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Launcher Launcher has font problems??

I'm trying to open the game with the launcher, but it crashes immediately. This is a new problem after the latest launcher update. The crash logs:

(An exception occurred for the type initializer for...)
Ett undantagsfel uppstod för typinitieraren för System.Windows.Media.FontFamily.
vid System.Windows.Media.Typeface..ctor(FontFamily fontFamily, FontStyle style, FontWeight weight, FontStretch stretch)
vid MS.Internal.Text.DynamicPropertyReader.GetTypeface(DependencyObject element)
vid MS.Internal.Text.TextProperties.InitCommon(DependencyObject target)
vid MS.Internal.Text.TextProperties..ctor(FrameworkElement target, Boolean isTypographyDefaultValue)
vid System.Windows.Controls.TextBlock.GetLineProperties()
vid System.Windows.Controls.TextBlock.EnsureTextBlockCache()
vid System.Windows.Controls.TextBlock.MeasureOverride(Size constraint)
vid System.Windows.FrameworkElement.MeasureCore(Size availableSize)
vid System.Windows.UIElement.Measure(Size availableSize)
vid MS.Internal.Helper.MeasureElementWithSingleChild(UIElement element, Size constraint)
vid System.Windows.Controls.ContentPresenter.MeasureOverride(Size constraint)
vid System.Windows.FrameworkElement.MeasureCore(Size availableSize)
vid System.Windows.UIElement.Measure(Size availableSize)
vid System.Windows.Controls.Border.MeasureOverride(Size constraint)
vid System.Windows.FrameworkElement.MeasureCore(Size availableSize)
vid System.Windows.UIElement.Measure(Size availableSize)
vid System.Windows.Controls.Control.MeasureOverride(Size constraint)
vid System.Windows.FrameworkElement.MeasureCore(Size availableSize)
vid System.Windows.UIElement.Measure(Size availableSize)
vid System.Windows.Controls.Grid.MeasureCell(Int32 cell, Boolean forceInfinityV)
vid System.Windows.Controls.Grid.MeasureCellsGroup(Int32 cellsHead, Size referenceSize, Boolean ignoreDesiredSizeU, Boolean forceInfinityV)
vid System.Windows.Controls.Grid.MeasureOverride(Size constraint)
vid System.Windows.FrameworkElement.MeasureCore(Size availableSize)
vid System.Windows.UIElement.Measure(Size availableSize)
vid System.Windows.Controls.Grid.MeasureOverride(Size constraint)
vid System.Windows.FrameworkElement.MeasureCore(Size availableSize)
vid System.Windows.UIElement.Measure(Size availableSize)
vid MS.Internal.Helper.MeasureElementWithSingleChild(UIElement element, Size constraint)
vid System.Windows.Controls.ContentPresenter.MeasureOverride(Size constraint)
vid System.Windows.FrameworkElement.MeasureCore(Size availableSize)
vid System.Windows.UIElement.Measure(Size availableSize)
vid System.Windows.Controls.Decorator.MeasureOverride(Size constraint)
vid System.Windows.Documents.AdornerDecorator.MeasureOverride(Size constraint)
vid System.Windows.FrameworkElement.MeasureCore(Size availableSize)
vid System.Windows.UIElement.Measure(Size availableSize)
vid System.Windows.Controls.Border.MeasureOverride(Size constraint)
vid System.Windows.FrameworkElement.MeasureCore(Size availableSize)
vid System.Windows.UIElement.Measure(Size availableSize)
vid System.Windows.Window.MeasureOverrideHelper(Size constraint)
vid System.Windows.Window.MeasureOverride(Size availableSize)
vid System.Windows.FrameworkElement.MeasureCore(Size availableSize)
vid System.Windows.UIElement.Measure(Size availableSize)
vid System.Windows.Interop.HwndSource.SetLayoutSize()
vid System.Windows.Interop.HwndSource.set_RootVisualInternal(Visual value)
vid System.Windows.Window.SetRootVisual()
vid System.Windows.Window.SetupInitialState(Double requestedTop, Double requestedLeft, Double requestedWidth, Double requestedHeight)
vid System.Windows.Window.CreateSourceWindowImpl()
vid System.Windows.Window.ShowHelper(Object booleanBox)
vid System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Boolean isSingleParameter)
vid System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate callback, Object args, Boolean isSingleParameter, Delegate catchHandler)
vid System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherOperation.InvokeImpl()
vid System.Threading.ExecutionContext.runTryCode(Object userData)
vid System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers.ExecuteCodeWithGuaranteedCleanup(TryCode code, CleanupCode backoutCode, Object userData)
vid System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
vid System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherOperation.Invoke()
vid System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.ProcessQueue()
vid System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.WndProcHook(IntPtr hwnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, Boolean& handled)
vid MS.Win32.HwndWrapper.WndProc(IntPtr hwnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, Boolean& handled)
vid MS.Win32.HwndSubclass.DispatcherCallbackOperation(Object o)
vid System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Boolean isSingleParameter)
vid System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate callback, Object args, Boolean isSingleParameter, Delegate catchHandler)
vid System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.InvokeImpl(DispatcherPriority priority, TimeSpan timeout, Delegate method, Object args, Boolean isSingleParameter)
vid MS.Win32.HwndSubclass.SubclassWndProc(IntPtr hwnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam)
vid MS.Win32.UnsafeNativeMethods.DispatchMessage(MSG& msg)
vid System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.TranslateAndDispatchMessage(MSG& msg)
vid System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.PushFrameImpl(DispatcherFrame frame)
vid System.Windows.Application.RunInternal(Window window)
vid ‏‭‎‬‬‌‎‍‮‪‍‎‏‎‮‭‫‬‎‮.‭‬‪‎‌‮‏‫‬‮‫‪‭‍‌‎‏‍‭‎‍‭‭‮()
Det finns mera data tillgängliga. (More data available)

vid Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey.Win32Error(Int32 errorCode, String str)
vid Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey.GetValueNames()
vid MS.Internal.FontCache.FontSourceCollection.SetFontSources()
vid MS.Internal.FontCache.FontSourceCollection.GetEnumerator()
vid MS.Internal.FontCache.FamilyCollection.BuildFamilyList(List`1& familyList, SortedDictionary`2& familyNameList, SortedList`2& frequentStrings)
vid MS.Internal.FontCache.FamilyCollection.MS.Internal.FontCache.IFontCacheElement.AddToCache(CheckedPointer newPointer, ElementCacher cacher)
vid MS.Internal.FontCache.HashTable.Lookup(IFontCacheElement e, Boolean add)
vid MS.Internal.FontCache.CacheManager.Lookup(IFontCacheElement e)
vid System.Windows.Media.FontFamily..cctor()

Do I have a font problem? And how do I fix it?


Project Leader
Movie Battles II Team
Code Leader
Is that the full content of the log file?

Which version of Windows are you using?

Which anti-virus are you using?
I tried both of your solutions, but they didn't work :/
I also tried to re-intall the launcher, but ney. Didn't work :/ a movie battles logo comes up when loading, but it disappears after a few seconds


Floating in the void
Movie Battles II Team Retired
Thank you. Can you try running this?

Looking up the English version of those error messages hints that that might be able to resolve the issue. If the above fails, you may have to try the workarounds described in the next link, though it assumes a bit of technical knowledge so only proceed if you are comfortable: Visual Studio setup crashes due to fonts - Visual Studio


Floating in the void
Movie Battles II Team Retired
Hmm well, I can give you some commands you can run which will output the diagnostic information that that asks to search for. With that I can see if it's actually relevant to your issue.
  1. Open an elevated PowerShell window (right click on the start button and select "Windows PowerShell (Admin)".
  2. Run cd C:\ to change directory to the base of the C: drive
  3. Run reg export "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts" fonts.reg to export a list of font registry entries.
  4. Run ls C:\windows\fonts > fonts.txt to output a list of your installed font files.
  5. Browse to your C:\ drive and put fonts.reg and fonts.txt in a ZIP file and upload that here.


Floating in the void
Movie Battles II Team Retired
Alright, so I was able to reproduce a similar crash log by putting invalid characters in the file name for the font registry entries. Unfortunately it's not exactly the same, and none of your fonts appear to have illegal characters in the registry, so it is probably an issue related to .NET 3.5 or WPF and certain installed fonts.

Searching around comes up with only a handful of instances of similar bug reports in other applications:
The links are just for reference. At this point my only suggestion for troubleshooting is uninstalling non-Microsoft fonts until you find which ones are responsible for the issue by trial and error. These are the fonts on your system that are not on mine:
"AdobeDevanagari-Regular (TrueType)"="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Adobe\\Acrobat DC\\Resource\\Font\\AdobeDevanagari-Regular.otf"
"AdobeDevanagari-Bold (TrueType)"="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Adobe\\Acrobat DC\\Resource\\Font\\AdobeDevanagari-Bold.otf"
"AdobeDevanagari-BoldItalic (TrueType)"="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Adobe\\Acrobat DC\\Resource\\Font\\AdobeDevanagari-BoldItalic.otf"
"AdobeDevanagari-Italic (TrueType)"="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Adobe\\Acrobat DC\\Resource\\Font\\AdobeDevanagari-Italic.otf"
"ZWAdobeF (TrueType)"="ZWAdobeF.TTF"
"AdobeHeitiStd-Regular (TrueType)"="C:\\Program Files\\SOLIDWORKS Corp\\SOLIDWORKS\\HoopsPublish\\resource\\Font\\adobeheitistd-regular.otf"
"AdobeMingStd-Light (TrueType)"="C:\\Program Files\\SOLIDWORKS Corp\\SOLIDWORKS\\HoopsPublish\\resource\\Font\\adobemingstd-light.otf"
"AdobeMyungjoStd-Medium (TrueType)"="C:\\Program Files\\SOLIDWORKS Corp\\SOLIDWORKS\\HoopsPublish\\resource\\Font\\adobemyungjostd-medium.otf"
"AdobePiStd (TrueType)"="C:\\Program Files\\SOLIDWORKS Corp\\SOLIDWORKS\\HoopsPublish\\resource\\Font\\adobepistd.otf"
"AdobeSongStd-Light (TrueType)"="C:\\Program Files\\SOLIDWORKS Corp\\SOLIDWORKS\\HoopsPublish\\resource\\Font\\adobesongstd-light.otf"
"CourierStd (TrueType)"="C:\\Program Files\\SOLIDWORKS Corp\\SOLIDWORKS\\HoopsPublish\\resource\\Font\\courierstd.otf"
"CourierStd-Bold (TrueType)"="C:\\Program Files\\SOLIDWORKS Corp\\SOLIDWORKS\\HoopsPublish\\resource\\Font\\courierstd-bold.otf"
"CourierStd-BoldOblique (TrueType)"="C:\\Program Files\\SOLIDWORKS Corp\\SOLIDWORKS\\HoopsPublish\\resource\\Font\\courierstd-boldoblique.otf"
"CourierStd-Oblique (TrueType)"="C:\\Program Files\\SOLIDWORKS Corp\\SOLIDWORKS\\HoopsPublish\\resource\\Font\\courierstd-oblique.otf"
"KozGoPr6N-Medium (TrueType)"="C:\\Program Files\\SOLIDWORKS Corp\\SOLIDWORKS\\HoopsPublish\\resource\\Font\\kozgopr6n-medium.otf"
"KozMinPr6N-Regular (TrueType)"="C:\\Program Files\\SOLIDWORKS Corp\\SOLIDWORKS\\HoopsPublish\\resource\\Font\\kozminpr6n-regular.otf"
"MyriadCAD (TrueType)"="C:\\Program Files\\SOLIDWORKS Corp\\SOLIDWORKS\\HoopsPublish\\resource\\Font\\myriadcad.otf"
"HYSWLongFangSong (TrueType)"="hyswlongfangsong.ttf"
"SWAstro (TrueType)"="swastro.ttf"
"OLFSimpleSansOC-Regular (TrueType)"="olfsimplesansoc-regular.ttf"
"Century Gothic (TrueType)"="Gothic.ttf"
"SWComp (TrueType)"="swcomp.ttf"
"SWGothe (TrueType)"="swgothe.ttf"
"SWGothg (TrueType)"="swgothg.ttf"
"SWGothi (TrueType)"="swgothi.ttf"
"SWGrekc (TrueType)"="swgrekc.ttf"
"SWGreks (TrueType)"="swgreks.ttf"
"SWIsop1 (TrueType)"="swisop1.ttf"
"SWIsop2 (TrueType)"="swisop2.ttf"
"SWIsop3 (TrueType)"="swisop3.ttf"
"SWIsot1 (TrueType)"="swisot1.ttf"
"SWIsot2 (TrueType)"="swisot2.ttf"
"SWIsot3 (TrueType)"="swisot3.ttf"
"SWItal (TrueType)"="swital.ttf"
"SWItalc (TrueType)"="switalc.ttf"
"SWItalt (TrueType)"="switalt.ttf"
"SWMap (TrueType)"="swmap.ttf"
"SWMath (TrueType)"="swmath.ttf"
"SWMeteo (TrueType)"="swmeteo.ttf"
"SWMono (TrueType)"="swmono.ttf"
"SWMusic (TrueType)"="swmusic.ttf"
"SWRomnc (TrueType)"="swromnc.ttf"
"SWRomnd (TrueType)"="swromnd.ttf"
"SWRomns (TrueType)"="swromns.ttf"
"SWRomnt (TrueType)"="swromnt.ttf"
"SWScrpc (TrueType)"="swscrpc.ttf"
"SWScrps (TrueType)"="swscrps.ttf"
"SWSimp (TrueType)"="swsimp.ttf"
"SWTxt (TrueType)"="swtxt.ttf"
"SWGDT (TrueType)"="swgdt.ttf"
"SWLink (TrueType)"="swlink.ttf"
"Muli Bold (TrueType)"="Muli-Bold.ttf"
"Muli Bold Italic (TrueType)"="Muli-BoldItalic.ttf"
"Muli ExtraBold (TrueType)"="Muli-ExtraBold.ttf"
"Muli ExtraBold Italic (TrueType)"="Muli-ExtraBoldItalic.ttf"
"Muli ExtraLight (TrueType)"="Muli-ExtraLight.ttf"
"Muli ExtraLight Italic (TrueType)"="Muli-ExtraLightItalic.ttf"
"Muli Italic (TrueType)"="Muli-Italic.ttf"
"Muli Light (TrueType)"="Muli-Light.ttf"
"Muli Light Italic (TrueType)"="Muli-LightItalic.ttf"
"Muli Regular (TrueType)"="Muli-Regular.ttf"
"Muli SemiBold (TrueType)"="Muli-SemiBold.ttf"
"Muli SemiBold Italic (TrueType)"="Muli-SemiBoldItalic.ttf"
"Muli Black Italic (TrueType)"="Muli-BlackItalic.ttf"
"Muli Black (TrueType)"="Muli-Black.ttf"
"MT Extra (TrueType)"="C:\\ProgramData\\Kingsoft\\office6\\mtfont\\mtextra.ttf"
"Domine Bold (TrueType)"="Domine-Bold.ttf"
"Domine (TrueType)"="Domine-Regular.ttf"
"Cardo Bold (TrueType)"="Cardo-Bold.ttf"
"Cardo Italic (TrueType)"="Cardo-Italic.ttf"
"Cardo (TrueType)"="Cardo-Regular.ttf"
"Arcon (TrueType)"="Arcon-Regular.otf"
"CoolveticaRg-Regular (TrueType)"="coolvetica rg.ttf"
"PierSans-Light (TrueType)"="PierSans-Light.otf"

Before touching anything you will need to make a backup of installed fronts (make a copy of the files in C:\Windows\Fonts). Then you can uninstall one at a time (or in groups to save time) and see if the launcher will start properly. If done in groups, you would then need to narrow it down from within that. To reinstall fonts all you need to do is copy individual files back into the Windows fonts folder (for the fonts residing in Program Files / Program Data, you will need to navigate to the path from the list above and right click > install for the font files, or copy them over to the fonts folder).

Another important factor for testing is that the launcher will hang and not close properly when the crash occurs, preventing any further launcher instances. Make sure to stop MBIILauncher.exe via task manager between tests if a crash occurs (might have to look in the Details tab to find it). You should also check that before testing just to make sure the issue isn't already fixed but you couldn't tell due to a previous crashed instance preventing a new one from opening.
Hi, sorry for a late reply. I've been out sailing. No internet on the north sea ^^ I tested all of that now, but it just doesn't seem to work anyway. I even tried to remove all the fonts from the font folder (except the ones that just didn't want to move), and there is still the same problem. Is there a previous version of the launcher that I can use? It worked just fine before the update....

I even tried to install windows 11 as a last resort, but no, nothing. The crash log is a bit different now.


  • MBIILauncher_WPF_Crash_23_08_2022_17_25_07.zip
    1.9 KB · Views: 123


Floating in the void
Movie Battles II Team Retired
Is there a previous version of the launcher that I can use? It worked just fine before the update....
The last version of the launcher can still be used but it will not be usable in the near future, so unless this is resolved you won't be able to play on any server that enforces launcher usage.

I'd like you to try exporting a list of your installed font files again with a slightly different command:
  1. Open an elevated PowerShell window (right click on the start button and select "Windows PowerShell (Admin)".
  2. Run Get-childitem c:\windows\fonts | select Name,CreationTime,LastWriteTime > c:\fonts.txt
  3. Browse to your C:\ drive and upload the new fonts.txt.


Floating in the void
Movie Battles II Team Retired
Okay thank you. I wanted to make sure there wasn't some weird date saved for the creation time which wasn't shown in the previous export, but it all looks fine.

I stumbled upon a stackoverflow which might have a clue as to the cause. Previously when I asked you to export font registry entries for checking, it's possible bad characters were filtered out during the export. So I am going to ask you to look through the registry yourself:
  1. Open the start menu and type 'regedit'. Registry Editor should appear, run it as admin.
  2. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts
  3. Look through all of the fonts, both the Name and the Data columns (these are the displayed name and file name). Look for any character that seems like it isn't displayed properly, like the circled part of this screenshot:
  4. If you find something like that, you will need to fix it:
    • For Name, right click on the entry and select Rename. Delete the bad character and hit Enter to save.
    • For Data, right click on the entry and select Modify. Delete the bad character in the Edit dialog and click OK to save.
That felt like it could be right. Looked through it all, even the other folders which said font-something. Nothing.
Do you think reinstalling the whole game could solve it?


Floating in the void
Movie Battles II Team Retired
No, this issue has nothing to do with the game installation.

Unless @Defiant has some insight to add, I'm out of suggestions at this point beyond starting over from a fresh Windows install, but that is a rather brute force approach and of course much more hassle than is likely worth your time.
Hello, can you try re-installing the launcher now, after the steps Spaghetti made you do. (You mentioned having tried that in your second post) I hope it will work out this time!