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[SOLVED] Lagging issues

When I join a server things are pretty normal at first, there's a round going on so I pick my class and then I spawn in next round, the issue is I start lagging when I'm fighting people, or there's exchange of gunfire between 2 teams, or just 2 people sometimes. I've noticed this rarely happens when I play at night, even though the internet is the same at night as the day. I don't understand why it's like this, I've lowered fps to 60 during day 120 at night, I've downloaded mods for more optimized skins but Its still the same, any help would be appreciated. THANKS. EDIT: I should add that when I up fps during the day over 60 it lags a lot more but i don't have this issue during late hours.
having an fps cap too high can cause problems, its reccomended to keep it at 125 or lower but there should be no reason to change it between 60 and 120. Check your driver info in video settings to see if you are using GLdirect