>> How to completely eliminate trolling <<


Let's face it, the only way someone can troll in this game is by teamkilling. I have no idea why this hasn't been done yet, but just remove teamkilling from the game. There is absolutely no point in having it. The argument "Well, if we didn't have TK'ing then everyone would just spray into their team aimlessly" is stupid because everyone does this anyways. I understand that we have the TK point system, but we don't need it. It's completely pointless and rarely does justice. Teamkilling just makes everyone salty towards each other honestly.

Get rid of it.
Let's face it, the only way someone can troll in this game is by teamkilling.

Not true. I have been trolling people for years without blatantly teamkilling/verbally abusing them. Seriously, it's so easy to piss people off. All I gotta do is use melee, and lightning 3 against saberists and gunners, that is literally all it takes.

Other notable examples:

1.) Forming a truce with the enemy and letting them gang up and kill somebody on your team while you stand there and watch gleefully, maybe playing patty-cake with one of the members of the enemy team.
2.) Using accurate callouts throughout the entire game, then start feeding your team misinformation, and after that, calling anybody who speaks up a 'butthead'.
3.) Kill Jedi/Sith with your fists only. then when they start to bitch, insult them back, but act like a child.
4.) Use improper grammar, act like a child, and call people childish names, all the while kicking their ass with cheese tactics and corner camping.
5.) Get Mando, specifically target somebody with rockets. Go ham, wait the entire round until they're sure they are safe, then ram that explosive metal dildo up their rear.
6.) Start a flamewar in two sentences:

*kills [playername]*
<|[Rosh+: [playername] more liek
<|[Rosh+: shit amirite lol rekt

Think outside the box, don't let your trolling be confined to TKing cause you're small minded, and can't think of anything else. EXPAND YOUR DONG!

People who play this game are backed up full of bitchiness and as soon as they hop on after a long day of not bitching, they let all their bitchiness out in the game, and on the forums. You don't even have to TK, just call somebody bad and tell them about their garbo K/D and that's it, they've had it.

cus kd matturs amirite hehrueh
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Just a Guy
Movie Battles II Team
i like to reverse troll and get relly mad at dumb shit
Other notable examples:
Honestly, I've complained about the TK system for a decade now. Sure, I agree with your points made, but having a teamkilling system does inspire more skill, forces you to actually aim, and make it more competitive.

Additionally, there's no real way to get rid of trolling. As long as MBII exists, there's going to be that one faggot that body blocks whether it's on purpose or by accident. I've heard people say shit like "Oh just make it where teammates can walk through each other" but honestly? That just makes your teammates irrelevant and turns MBII into EA battlefront, where you just run around shooting shit. MBII Is iconic because of it's competitive teamwork system.