This model's hands and legs are no match for JA skeleton. I need to move legs and hands of model. But how?You'll have to line up the mesh with the skeleton, and then weight it, and then apply armatures and vert groups. My execution is not good, but I know the basic steps. Swagneke is a good one to ask, if I recall correctly.
Default blender controls are TAB to enter Edit Mode, and then Z to enter wireframe. You'll want to either CTRL left click vertices manually, or press B and drag (and then fine tune your selection.) to select parts of the model. And then you'll want to reposition the hands and legs to match the skeleton. Try to get it in the middle exactly, use another viewport (accessed by 1-0 keys) to import a base model for reference (usually another modded one since base don't have the skeleton linked). Uh, then you'll want to add modifiers, which will be an armature you name "skin" for each part, must be 9 total.This model's hands and legs are no match for JA skeleton. I need to move legs and hands of model. But how?