Increase TK Points For Hurting Allied Jedi/Sith


Gunners I get to play with are super awful - they get you down to 20 HP and enemy gets a free kills on you. Own team can get you down enough for one blob or alt-frag to finish you off and they get away with it everytime! Maybe, if they are repeatedly kicked for this they will learn to aim because they now spray as you are fighting somebody, try to snipe if you engage first in an attempt to kill steal and kill you in the process. I hate rocketers especially they run at enemy Sith while you are with them and try to rocket them at face hug distance (intelligence shining). Mandalorians do it too sometimes in panic they suicide rocket next to you injuring you severly.

Present low increase in points for damage to a class that has only 100 HP per entire game is a joke.
While we're at it - can we increase TK points gained for shooting the same target repeatedly? Especially for repeated kills?

Store it for like 20 minutes via IP address or something - so if someone TKs someone three times in a row, they start getting like 400pts for TK, something that can result in them getting kicked off if they keep doing that shit because 100 - 200 pts ATM is manageable, you can easily manage it and still TK every few rounds from what I've experienced watching ppl tk on non-official servers.
send official notice to goverment of the country of the offender for repeated TK.
if seriously this is an awful idea and can be abused easily. Run into a nade of a person you dislike (or just for lulz) a couple of times and they are done for
Even nowadays it's a pain to deal with rage !pers and trolls, what you propose will be catastrophic. The only thing that remains to be fixed is wookie barge TK (you can take up to 70 hp for 2 TK points) and low amount of TK points for melee damage. Melee teamkilling happens in 99% cases on purpose and there's no reason to have such a low punishment for the most annoying type of trolling in open


send official notice to goverment of the country of the offender for repeated TK.
if seriously this is an awful idea and can be abused easily. Run into a nade of a person you dislike (or just for lulz) a couple of times and they are done for
Even nowadays it's a pain to deal with rage !pers and trolls, what you propose will be catastrophic. The only thing that remains to be fixed is wookie barge TK (you can take up to 70 hp for 2 TK points) and low amount of TK points for melee damage. Melee teamkilling happens in 99% cases on purpose and there's no reason to have such a low punishment for the most annoying type of trolling in open

Be fair to people you are playing with they will treat you fairly too. Why does it matter to you if you keep changing IPs.

send official notice to goverment of the country of the offender for repeated TK.
if seriously this is an awful idea and can be abused easily. Run into a nade of a person you dislike (or just for lulz) a couple of times and they are done for
Even nowadays it's a pain to deal with rage !pers and trolls, what you propose will be catastrophic. The only thing that remains to be fixed is wookie barge TK (you can take up to 70 hp for 2 TK points) and low amount of TK points for melee damage. Melee teamkilling happens in 99% cases on purpose and there's no reason to have such a low punishment for the most annoying type of trolling in open

You could account for this by having a cooldown - so if you hit the same team mate 5 times within 15 seconds, it starts multiplying. If you kill the same person repeatedly, it multiplies.

It's something you can account for - if someone's fucking with you deliberately though and walking into your nades and such, I mean that's something you already have to account for and stop using nades in those situations.
It's something you can account for - if someone's fucking with you deliberately though and walking into your nades and such, I mean that's something you already have to account for and stop using nades in those situations.
Why would you have to stop using nades if a teammate purposefully walks into them?
It's not your fault for trying to play the game and trying to nade the enemy. You shouldn't be punished because someone is trolling and wants you to rack up TK points.

Edit: On second thought, you're right... :)
No matter how silly it may seem, you really should stop using nades at that point so you don't get kicked...
I think Tk points should block the fire button for 1 minute. It would be like that -

Reaching 50 points - stop attacking your teamates - no attack for 15 seconds. This is amount you can get without killing anyone. I also suggest to make friendly fire turned off for 30 seconds after begining of the round. This would stop team killing in the begining.

Also friendly fire should be 50% of the dmg not full 100%

Reaching 150 points - 90 seconds of not shooting when 200 is just death and kicking from round. Above that every team killing point will result 30 seconds of not be able to attack. For gunners it will just be the situation where they can run and take cover without shooting. For jedi - no slashing but blocking is still avaible. I think waiting but be able to playing will be enough for annoying players to think before even doing something. Dealing extreme dmg is enough reason that someone did it for purpose. But if someone killed me not on purpose .. there should be no reason to give that person 200tk points. Maybe 150 or 100. A punish should be higher for players who have higher tk points
I think Tk points should block the fire button for 1 minute. It would be like that -

Reaching 50 points - stop attacking your teamates - no attack for 15 seconds. This is amount you can get without killing anyone. I also suggest to make friendly fire turned off for 30 seconds after begining of the round. This would stop team killing in the begining.

Also friendly fire should be 50% of the dmg not full 100%

Reaching 150 points - 90 seconds of not shooting when 200 is just death and kicking from round. Above that every team killing point will result 30 seconds of not be able to attack. For gunners it will just be the situation where they can run and take cover without shooting. For jedi - no slashing but blocking is still avaible. I think waiting but be able to playing will be enough for annoying players to think before even doing something. Dealing extreme dmg is enough reason that someone did it for purpose. But if someone killed me not on purpose .. there should be no reason to give that person 200tk points. Maybe 150 or 100. A punish should be higher for players who have higher tk points
No that's silly, if you randomly stun-lock a player because he hit someone that was too close during an intense fight this is probably the best way to make player rage and quit the game for good.

Edit: and people that TK won't care and just wait for the cooldown before resuming, this measure will only affect those that shouldn't be affected unless they just like to jedi rush teammates at the start of the round, now they'll just wait and randomly backswing later.
No that's silly, if you randomly stun-lock a player because he hit someone that was too close during an intense fight this is probably the best way to make player rage and quit the game for good.

Edit: and people that TK won't care and just wait for the cooldown before resuming, this measure will only affect those that shouldn't be affected unless they just like to jedi rush teammates at the start of the round, now they'll just wait and randomly backswing later.

Hmm you are right. Intense battle would always have small chance to hit our teammate even a little. And it would also be too big situation advantage for enemy team when for example two clones behind jedi will stop shooting enemy because one shot the other clone and one hit jedi.. jedi have a two clones that cant shot as the support while 3 gunners are just shooting the hell out of him without any problems. Yeah it is dumb as i think about it now.
And..... removing control in intense situation when we plan everything because some rebel commando yelling GAYMOVER decided to jump at my firing blaster .. would piss me off so much. But i srlsy play this mod for fun X) the only multiplayer game where i yelled so much was Team Fortress 2 ... specially because of domination system which was annoying as hell if some good but cocky player were dominating me..

But the friendly fire dmg should be lower at least 20-25% .. 50% of dmg would be not balanced. It would create situations where for example rocket arc trooper would just fire a rocket at the lightsaber duelers - sith will die but jedi will lost 50 60 hp.

I would also remove friendly fire dmg at the begining of the round - about 20-30 seconds. The one of the biggest annoying team killing is at he begining of the round.
I mean if we're talking tk points, I have a few comments to throw in.
My problem is that sometimes TK points can have little to no effect. I've played on servers where some troll would spawn in, shoot me down to like 20 hp, and then run away. This way it allows the enemy team to just immediatly kill me and he only gets like 50-100 tk points or something.

But really what it comes down to is how it effects gameplay. You can't make it severe just because some trolls killed you that one time. You have to think about those times that you may accidently kill 2 of your teammates within a few rounds. If the punishment for tk is too severe, a good player who has good intentions can be kicked easily for just playing the game.

I personally don't think the tk system needs any changing. I think if you have forgiving teammates who !f you, then you should stay at minimum tk points since they think you have good intentions. If you don't have forgiving teammates, I think that's the way it is and you just need to be much more careful.
Also let me throw this in:
"I was just on US Official Beta, and at the start of each round, for five rounds in a row (until I switched teams), while playing as SBD, I was getting sniped by [tR]Phosphophyllite at the start of the round. After I switched teams he switched teams to keep damaging me at the start of the round."

That's a quote from leedle in a thread at 12:49 today, Someone was able to damage him with a proj rifle 5 times before any serious consequences could be done. I think that's a problem.