Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Kel Dor Species

As a player of Jedi Academy for now 20 years, and as someone who has played the Kel Dor's in SP, MP, and Lugormod, the absence of option to play as one of the base JKA Kel Dor's is such a loss. Only ONE of the three options as a rebel commander is a start but hopefully I'm not alone in wanting more options for soldier or jedi at least. It would be great to have the Zabrak's as an option too. Even better would be the ability to change the clothing of these characters to the options that they had in base game, but I know that would require more effort. Please add the Kel Dor's to Open and Legends!


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The Unguided

Movie Battles II Team
As a player of Jedi Academy for now 20 years, and as someone who has played the Kel Dor's in SP, MP, and Lugormod, the absence of option to play as one of the base JKA Kel Dor's is such a loss. Only ONE of the three options as a rebel commander is a start but hopefully I'm not alone in wanting more options for soldier or jedi at least. It would be great to have the Zabrak's as an option too. Even better would be the ability to change the clothing of these characters to the options that they had in base game, but I know that would require more effort. Please add the Kel Dor's to Open and Legends!
All the three head variants are available as a rebel soldier in Open mode. He's intentionally not in Jedi now.

Get me Kel-Dor themed Jaden Korr voicelines for the Jedi variant and then we can talk more on this matter.

(Not that we'd need him that much since we already got two Plo Koon skins.)


Internal Beta Team
All the three head variants are available as a rebel soldier in Open mode. He's intentionally not in Jedi now.

Get me Kel-Dor themed Jaden Korr voicelines for the Jedi variant and then we can talk more on this matter.

(Not that we'd need him that much since we already got two Plo Koon skins.)
