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Technical Issue Lag problems since the new version came out...

Hi mb2 team,
I have noticed since the new patch came out, I get unbearably long load times, in excess of seven minutes to load DOTF. And when it DOES load, I usually hear the countdown voice (3,2,1) then I get the network disconnect Icon in the bottom right corner, and have to try and reconnect again. Sometimes I have to try more than three times to connect, if it does AT ALL, and when I DO connect, I get really bad framerates making it unplayable. It's smooth in spectator mode, but when I join and start playing its too laggy to be playable. I have try playing around with network settings, but it DOESN'T help.
Like I said I've only had these problems since the new version came out.
Any chance they will get fixed, I've been playing this mod for over ten years, but lately I've had to give up on it...

Thank you for your time.
Holy sh-t bruhs!
Ever since the new version came out, I can connect in under 2 mins, and it appears to be working fine (I just connected to pande, there where no other players on, but it appears to be working, of course, I'll have to try again when there are players on, but it appears ok).
Thank you SO MUCH mb2 dev team, my issue appears resolved.
You guys are just the best.