So i have installed some pack to my moviebattles which made everything blury but i liked how it looked so i just wanted to disable the blur effect, i proceded to messing areound in the doc to see if something changes but ntohing happend, then i deleted the file along with some dll thingie and tried to repair instalation, that didnt help and my mb2 would run but tell me in need a launcher running, so i deleted the whole folder along with files in C:// and tried to reinstal the game from CD.
But it doesnt start usual instalation proces but wants to start the game which is impossible cause i have deleted all the files, i have tried deleting it through the jka launcher turning on and off and nothing seems to work. Does anyone know how i can fix this?
TLDR; Instead of opening instalation from CD it tries to launch JKA which isnt on my PC anymore
But it doesnt start usual instalation proces but wants to start the game which is impossible cause i have deleted all the files, i have tried deleting it through the jka launcher turning on and off and nothing seems to work. Does anyone know how i can fix this?
TLDR; Instead of opening instalation from CD it tries to launch JKA which isnt on my PC anymore