG
  • No longer has Blast Armor

Death Trooper
  • Given 80 health and armor
  • Now has one frag grenade
  • No longer has Magnetic Plating
  • Given Grappling hook, assemble, Quickthrow (1), poison darts (1) and Flip Kick
  • Class Limit increased to 4
  • Given an extra life

Heavy Stormtrooper
  • Given Z-6 Rotary canon, specialty grenades and grappling hook
  • Runs faster in melee
  • Given Dodge (1), Grappling Hook, Quick Throw (1) and Bacta

Sith Trooper
  • Class based off Clone Trooper
  • Given choice of vibro weapons with 10% faster swing speed
  • Blaster fire does 10% less FP dmg
  • Stormtrooper Specialist
  • Given Dodge 3, E-Web Canon and bacta

BX Droid
  • Gun based off EE-3 level 3
  • Given Cortosis, lowered FP regen, raised force pool
  • Given Force Block 2
  • Class speed lowered 1.17->1.1

  • E-11 now level 3
  • Stamina and Dodge increased to level 3

  • Given T-21 and Stokhli Spray Stick (Based on Bowcaster, with increased FP drains and stuns)
  • Now has Shield regeneration 1
  • No longer immune to MT

  • No longer deals poison damage
  • Given a Stun Grenade
  • Uses cyan instead of blue style
  • Now has Dex 3 instead of 2

  • Class changed from ET to Clone Trooper
  • Given one conc nade and vibro axe
  • Given Dodge (2) and Stamina (2)

  • Given tougher armor, Strength 2
  • No longer immune to MT

  • Now has 300 HP and Armor
  • Now has 60 Force Pool
  • Given advanced melee
  • Given heal 1 and rally

  • Now has 10% damage reduction
  • Does 10% more damage

Kowakian Monkey-Lizard
  • Class now Clone Trooper
  • Taunts do damage to force users (similar to Rosh Taun)
  • Now has Jump 2, Strength 1, E-11(1) Grappling Hook, Blast Armor, Dex/Stamina 2 and frag nades

  • New: Added Narkina V Prisoner to Rebel Soldiers.
  • New: Added Juggernaut Driver to Imperial Soldiers.
  • New: Added Mud Trooper to Imperial Commanders.
  • New: Added Imperial Officer female blonde sub-div to Imperial Commanders. Brightened white outfit.
  • New: Added Hoth Trooper female blonde sub-div to Elite Troopers.
  • New: Added Ishi-tib and Sullustan Rebel Guerilla sub-div to Elite Troopers.
  • New: Added Dengar to Bounty Hunters.
  • New: Added Klatoonian pirate to Bounty Hunters.
  • New: Added Tales of the Jedi Dooku to Jedi. (Distributed TV Show VA and Sir Christopher Lee voicelines between Jedi and Sith variants of Dooku exclusively.)
  • New: Added Darth Malgus unmasked sub-div to Sith.
  • New / Change: Brand new Han Solo model with extra Sailbarge and Endor variants not seen before.
  • New / Change: Moved Twilek from Rebel Commando to Rebel Guerilla as sub-div. Upgraded ported head mesh to a custom one instead.
  • Change: Rebel Pathfinder now uses modified HM Jaden heads instead of ported KOTOR heads.
  • Change: Moved Chagrian to Resistance Soldier bunch.
  • Change: Moved Shoretrooper "elite" skin to Imperial Soldier as a variant.
  • Change: Nikto Thug now uses modified looks seen in RotJ at Sailbarge instead of HM Jaden outfit.
  • Change: Converted Snoova from Chewie model to Wookiee V2 model due to optimization reasons.
  • Change: Set sequel trilogy cosmetic weapon overrides for Hux and female FO officer.
  • Change: Darth Plagueis masked skin re-imagined to look more damaged.
  • Change / Fix: Optimized performance of the following models by greatly reducing unnecessary surface rendering:
    - Aayla Secura
    - Abednedo Pilot
    - Baze Malbus
    - Captain Panaka
    - Darth Maul
    - Deathtrooper
    - Devaronian BH
    - Din Djarin
    - E-22 Blaster Rifle
    - Finn
    - First Order Female Officer
    - Hux
    - IG-88
    - Imperial Gunner
    - Krennic
    - Luke (ROTJ)
    - Naboo Guards/Pilots
    - Nien Nunb
    - Poe Dameron
    - Purge Trooper
    - Rey
    - Shoretrooper/Tanktrooper
    - Sith Assassin (Absent from 1.9.2's release)
    - Sith Stalker
    - Tarkin
  • Change / Fix: Improved and optimized Mayfeld's specular shaders.
  • Change / Fix: Improved and optimized Poe Dameron's LODs & draw calls.
  • Change / Fix: Improved face textures for Jorak Uln.
  • Change / Fix: Added LODs to Rebel Guerilla. Upgraded textures, new head mesh, optimized backpack mesh, adjusted proportions.
  • Change / Fix: Added LODs to Imperial Navy Trooper.
  • Change / Fix: Added LODs to Ep6 Luke Skywalker.
  • Change / Fix: Added LODs to Queen Amidala. Additional face and hand animation. Updated head mesh.
  • Change / Fix: Added LODs to Queen Amidala's decoy. Fixed missing mouth. Additional face and hand animation.
  • Change / Fix: Added LODs to Padmé Amidala (AotC).
  • Change / Fix: Added LODs to Noodle's Bounty Hunter.
  • Change / Fix: Added LODs lvl 3 to TIE Pilot.
  • Change / Fix: Added LODs lvl 3 to Kubaz species.
  • Change / Fix: Added LODs to Ailyn Vel / Sariss / Female Rebel Troopers.
  • Change / Fix: Added LODs to Migs Mayfeld. Improved and optimized Mayfeld's specular shaders.
  • Change / Fix: Added LODs to female Imperial Officer. Adjusted proportions and fixed transparent flaps.
  • Change / Fix: Added LODs to Dash Rendar. Converted from JK2 to JA skeleton.
  • Change / Fix: Added LODs to Ponda Baba. Converted to JA skeleton. Upgraded head mesh using Mat Gaunt's version.
  • Change / Fix: Added LODs to Ki-Adi Mundi. Converted to JA skeleton. Added facial animation.
  • Change / Fix: Added LODs to Leia Organa (ANH, ESB, RotJ).
  • Change / Fix: Added LODs to Bail Organa. Properly weighted face. Added caped skin as sub-division.
  • Change / Fix: Added LODs to Lobot. Lighting fix.
  • Change / Fix: Added LODs to Jek Porkins.
  • Change / Fix: Added LODs to Mara Jade (MotS).
  • Change / Fix: Converted Kyle Katarn (DF1) to JA skeleton. Improved vertex normals.
  • Change / Fix: Converted Admiral Ackbar to JA skeleton.
  • Change / Fix: Converted 4-LOM to JA skeleton. Improved vertex normals. Merged into 3PO model.
  • Change / Fix: Converted Eerin Bant (Jedi Temple FA) skeleton to JA.
  • Change / Fix: Added lip movement to Rebel Commando. Fixed missing teeth for Duros.
  • Change / Fix: Further proportion tweaks and decapitation fix on generic Jedi Female.
  • Change / Fix: Fixed glitchy LODs on Kylo Ren.
  • Change / Fix: Reduced resolution on some recently added alien head UVs to save space.
  • Fix: Onderon Soldiers are now merged with Crix Madine model.
  • Fix: Corrected glitchy tags on Pykes.
  • Fix: Soundset maintenance in terms of volume here and there.

Official Maps
  • New: mb2_xmas_smuggler
    • A seasonal version of Smuggler contributed by @Bully
  • Change / Fix: mb2_mustafar, mb2_duel_mustafar, and mb2_xmas_mustafar
    • Added cover near rebel spawn, and hallway to objective room.
    • Fixed some misaligned textures.
    • Fixed some splitting terrain brushes & reduced vertex count for optimization.
    • Mitigated some time wasting spots.
    • Increased size of door to main building from rebel spawn.
  • Fix: mb2_smuggler
    • Added clipping around the top of the office window to prevent it being used as a jump ramp.
CMP Maps
  • New: mb2_cmp_xmas_narshaddaa
  • New: mb2_cmp_xmas_telos
  • Change: mb2_cmp_narshaddaa
    • Added an invisible wall in one of the pits to prevent players from going under the map.
    • Misplaced trigger now properly deals dmg when players are out of bounds.
  • Change: mb2_cmp_onderon
    • Boma now attacks both teams.
    • Lower doors now open at normal speed.
    • Added cover in main (near Medical bay).
    • Slightly changed bridge breakable spot to make sniping more viable.
  • Change: mb2_cmp_hotel
    • Made Mon Mothma immune to team damage to prevent objective sabotage.
uMad? Maps
  • New: um_ctf_yavinvalley
    • New CTF map by Biggs.

MBII OpenJK Client
  • Change / Fix: Merged upstream changes from OpenJK and Vulkan renderer projects.
  • Fix: Improved handling of some mixed AMD/Nvidia GPU systems with the Vulkan renderer so it does not shutdown at startup with an error.

Changed Files ( Manual / Server Downloads )
MBII Maps-Models Credits.txt

Changelog Legend
New - New feature or addition to the game.
Change - Changes to the game.
Fix - Bug fix.
Remove - Removed feature.
Feature - New feature name.
yet another update no one gives a fuck about