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Launcher Issues with Mono installation on mac

I've placed the launcher in the proper folder (~/Library/Application Support/Jedi Academy) and have tried to run the command ~/Library/Application\ Support/Jedi\ Academy; mono ./MBIILauncher.exe in terminal, and the command fails, claiming it cannot open the assembly because no such file or directory exists. I've also noticed that the newest launcher is MBIILauncherLIN.exe as opposed to MBIILauncher.exe, and changed the filename in the command accordingly to no avail. I tried editing the permissions with chmod 766 ~/Library/Application\ Support/Jedi\ Academy/MBIILauncherLIN.exe, though doing so seemed only enabled read/ write for others, and not execute for me, and didn't change the problem that the mono command cannot find the MBIILauncherLIN.exe file/ directory to open. Any suggestions?