How can I get better at aiming and shooting?


I'm about 40 hours in and I seem to be struggling a lot with aiming/shooting consistently. Some times I do well, other times I'll struggle to land any shots at all in a blaster fight. I can play fine in hallway fights such as the bridges on the deathstar map, but in open areas when my opponent starts strafing left and right fast, I can't land as many shots as my opponent is and I lose the fight.

Is there a way I can sit down with bots and just practice aiming? Or an exercise I can do alone in a server to help better my aim? If there's no way to formally practice, what are some general tips pertaining to crosshair placement and shot-leading that I can keep in mind while playing?

Another thing, I saw in an old post that because of the slow projectile speed you should avoid servers with high ping or else it will affect landing shots. This might check out because I was playing in a server for a couple hours with 180 ping while everyone else had about 30-50, and I was getting rocked a lot harder than I usually do. Was high ping the reason I was getting shit on or was it purely a skill issue? If so, what is the playable range of servers I should play in, and at what ping level should I avoid playing?

Thank you


FA Contributor
Internal Beta Team
No-one can be expected to be instantly at assassin level aim when playing a game, it takes practice.


Internal Beta Team
US Official Server Admin
It's alot of pre-firing, and not just around corners, you basically have to aim where they're going to be and not where they are if they're moving alot.
I just went back and watched some clips I have of me doing well as a gunner, alot of the times if someone is moving around, my crossair isn't even on them, its aiming just a bit to the side where I think they'll be going.

The more they're moving/the farther away they are the more you have to aim off of them.
The closer they are/the less they're moving the more you aim onto them.

The best way to practice this game is to just play. I'd recommend running some matches as soldier, 3 lives which means 3 chances to practice hitting people per round! :D

If you want to pop off in this game, work WITH your team, find a buddy and follow them around. Most of the times if you're helping them alot and not accidentally shooting them in the back they'll notice and protect you, which leads to some excellent teamwork and shit like that is where this game shines. The more you learn to work with your team and not just along side them, the more impact you will have on the match. Trigger discipline and stealth also will take you a long way in your matches but you asked for aim help and I've gone on a tangent lol.

Ping wise, you can absolutely adjust your aim to the ping, its still gonna be harder to hit people, but you can. Gaming in general I'd reccomend to keep it below 80 but that's preference. When I first started playing, I only played on EU servers for months, I live in NA and I was doing just fine.

I'm about 40 hours in and I seem to be struggling a lot with aiming/shooting consistently. Some times I do well, other times I'll struggle to land any shots at all in a blaster fight. I can play fine in hallway fights such as the bridges on the deathstar map, but in open areas when my opponent starts strafing left and right fast, I can't land as many shots as my opponent is and I lose the fight.

Is there a way I can sit down with bots and just practice aiming? Or an exercise I can do alone in a server to help better my aim? If there's no way to formally practice, what are some general tips pertaining to crosshair placement and shot-leading that I can keep in mind while playing?

Another thing, I saw in an old post that because of the slow projectile speed you should avoid servers with high ping or else it will affect landing shots. This might check out because I was playing in a server for a couple hours with 180 ping while everyone else had about 30-50, and I was getting rocked a lot harder than I usually do. Was high ping the reason I was getting shit on or was it purely a skill issue? If so, what is the playable range of servers I should play in, and at what ping level should I avoid playing?

Thank you
I think you'll learn the most from spectating good players and try to mimic them, worked well for me so far. If you don't know why a player does something you can always try asking them, that's how I figured a lot of stuff out, just ask
Know where to shoot based on your hardware/settings. And then practice. Also, you can adjust mouse settings. Various tips and tricks.

Lowering mouse sensitivity, was there something about disabling mouse acceleration? etc.

And then practice like you a superstar.