Looking For Dark Forces 2 Dark Jedi + Qu Rahn Skins

Hello community,

I am a bit new to this forum, but not to Movie Battles 2. I have the peneke pack addon, but I'm a bit dismayed to find that neither the peneke pack nor the base game include skins for Jerec's Dark Jedi Disciples including: Sariss, Yun, Boc, Maw. However, I did spot skins for these character is one particular map titled mb2_cmp_duel_vengeance.

Does anyone know of a skin pack that is compatible with Peneke but includes these particular dark jedi skins + voices?
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I actually wanted something similar to this myself so let me help you out here;

Dark Forces II Skin Pack - JKHub
Dark Forces 2 Saber Pack - JKHub
Qu Rahn - JKHub

These three mods pretty much include everything you're looking for, but you'll probably have to do some edits yourself to make it compatible with Peneke's mod. There aren't any sounds for Sariss, but it should have sounds for Kyle and everyone else so you can realize your true destiny as a dark jedi, yoAR TRUE POWAH..!!

Maw with legs - JKHub (alt Maw)
DT's Kyle Katarn Reskin - JKHub (my preferred alt Kyle model)
I'd be quite interested into having saber sounds and stormtroopers quotes replacement pack from DF2. if anyone can do that!

Or if someone could point me how to do it i'd love it as well
Hello community,

I am a bit new to this forum, but not to Movie Battles 2. I have the peneke pack addon, but I'm a bit dismayed to find that neither the peneke pack nor the base game include skins for Jerec's Dark Jedi Disciples including: Sariss, Yun, Boc, Maw. However, I did spot skins for these character is one particular map titled mb2_cmp_duel_vengeance.

Does anyone know of a skin pack that is compatible with Peneke but includes these particular dark jedi skins + voices?
***NOTE: READ THE BOTTOM BEFORE YOU CLOSE OUT, Possibly saved you a lot of time and research***
Storm Trooper Sound Replacement
Go to your MBII directory, found in GameData>base>MBII.
Create a .pk3, and put a ton of Zs at the beginning of the name to make it go lower in the list. Name it something along the lines of, "zz_z_Remalus<3". Open it with 7zip or WinRar and put inside of it a sound folder, then a chars folder, and then so on until it looks like this:
Untitled - Copy.png
Then, you need to find sound files to replace these files:
Place these sound files into the "Misc" folder in the .pk3, and give them the exact same names as the originals that you want to overwrite. Any sound files you want to leave untouched, just don't put anything with their name in the new .pk3. This should take care of the normal stormtrooper sounds. To go further, you can choose to create another folder under "chars" and name it stofficer1, and then replace these:
misc(but for the officer).zip
That's all for Storm Trooper sounds.

Lightsaber Sound Replacement
See, the lightsabers are more complicated. The many lightsabers in the game pull from more than 1 file, but the easiest way is to replace the sounds in the most common one. Under "sounds", in the same .pk3, create a folder named "weapons". In this folder, make another folder titled "saber". "Saber" is the most commonly pulled from saber sound file, but it also has many more sounds to replace. Replace these sound files:
**I made the download separate because it was too big for the forum, click here**
After you've accomplished this, you can close your .pk3 out and place it in your MBII folder.

I have created an empty .pk3 if you don't already know how to create a .pk3. All you have to do is put it into your MBII folder, open it with WinRar or 7zip, and then follow directions. All the folders are already premade and ready for replacement. Click here.

If you have any questions, feel free to PM me on Discord @ Remalus#9910. I'd be more than happy to help :D


  • Untitled - Copy.png
    Untitled - Copy.png
    6.3 KB · Views: 493
  • misc.zip
    104.5 KB · Views: 611
  • misc(but for the officer).zip
    37.4 KB · Views: 571
Woah bro, thanks a fucking lot o_O ;ooooooooo

ily? yes... yes i do.

I also may consider making a public release DF2 model replacement pack, just waiting mainly now for replies from original authors of some models.
I'll probably make a post about it in the modding section if it's done :^)
though this would take some time ;-;
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