Help with Gunner vs Jedi fights

Hi, I’m a new-ish player and if anyone has the time I’d appreciate some tips. I main the mando class and while I’m pretty confident in gunner vs gunner fights, I almost always lose in 1v1 jedi fights. Could anyone give me some general advice on how to counter them? I understand the basic mechanics like FP drain, and walking to not be pushed but there are a couple common scenarios that I struggle a lot with.

1: what should I do if a Jedi is far away from me, but closing the distance while ADAD strafing really quickly? I find it hard to land many shots and the shots I do land aren’t enough to drain their FP to 0. How do I keep them away and/or deal damage to them?

2: when a Jedi has already closed the gap and is in his saber swing range (practically touching me with their body) is there anything I can do at that point? If they’re coming straight forward it’s easy to drain their FP and shoot them down but again if they are ADAD spamming in my face it’s hard for me to hit any shots and stop their swing. Obviously I should try to prevent them from getting that close but if they do am I just fucked at that point or is there any counter play? I’ve read in some old discord comments that I could switch to melee to knock them over but which melee moves should I do and when? I’ve never touched the melee mechanics in this game yet.

Lastly, is there a recommended load out for fighting jedi? I can’t decide on whether to use the dual westars or the rifle. The westars feel more consistent to use because the rifle spreads a bit, but I rarely see other mando players using them.

Thank you
Hi, I’m a new-ish player and if anyone has the time I’d appreciate some tips. I main the mando class and while I’m pretty confident in gunner vs gunner fights, I almost always lose in 1v1 jedi fights. Could anyone give me some general advice on how to counter them? I understand the basic mechanics like FP drain, and walking to not be pushed but there are a couple common scenarios that I struggle a lot with.

1: what should I do if a Jedi is far away from me, but closing the distance while ADAD strafing really quickly? I find it hard to land many shots and the shots I do land aren’t enough to drain their FP to 0. How do I keep them away and/or deal damage to them?

2: when a Jedi has already closed the gap and is in his saber swing range (practically touching me with their body) is there anything I can do at that point? If they’re coming straight forward it’s easy to drain their FP and shoot them down but again if they are ADAD spamming in my face it’s hard for me to hit any shots and stop their swing. Obviously I should try to prevent them from getting that close but if they do am I just fucked at that point or is there any counter play? I’ve read in some old discord comments that I could switch to melee to knock them over but which melee moves should I do and when? I’ve never touched the melee mechanics in this game yet.

Lastly, is there a recommended load out for fighting jedi? I can’t decide on whether to use the dual westars or the rifle. The westars feel more consistent to use because the rifle spreads a bit, but I rarely see other mando players using them.

Thank you
Before going point by point I have to make clear that a major component of any combat in the mod is your ability to predict what your opponent will do next. The reason prediction is so important is that most weapons are not hitscan so good aim and a fast reaction time will not help you as much as it would in a game like counterstrike.

1. First make sure to pick favorable terrain, as a Mando you have the ability to quite literally fly away and reposition. The best spots you can pick are tight hallways, bridges and big open rooms (so you can fly away if you mess up). When you are confident you are in a favorable position try to see if your opponent is making a predictable pattern, if he is zig zagging too fast for you to easily track just find the center of the zigzag and shoot there.

2. If the jedi is close to you and you don't want to or can't fly away, predict their swing and attempt to run out of the range (running around, away or ducking under) of their lightsaber. If the jedi is practically hugging you it's already over and at that point only perfect aim will save you. You will have to learn how to keep them at an arms length by running without getting pushed which is 100% prediction.

An alternative is using melee like people suggested but this can be quite hard to pull off especially if you are unfamiliar with the melee system. The best melee move you have in your arsenal (in my opinion) is the leg sweep. You can do a leg sweep by using Crouch + Use + Alt attack this leg sweep starts at your back and can hit instantly. So to use this effectively you have to aim your back at the jedi and legsweep right when they get in range

3. The entire mando kit is viable against jedi you just have to be weary of the rifles increasing inaccuracy if you hold it down

Bonus tip: A teammate is a great way to counter jedi, especially if you can use them to turn the jedi's back or have them shoot the jedi's back
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Hi, I’m a new-ish player and if anyone has the time I’d appreciate some tips. I main the mando class and while I’m pretty confident in gunner vs gunner fights, I almost always lose in 1v1 jedi fights. Could anyone give me some general advice on how to counter them? I understand the basic mechanics like FP drain, and walking to not be pushed but there are a couple common scenarios that I struggle a lot with.

1: what should I do if a Jedi is far away from me, but closing the distance while ADAD strafing really quickly? I find it hard to land many shots and the shots I do land aren’t enough to drain their FP to 0. How do I keep them away and/or deal damage to them?

2: when a Jedi has already closed the gap and is in his saber swing range (practically touching me with their body) is there anything I can do at that point? If they’re coming straight forward it’s easy to drain their FP and shoot them down but again if they are ADAD spamming in my face it’s hard for me to hit any shots and stop their swing. Obviously I should try to prevent them from getting that close but if they do am I just fucked at that point or is there any counter play? I’ve read in some old discord comments that I could switch to melee to knock them over but which melee moves should I do and when? I’ve never touched the melee mechanics in this game yet.

Lastly, is there a recommended load out for fighting jedi? I can’t decide on whether to use the dual westars or the rifle. The westars feel more consistent to use because the rifle spreads a bit, but I rarely see other mando players using them.

Thank you
The Mandolorian's Flamethrower can be used to ward off Jedi at midrange. It deals unblockable damage. Just do not use it at melee range, it decreases in damage the closer the enemy is.

At long range you want to hit them as much as possible and make it so your closer (More force point damaging) shots can take care of the rest fast enough to put them down. Unless the Jedi is in a fight with a Sith it is tough to kill them at long range. When they get too close mandos can either fly away or hope to land a shot while the Jedi swings at them.

Westars are more consistent at mid range but remember the shots come from the barrels of the guns, so you will have to turn side to side a bit at point blank range. This applies to the high-FP-damage Wrist laser as well. Also remember at close range you will not have to compensate for bolt travel time.
Sounds like u just don't have enough gunner vs saberist experience, so I wouldn't worry much, just keep playing and soon you'll learn their patterns.

As for manda specifically, the simplest tip is don't forget you have a fucking jetpack on your back, so as soon as they get into force push range just fly away to your teammates and they can't do shit. Taking a 1v1 fight vs a saberist as a gunner is not the smartest decision, especially when you have this kind of mobility.
Sounds like u just don't have enough gunner vs saberist experience.
Liniyka is spot on. This game has a ridiculous learning curve, and you're competing against people with 15 years experience. It's all a numbers game of how many hours you sink in. Nothing else will close the gap.

Also, Liniyka, I've been meaning to say this for the past 6 years: Your profile picture creeps me tf out.
Liniyka is spot on. This game has a ridiculous learning curve, and you're competing against people with 15 years experience. It's all a numbers game of how many hours you sink in. Nothing else will close the gap.

Also, Liniyka, I've been meaning to say this for the past 6 years: Your profile picture creeps me tf out.
C'mon man, you know it's mad sexy...