Leechtime's Sound and Effects Mod

Latest is as of 29th August 2016 - Officially containing effects changes!
I might have missed some new stuff in the info but you get the idea <3


Years ago I made a mod for MBII that made the sounds more... funny. So when I came back to MBII recently I thought heck I'll make another.

It's probably not something most people would want but I thought I'd share it in case people were interested.

If you do try it out I'd be keen to hear what you think.

Here's the link:
Dropbox - z_zChewbaccaTakingAShit.pk3

Just throw it in your MBII folder and you're good to go.

Sound Changes:


Leia is now Ling from Kung Pow WEEOOOWEEOO
Anakin is a crying baby, nuff said.
Regular Clone is now Damo
The other clones voice is Darren
Helmetless Arcs or Clones are Damo without helmet effect.
Rosh is Timmy from South Park
Kit Fisto is now a dolphin
Hero Luke is Wimp Lo (I go pee-pee standing up!)
Admiral Ackbar is now Dr Zoidberg
Porkins is now Fat Bastard from Austin Powers
Wookiees taunt like The Tourettes Guy and wookiee rage is now the Suprise Buttsex song.
Wookiee charging is now the sound of a truck

Ki Adi taunts like a random dude from Sick Animation (forget who)
Mace Windu is Samuel L. Jackson
Obi Wan episode 4 is Herbert the Pervert
Rebel soldiers are Sasper the Homosexual Ghost
The Hoth Rebel ET (first one) is now voiced by the dramatic reading of a breakup letter.
Qui Gon now taunts the "Taken" speech

Rab-24 (Robot BH) is Soveriegn from Mass Effect
Imperial Officer (Grey) is the Company of Heroes Leutnant
Jerec is now Betty from Kung Pow NYAH!
Droideka now does Jim Carrey's most annoying sound
NEW! Unmasked Kylo Ren now has some interesting quotes from the actor's previous work. I'll not spoil it.

Rax is now the Tourettes Guy (who started the whole mod)
Vader now includes certain Mufasa lines
Dooku says "lollipops" in Christopher Lee's voice when he dies among other little lols.
Stormtroopers are Duke Nukem (with stormtrooper effect)
Battledroids are Robot Duke Nukem
SBD sounds like the Tourettes Guy is inside the robot (with bonus "Faggot!" arm bash sound effect)
Mandalorians are now Egoraptor's Solid Snake (with Mando voice effect)
Grievous taunts are now Psycho Mantis from Metal Gear Awesome
Daala (ET Imperial lady) is now Brandon Rogers' Japanese Girlfriend

Flamethrowing sings "burn baby burn" from Disco Inferno
Explosions are Austin Powers going "PHAAAA!!"
Rockets are changed to birthday horn/whistles
*NEW* I've made rockets shoot confetti... sort of.... anybody who knows about doing proper effects and shader work please message me because I need some schooling!
Jetpack activation and deactivation plays the Rocketman song
Bowcaster is now a Nopecaster
Sonic Detonation deafness is now the HEYEYEYEYEYEY song

Tracking darts now yell "Dick!" From Tourettes Guy
Clone Minigun (Z6 or whatever) now sings the TF2 Heavy "Yatatata" song while spinning and spins down to "dooble dabble dooble dabble kaboom, kaboom" cos why not.
EE3 Sniper shots now include "BOOM HEADSHOT!" from FPS Doug
T-21 primary is "Fuck you!" and Alt fire is "Ass!" from Tourettes Guy
Thermal Detonator throwing goes from charge "Eat my short dick" to thrown "Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck" to explosion "waoah shit!"

Mind Trick end now includes "This one time I saw a ghost!" from The Dragon
Grip now includes "Wingardium Leviosa" from ONEY Cartoons
Pull is now "Akio BUM" from the other ONEY cartoon.
Push is "Fuck Salt!" from Tourettes Guy

Lightning plays the trololol song shortly (can't do much given how the sounds trigger)
Force Repulse is Consuela from Family Guy

Speed now incorporates Peter Griffin's laugh.

Voice Commands:
Changed "Charge" to "Woah shit!" from Tourettes Guy because I didn't like the normal one that gets spammed :p

Effects Changes:

Being poisoned now swarms your mind with Dickbutt. (Created by SomeGuy)
Rocket trails are a bit like confetti to compliment the party blower sound (need a pro to help me make it look better) FIXED - no longer clipping particles through surfaces
To compliment the Heyayaya sound of being Sonic Detonated, you now SEE the experirence.
Thermal Detonator explosion subtly contains troll faces.

Flamethrower shoots love at people instead of hate.

Future plans I need help with:


As I posted before I am struggling to get started with messing with .md3 and .gla files. I dream of turning the T-21 into a giant dildo.

I officially have 0 experience with animations in games. I sincerely dream of turning the T-21 into a FLAPPING giant dildo.

Special thanks to Someguy for giving feedback and ideas, and making it an enjoyable shared experience when playing.
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T r i s t a n

I am curious, to make a sound modification what exactly do you need to do? I can open the sounds file in the initial GAMEDATA folder, then chars. But how do I add my own sound files? I happen to have a variety of recording and editing software and I would like to make some sound replacements for Kylo Ren and Rey. But I have no idea how to put the .mp3 files into the sound/chars/KyloRen/misc folder. Do I just rename my sound file to say "anger1.mp3" and remove the original "anger1.mp3" and it will overwrite so I have my new sound file?
Get PakScape which makes life easier. You need to make a new .pk3 file. Mine for example is named z_zblahblah.pk3

The "z_z" part makes this file load in the right order to overwrite the original sounds. You do NOT have to delete the originals.

Using PakScape, you can open up things like zz_MBModels2.pk3 in your MBII folder to see what sounds are there already and how they are layed out. With your NEW .pk3 file, replicate the folder names and put your new files in them and save it, stick it in your MBII folder and you're gold.

That's a 4:30am explanation, if you need more info let us know :)
leechtime, is there anyway you can make these individual files? Ex: i dont want to replace all the models, but i would love to change the soundfiles, as i LOVE tourrettes guy haha. or even only individual player models.


Hey Bond, glad you got a laugh from it, that's awesome.

I recommend downloading Pakscape. This lets you open the .pk3 file similar to how you'd open a .zip file.
Inside you can see all the folders and remove, add or change whatever you like.

Tourettes Guy is inside sound/chars/rax

You can delete whatever you like in my file but don't delete stuff in the default ones in your MBII folder or you're gonna have a bad time.

Good luck!

Deleted member 449

My eyes are watery, my stomach hurts, and I feel like I'm about to piss myself from this mod all from laughter. Bravo, Leechtime.
Hey Bond,

That sounds super weird, as if the file isn't acting as a replacement but as the one and only file (which wouldn't have models in it).

It might be a mac thing because I've never come across it before.

What happens when you take the z_zfunnysounds.pk3 files out of the MBII folder and launch the game? If your models return and everything is as per normal that's a good sign. If not, I imagine somehow the models have been deleted from the original .pk3 files in MBII.
the original models are all there to being with--its just the new ones arent showing up? know what i mean?
No I don't.
This is a *sound* replacement mod, just like it said in title. It has nothing to do with skins.

Nice mod. What about nopecaster, introduced in this video at 0:54? Could it be worth to add?
MBII Moments #2
you make me feel like the biggest idiot......

rightfully so..


thanks guys
ill take my card