How to remove laming in Duel


Movie Battles II Team Retired
Good ol' laming. :D It's a hilarious term. "Adaman pls halp, lamer!!"

The suggestion makes sense for duel mode. Perhaps it could be a serverside setting, g_honorduels 1.
Wow! Noone ever proposed this idea, i like your FRESH thinking.
Actually, banning every lemur in existence on every server is a much more efficient and less time consuming way to deal with laming


Gameplay Design
Movie Battles II Team
Enable that dueling feature from base JKA where you can challenge other players, and if they accept, you can duel them without any obstructions, and outside players cannot attack you. This should be a feature only in Duel mode, of course.
I've had this in a mostly working state for a while now. There's just a couple bizarre bugs (and one source of crashing to still hunt down I think) left to make it releasable.

Quick mention of stuff for it:
  • You don't lose lives when dying in a private duel.
  • There's no collision (with the models as well as sabers, which has been the biggest headache/cause of buggy behavior with this by far; primarily due to MB2 having custom collision trace logic for sabers) between people who are dueling and those that aren't their opponents.
  • Duelists can't see anyone they aren't dueling.
  • If you clip into someone while they're dueling and the duel ends, you are killed (this is something I never saw addressed in other mods so I definitely wanted to do something about it).
I also want to implement a training variation of the private duels where you can set stuff like your damage multiplier (mainly for practicing timing without killing the other person), toggling ability to disarm (so you can practice it/do a duel without any other modifiers without having disarms come into play), drawing PB zones in whatever fashion, and various other things. Gotta get the foundation working without any issues first though.
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Movie Battles II Team Retired
banning every lemur in existence on every server is a much more efficient and less time consuming way to deal with laming
Wow! Noone ever proposed this idea, i like your FRESH thinking.
Actually, lamers can (and do) use VPNs and you can ban some, but not all. They are like vietnamese gooks. They learned to hide even there.
There's no collision (with the models as well as sabers, which has been the biggest headache/cause of buggy behavior with this by far; primarily due to MB2 having custom collision trace logic for sabers) between people who are dueling and those that aren't their opponents.
I think this is so in base JKA too, so they can't obstruct you.
Duelists can't see anyone they aren't dueling.
In JA+ or JA++ it's like this when you set it in options.


Gameplay Design
Movie Battles II Team
Yeah I basically was just pulling the features in from other things that have implemented this in some form or fashion.

I'll probably get to ironing it all out alongside the rest of the various open beta changes to duel mode.


If you want to get reed of laming - make it less funny. Don't feed troll thing, you know.
That is the only 1 reason of it's existanse. Believe me.

You ironise about bans, but it is way more efficient, than anything else, what does not include gameplay-cuts(which probably make game less interesting. People need freedom).
Laming is a social-problem. Want to get reed of it? Ignore it or overcome it. With skill or Admin-Rights.
There are no lamers, who will enjoy joining same server by using VPN over and over again, if there will be no people, who will be annoyed by such attitude.
There are no lamers, who will enjoy losing. Expect Badawan.

Eazy E

If you want to get reed of laming - make it less funny. Don't feed troll thing, you know.
That is the only 1 reason of it's existanse. Believe me.

You ironise about bans, but it is way more efficient, than anything else, what does not include gameplay-cuts(which probably make game less interesting. People need freedom).
Laming is a social-problem. Want to get reed of it? Ignore it or overcome it. With skill or Admin-Rights.
There are no lamers, who will enjoy joining same server by using VPN over and over again, if there will be no people, who will be annoyed by such attitude.
There are no lamers, who will enjoy losing. Expect Badawan.
You're Alive?
If you want to get reed of laming - make it less funny. Don't feed troll thing, you know.
That is the only 1 reason of it's existanse. Believe me.

You ironise about bans, but it is way more efficient, than anything else, what does not include gameplay-cuts(which probably make game less interesting. People need freedom).
Laming is a social-problem. Want to get reed of it? Ignore it or overcome it. With skill or Admin-Rights.
There are no lamers, who will enjoy joining same server by using VPN over and over again, if there will be no people, who will be annoyed by such attitude.
There are no lamers, who will enjoy losing. Expect Badawan.
Dealing with any problems should be done on the game level. Trolls are always going to exploit the gaps in gameplay, and the more there are bans for different things, the more it is a failure of the game that such things can be abused/exploited. In a game with such a small playerbase permabanning isn't something that should be encouraged. Banning should be avoided at any cost and serve only as the last line of defense against unwanted behaviour.

Nothing is being "cut" from the game by including JKA duels, except laming itself, of course. That such thing was included in the base game by a serious development team should by itself tell you how useful it is and why it is there. You are basically saying "let's leave all the possible windows for laming because it's fun and then ban those people that are having fun by laming." I hope you can see the error in your thinking.

On the point of trolls and how they think, I read an article about a study some time ago that states that no matter if you are reacting or not, trolls are going to have fun and enjoy their trolling. They know you want to play, so they know that they are obstructing you by laming you. It doesn't matter if you react or not, they are preventing you to act how you want to act. The only ways to put an end to unwanted behaviour is either to ban the trolls or prevent the behaviour completely on the game level so it cannot be exploited/abused, and prevention is always better.
Wow i see some nice observations here. I loved it when ppl started chasing me with a fucking horde it was so fun, so much better than orthodox dueling.
Laming is a social-problem. Want to get reed of it? Ignore it or overcome it.
The best viable strategy if there's no admin around. You think chasing the rulebreaker will help you? It's like throwing stones at a rabid masochist dog. She likes it. They come here for you to chase them. ignore and they will leave in 5 minutes.


Gameplay Design
Movie Battles II Team
There are no lamers, who will enjoy joining same server by using VPN over and over again, if there will be no people, who will be annoyed by such attitude
I can tell you from observation over many years that this is definitely not true.


Wow i see some nice observations here. I loved it when ppl started chasing me with a fucking horde it was so fun, so much better than orthodox dueling.

The best viable strategy if there's no admin around. You think chasing the rulebreaker will help you? It's like throwing stones at a rabid masochist dog. She likes it. They come here for you to chase them. ignore and they will leave in 5 minutes.

Na, I mean just simply kill them. It is even fun.
There is difference between humiliation and fail-chase. Yeah, sure Fail will feed troll.
You should never die, stay with 90 BP and Kill-Kill-Kill. As I said, it is even funny!
I missed you, Foggi.

I can tell you from observation over many years that this is definitely not true.

As a professional Lemur I can tell you: it is definitely social-thing.
No reaction = no memes. No memes = no food. No food = boring. Boring = WTH I am doing here?
Thing is, most of the people can't show Absolute indifference.
The most funny guy for laming was Agent. Do you know why? Everyone knows why!

If you ban troll with ''OMFG U AR NOT A DUELIST SCUM I HAITE U I HAITE U ME SO HAITE U DAI DAI DAI'' - he will return.
If you ban troll because someone told you with Caps Lock ''MUM, HE KILD ME AHAIN PLS STOP DIS PLS PLS PLS" - he will return.
When I was an admin noone Lamed on servers, expect me! Noone wanted to.

But it seems you all want to fix that through CHANGES.
Probably, you're right. Yes. Definetely. I thought about it.
So here is my super-cool Suggestion, that will fix all the problems with those trolls! Stupd-stupd trolls.

1) The one, who wants to enter the server should sign up in and get his own Nickname, provided by an Admin.
2) The one, who enters the server, should anwser simple questions about himself, so we will know for sure IS IT YOU SITTING ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE SCREEN. 10 questions will be enough. One wrong anwser - ban. Forever. Because someone stole your account, of course. We speak about your SAFETY, TROLLS AND LAMERS, COMRADE. SO SHHH.
3) If you anwser questions right - special one-time password will be send to your Email. Special email for MovieBattles 2, that you should create right before you enter game first time.
4) Once You entered the Server you will need to contact with your Duel-Opponent, with whom you Previously agreed to meet. On the Forum. Special MovieBattles Forum for Duelists. I don't know why it is special, since there is only one forum. There will be no Open-Mode anymore, obviously: we don't want so many people get together in one place. They can lame each other by an incident.
5) After that send message to an admin, who will give you one-time-MOVIEBATTLESFRIENDCHATKEY of your Duel-Opponent. Enter it ingame chat to start conversation. Don't worry: Your friend won't be able to insult you, because there always be an admin, who monitors your conversation! ''list of available words'' will be also sent to your EMail.
6) Of course, server does not belong to you. There are about 9,5 people, who also want to hit each other with glowing sticks. That is why you should submit a request to rent a server at an available time. You can check avaible time ONLINE!
7) Actually, we don't want people to kill each other. It is violant. So we decied to remove lightsabers from the game. In fact, you will actually hit each other with glowing sticks. They will have funny swing-hit-clash sounds. And ya. God Mode on. We will rename it to ''friend duel mod', thought, we don't want you to think to much about yourself.

Quess, you can add even more things to this system, for example GULAG-server for people, who don't agree with Combat Changes.
But foundation is ready.
even though laming is annoying as fuck it brings such an identity to mb2 that i think i'd miss it

ja+ and stuff is so boring because of everyone is just fighting in their own little 1v1 worlds all the time

i kind of like seeing everyone around you and shit when you're dueling


Gameplay Design
Movie Battles II Team
You're not going to be required to partake in private duels. They're just going to be there as an option. They're also not going to be there specifically to prevent laming in whatever form. Part of the long term design is going to include some utility functionality that makes it easier to learn/teach people dueling.


Internal Beta Team
I for one would welcome isolation for my 1v1 duels. For one thing, the noise and FPS drops of 30 people dueling in dotf hangar is like a horrendous nightmare. It would fade others out from your vision, but those not in a duel would be able to see the dueling individuals as 'faded' or 'ghostly' figures. It would also present less problems dueling in tight spaces because in a 1v1 challenge you'd be able to pass through others thus having the entire map for yourself 'in theory'. It is exactly what dueling mode needs, and It's really weird that it hasn't ever been implemented before.