Moviebattles II Hotfix Released


V1.9.0.1 Update
  • Change: Over the back melee throws are no longer allowed within nodrop areas to prevent use within protected spawns.​
  • Change: Players may not pickup items while within nodrop areas.​
  • Fix: Corrected problem with certain hitscan weapons in FA/Legends mode that could cause a crash.​

  • Change: Objective help icons are now force enabled on CTF maps.
    • Dev note: Flag location knowledge is critical with this objective type and players who turned off help icons for other maps with static objectives were missing vital information. Players who wish for the icons to be less visible should use the new help icon opacity option that was added in the last update (cg_helpIconOpacity / Settings > UI > UI Options 2).
  • Change / Fix: Scoreboard's displayed lives capped at 99. Mostly for edge cases like duel mode with non-default respawn counts.
  • Fix: Dead players shown in team overlay should no longer be displaying with info duplicated from the last living player.
  • Fix: Fixed language related crash due to misconfigured German and Spanish language files.

  • Change / Fix: mb2_ctf_backstreets
    • Increased performance around junkyard
    • Added a third rebel spawn
    • Moved several boxes map wide to adjust cover, prevent people getting stuck, and prevent droidekas from hopping over some barriers.
    • Moved several bits of junk in the junkyard
    • Added electrical damage fields surrounding spawn forcefields to discourage face camping the shields.
  • Change / Fix: mb2_ctf_sdestroyer
    • Raised imp flag lights and clipped off ceiling
    • Added ladders to turbolasers
    • Additional preventions for getting flags in some unreachable spots
    • Moved top TIE Hangar spawn to the turbolaser room.
    • Added railings to TIE Hangar.
    • Added electrical damage fields surrounding spawn forcefields to discourage face camping the shields.
    • Updated minimap, obj map.
  • Fix: mb2_snowfacility
  • Change: um_ctf_rift
    • Overhauled the middle of the map.
    • Created new spawn rooms that lead directly into middle.
  • Fix: um_nightmare
    • Clients no longer crash on exiting the map in FA mode (to menu or map change).

Changed Files ( Manual / Server Downloads )

Changelog Legend
New - New feature or addition to the game.
Change - Changes to the game.
Fix - Bug fix.
Remove - Removed feature.
Feature - New feature name.

Deleted member 9255

Yo im Chombo nice to meet you i want to steal your car yoooooooooooooooo
Why are you forcing overlay icons, when the flags are visible on the minimap?

cg_helpIconOpacity 0 works BTW


Movie Battles II Team Retired
Why are you forcing overlay icons, when the flags are visible on the minimap?

cg_helpIconOpacity 0 works BTW
Because the minimap does not provide useful height information, which can be very important on any map like CTF Deathstar which has 3 levels. The periodic flashes that hint about where a stolen flag is are also not going to work very well when it's minimap only - if you think a tiny barely visible icon is more distracting than having 1/5th of your screen taken up by the enlarged minimap, not sure what to say.

You can set the opacity to 0 via console but all you're accomplishing with that is handicaping yourself. At 25% baseline opacity the icon is almost invisible when near the crosshair, so there is no possible negative gameplay impact.
new clone/droid sounds are either impressively bad, overwrote vast swaths of characters that didn't need to be overwritten in the first place or somehow both at once
new clone/droid sounds are either impressively bad, overwrote vast swaths of characters that didn't need to be overwritten in the first place or somehow both at once
Hello, you can blame me for some of the clone's and all the new/reworked battledroid sounds, my idea was to expand on their soundsets while keeping as much of the old ones as i could, give then more variety and make then less repetitive/redundant, give more character, covering as many iterations of then over many games/media as i could fit in, and make then match their appearance, source and personality, i believe everything you liked about then before is still there but now theres more in the mix, i did my best to avoid complaints like these from comming if it can be helped
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I don't find anything wrong with the clone sounds but I've noticed some other characters have lost theirs, like rodian bounty hunters have the default model (jaden) sounds instead.

The Unguided

Movie Battles II Team
I don't find anything wrong with the clone sounds but I've noticed some other characters have lost theirs, like rodian bounty hunters have the default model (jaden) sounds instead.
No. Rodian Jedi has that only, - since he's technically a Jaden variant - and even his got distorted to sound more rodian-ish instead of having a human tone.
Hello, you can blame me for some of the clone's and all the new/reworked battledroid sounds, my idea was to expand on their soundsets while keeping as much of the old ones as i could, give then more variety and make then less repetitive/redundant, give more character, covering as many iterations of then over many games/media as i could fit in, and make then match their appearance, source and personality, i believe everything you liked about then before is still there but now theres more in the mix, i did my best to avoid complaints like these from comming if it can be helped
you changed one clone's roll sound which then went and got applied to nearly every clone in the game. i don't know who you were trying to change specfically but this is overriding dudes who had the RC/etc sound prior like 501st, ep1 clone, kama guy

if a dude is setup to be the bf2 guy, rc voice guy etc then he should just keep using voicelines from that source rather than whatever this is

also this guy's VA is not very good, he already had unique lines plz revert, also known as phase 1 arc guy
his voice was previously shared with the orange peel arc guy (and almost nobody shared lines with him because his soundbites were overall rare) (this video is old) (it's old)

your commander fox change seems good
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The Unguided

Movie Battles II Team
you changed one clone's roll sound which then went and got applied to nearly every clone in the game. i don't know who you were trying to change specfically but this is overriding dudes who had the RC/etc sound prior like 501st, ep1 clone, kama guy

if a dude is setup to be the bf2 guy, rc voice guy etc then he should just keep using voicelines from that source rather than whatever this is

also this guy's VA is not very good, he already had unique lines plz revert, also known as phase 1 arc guy
his voice was previously shared with the orange peel arc guy (and almost nobody shared lines with him because his soundbites were overall rare) (this video is old) (it's old)

your commander fox change seems good

I see where you're coming from with this and yes when something is setup as X the same should be applied throughout. Thing is, we don't have reaction sounds (pain/roll/death etc) for all you enumerated. RC is RC, BF1 is BF1, BF2 is BF2, yes. But TCW clones for example lack reaction lines, so they got something else to fill the gaps.

Your 1st vid: This guy had Stormtrooper Officer lines prior from Jedi Outcast - as some of the clones did - so the change is obvious. Now, Commander Keller, Cody, Bacara have Jango lines from the Bounty Hunter video game.

Your 2nd vid: A combination of Republic Commando and Battlefront (2004/2005) lines were quite jarring due to tonal reasons. Therefore the Bounty Hunter game came in to the picture once again which sounds more align with BF lines for clones in general. Also, we'd like to keep Delta-38/Boss unique in future. Not to mention, when you think about it, you hear him speaking from within the helmet not from outside in Republic Commando, so you know. It's enough him having it. (Plus the default delta clone)

Your 3rd vid: While I agree it's not very good... this one's a super old model with his own, ancient soundset. Quite unfitting in the line of the modern clone model army. So are his sounds. Just consider it an exception. I guess he's in the mod for old times' sake. There are many (better looking) Phase 1 ARCs though, if that's what you like about it.
Until 2020 summer, all clones had Republic Commando sounds - specifically Delta-38's, I presume you meant him by "orange peel ARC guy".

Consistency as such among clones is a goal, even if it's not perfect just yet.
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Your 1st vid: This guy had Stormtrooper Officer lines prior from Jedi Outcast - as some of the clones did - so the change is obvious. Now, Commander Keller, Cody, Bacara have Jango lines from the Bounty Hunter video game.
Your 2nd vid:
it isn't that, his voice in taunts, gloat etc are fine, the issue is he has whatever this new roll sound is (that everyone else also has now) and, among a few other things i can say i'll settle for just saying it doesn't fit him at all and it doesn't sound like it's "arguably" a sound he would make. same goes for bf2 guy, movie clone guy (phase 1 clone), etc, who all have their usual lines (except for kama clone rip lol), but then they have this new roll/hurt sound(s) which doesn't fit their existing soundset, ie, repeat this argument for a lot of skins right now
Your 3rd vid: While I agree it's not very good... this one's a super old model with his own, ancient soundset. Quite unfitting in the line of the modern clone model army. So are his sounds. Just consider it an exception. I guess he's in the mod for old times' sake. There are many (better looking) Phase 1 ARCs though, if that's what you like about it.
i don't think something (that is generally good) should be altered explicitly due to age. he was mostly unique due to those different voicelines and it was basically the reason you ran him, that and his darker color

i ran that guy primarily for his voiceset (seen here) and you can see here that some of his voicelines were shared with orange peel guy, mostly his rollsound which is incredibly good, especially for a class that rolls nonstop (on a map that has roll ramps everywhere)
Until 2020 summer, all clones had Republic Commando sounds - specifically Delta-38's,
yes and, framing what i'm about to say in the reference of prior to this update, ie after that update but before this one;
the new 501st narrator guy (bf2 dude) sounds are great; the sounds the galactic marine uses are great (make the kama guy have his sounds again), the sounds the phase 1 guy has are great, the guy that's actually just straight up the dude from bf2 in a cloak are good

i didn't care much for the TCW tv sounds but that's like one L out of six Ws so i lived with it. idk about roll sounds but aside from that all of these guys had their own things going for them so clone/arc players had like five different "brands" of asskicking skins they could run with

it's mostly an issue of whatever this new roll/hurt sound is as for some reason now countless skins have whatever that is