If you !p somebody his TK on you won't affect your score!


So you want to encourage people to punish in order to save their score?
I wish all awful ungrateful Gunners would learn to aim.
Very smart
Even today as I was defending an Arc against Sith, saved him twic3 he shot me I wasn't in the line of fire... Those people do suck. Why am I to suffer the consequence of them being bad? I am already doing everything to be a team player yet I get punished by my own team.
I wish all awful ungrateful Gunners would learn to aim.

Even today as I was defending an Arc against Sith, saved him twic3 he shot me I wasn't in the line of fire... Those people do suck. Why am I to suffer the consequence of them being bad? I am already doing everything to be a team player yet I get punished by my own team.
I'd say it's the other way around. You are actually punishing your own team... :p


Movie Battles II Team Retired
So you want to encourage people to punish in order to save their score?
This is very much the end result of a mechanic like this. If you were given the option to punish someone and get a reward or not punish someone and get punished, what do you pick?

Overall though, new mechanics for encouraging sportsmanlike behaviour would be nice. Deduct score from dealing team damage, increase score from dealing enemy damage - that sort of thing. Would also be good to guide Jedi to be less erratic when they know they've got a backline full of gunners.


pew pew
Movie Battles II Team
Tangent on the topic of TK mechanics: What if repeatedly damaging the same teammate caused you to have a "TK point multiplier" against that person... :thinking: (as in: each additional bit of damage would add MORE tk points than the last bit of damage. Scaling with damage dealt, not with number of shots.)

It would help with cases of one person specifically damaging another person.

Alternately/additionally, what if you could !p or !f for all team damage dealt? The damage would be batched, like, if one person damages a teammate then a 30 second timer would start, and at the end of the 30 seconds, a punish option window would pop up for the person damaged, listing the amount of damage dealt to you in the last 30 seconds by the offender, and asking whether you want to punish.

(One time while playing SBD, I was proj'd for five rounds in a row, at the start of each round, by an ally. I wanna be able to !p that.)

Would also be good if the servers kept logs of team damage, to be accessed by admins for evidence purposes later. :thinking: Like, for banning someone after-the-fact.

On-topic: K4, I believe that even when you're tryharding, it's rather stupid to care too much about K/D. K/D is pretty subject to the strength of your team vs the enemy's team, the class selection of everybody, and the degree to which you're playing-to-learn or playing-to-win. It's not something to pay much attention to, and if you obsess over it, that gives you less leeway to play experimentally and learn by doing unfamiliar things. Since those'll hurt your K/D.
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I bet you don't get it Lessen.

I hardly go by the book while playing so that isn't the issue. While tryharding is a thing I am trying to avoid, in my case it would take me to teaming up with 3 other people then stacking one team and I despise that! I am trying to discourage people from doing it in casual games - if you are making your team prior to the game you should also be fighting people who do that.

Majority of time, what kills is TK, not even own mistakes. Usual scenario for me if it's Deathstar for example is you go anywhere in the process you are taken down by your team to 20 hp then some Bounty Hunter gets a free kill with a poison dart.

This whole thread is my response to people who must be in 3 on one team to keep one team rage quitting I want to show them it's not effective if players on the other team aren't dying to random things like team damage and somehow discourage them from "tryharding" because it's pathetic honestly if they see somebody playing alone can top their scores with no effort maybe they will drop the stacking they bring with them. I am not paying much mind to the scoreboard if game feels even. I like fair games where there aren't people reconnecting under new names after you kill them to just TK you. That happens a lot and not just me. New player kills somebody from top of scoreboard on enemy team one of those people can immediately connect from another client to team kill that player I have seen this on Kamino weeks ago. Rebels were so stacked one of my team mates got lucky got an edge on both leading players from Rebel team immediately he was team killed next round and he /disconnected.


I bet you don't get it Lessen.


If I am a tryhard I think I am a good kind. It was nice game: 3 Clones, Soldier and a Hero couldn't get me here Gumba got so salty - outplayed.
it's just sad what some people must resort to in order to win. Like the mentioned by myself reconnecting and TKing.
If you leave nothing to the gunners, you get shot. They want to play the game too. Probably even if you let your gunners have fun you will be shot a couple times, beacuse noone assumes you would ever step down and let them prevail. Thanks to imo poor game design where saberists don't need to work together with gunners.


This post doesnt make sense at all
TKer having power over your score, his own and the outcome of the game doesn't make sense.

Gunners rush for kills and in the process end up TKing you to improve their own scores. I don't really need assistance against some players and gunners just tend to throw a nade in enclosed room at you and the person you are fighting without second thought and that's the outcome or keep firing thinking they can hit that guy. They can keep firing carefully - it will result in the enemy wasting his BP while trying to dodge/cover and help the Jedi/Sith fighting him. But they end up TKing this isn't help you would want.

They kill you the person the kill belongs to and usually also fail to kill the guy they tried to kill so quik maffs (-1) x2 their own score.

Wonderful teammate right there.
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I'd rather have teamkills effect the death counter since this is the one people care most about.
Not counting your death by teammate for forgiving would encourage people to do it everytime, if they don't feel it was a teamkill on purpose.
And beeing able to 'give' your mate a death by punishing would encourage tryhards like me to be more careful and teamkill less.
Teamkill points should still work the same way they do now.

Haven't read all posts so no idea if somthing like that was proposed already.