Wow, this isn't something that I expected. Pretty weird.
The function SetThreadErrorMode was introduced in Windows 7, it isn't available on both Vista and XP. And not very long time ago we had
an incident with Movie Battles linked to some functions, and even whole libraries missing on XP and Vista.
But that incident was solved. I just checked, MBII works on my Windows XP perfectly fine.
Currently, Movie Battles itself isn't linked to SetThreadErrorMode directly, but it's linked via delay-load dll mechanics to discord API library, which is linked to SetThreadErrorMode. But Discord lib shouldn't be touched on unsupported platforms, so idk...
There is two the most likely versions:
- Devs somehow botched the way OS is getting checked for loading Discord dll on Vista specifically, but not on XP (not very likely)
- Somehow, your installation is broken, or it's just straight up 1.6.2 installed, not the most recent version (more likely).
I suggest you to go to MBII Launcher => Settings => check "Enable logging" => Repair installation.
Post latest log from "Jedi Academy\GameData\MBII_Launcher\logs" here.
Then, make sure you don't have these three files: "cgamex86.dll", "jampgamex86.dll", "uix86.dll" in "Jedi Academy\GameData".
Those files can be inside "Jedi Academy\GameData\base" and "Jedi Academy\GameData\MBII", that's normal, but NOT inside "Jedi Academy\GameData".
If there are any "cgamex86.dll", "jampgamex86.dll", "uix86.dll" in "Jedi Academy\GameData", delete them.
Then, make sure you absolutely, positively don't have double or triple installation of Jedi Academy and Movie Battles.
Make sure that the path in MBII Launcher => Settings => GameData path does point to your one and only Jedi Academy installation. Check that path meticulously.
Make sure you only starting up Movie Battles using MBII Launcher (MBIILauncher.exe), not by clicking any other .exe files, not by Jedi Academy mod menu.