Long time player, never introduced

Sap guys n galz

So I've been around MB2 (EU) for a few years under different random names (lately I'm called Pawanad) and JA has been my first multiplayer game ever, 13 years ago. yey.
I exclusively play as MLG saberist class and I'm 2 fukn gud at it. I mostly play for fun, the competitive/clan scene doesn't really interest me, never payed much attention to the forums until lately. I might join some duel tournaments for the lel sometimes.

Also, I miss the swag-twirl when switching saber on/melee/saber on. Where dafuk did it go ? D':

Also², my gf installed MB2 a couple days ago so she might play with me when she brings her laptop. She's doing surprisingly alright for a scrub !