Hello Everybody :)

Hello everybody. I am Super Battle Wolf, a newly produced low level programmed SBD. I wanted to say hi to every good people out there and if its possible i really appreciate any tips and tricks for SBD class . Have a beatifull life/day/night and stay healthy. :)
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EU Official Server Admin
Opinion as SBD user, I do not know the exact mechanics but might help you.

Battery is the most important thing! Without battery it does not matter your firepower 3 or 2, it does not matter your cortosis, everything goes to hell if you lose more than 3/4 of your precious battery.

There are tricks with battery:
  1. Try to keep your battery above 3/4.
  2. Battery 1 is useless, just straight to 2 or 3
    1. If using Battery 2: Do not run when engaging enemies, running and shooting eats battery like hungry hippos, yes, most of the time you got to eat enemy shoots, but that’s part of life.
    2. If using Battery 3: You can run everywhere, your battery will recharge very slowly, you can also run and shoot, it will drain battery but not that much.
  3. Low on battery and you need to recharge? Switch to low power mode and trade ammo for battery.
Against gunners

Everyone poops their pants when seeing an SBD (well, most), still, get as many cover as you can, facing one by one leads to victory and this is not a SBD only suggestion, works for everything. You could get the fancy Magnetic Plating which deflects some shots from light guns. A280 and pistol 3 however, rapes SBD so watch for those.

When facing a Jedi

1. Get Cortosis, it will protect you against saber swings, I believe 3 yellow swings with full battery. However, do not get too much confidence because of that, a swing also drain battery and what we just said? Battery is the most important thing!

2. You can face Jedi without Cortosis, but you need to be more aggressive keeping fire on the jedi and timely dodge swings (dodge by predicting a swing or a parry) and use the Jedi openings on your favor. Force power drains on jedi sucks for SBD (I believe they are going to fix it?) So, you need too much fire to really drain a Jedi’s force power

Against wooks

You are fucked, well, you could get a lot of Hull Strength but that makes you worthless for every other class.

Against pulses

If you get shocked by pulse with the enemy awfully close to you the worst thing you can do is reload. Wait a few seconds and you will get your battery back and some ammo that might save you get out of hairy situations.

Hope this helps.

Also... I found a very balanced build, it might help you to get started
  1. Hull: 1
  2. Firepower: 2
  3. Recharge boost: 3
  4. Cortosis: 1
  5. Magnetic Plating: 1
  6. Ammo: 0 (who needs ammo anyways?)
Atska pretty much summed up how to play SBD, but I want to place my two cents in along with what I think is a good starter build
Hull 3
Firepower 2
Battery 3
Ammo 2 (we need ammo)

A good mindset to have when playing SBD is to play defensively, not aggressively. Playing aggressive gets you killed. Defense the best offense.
Although SBD is a good hard counter against jedi, you are still far from invulnerable even with cortosis. How you would typically deal with jedi is you let them come to you, never charge a jedi. Slap is your best friend, but it cant knock down jedi while crouched, and what typically jedi do is to engage, crouch, and combo. So when you see them start to crouch you let go of the shift button, backpedal, and fire catching them midswing.
1. Get Cortosis, it will protect you against saber swings, I believe 3 yellow swings with full battery. However, do not get too much confidence because of that, a swing also drain battery and what we just said? Battery is the most important thing!

The way cortosis works is when you get hit by a saber, you lose some of the damage reduction for cortosis for like 1-2 seconds, if they hit you again within that period, they will do more damage, and drain your damage reduc even further, so If a yellow user hits you 3 times, each swing within 1-2 seconds of the last, it will kill you, however, if they swing at you 3 times, each swing more than 2 seconds apart, the SBD will survive (assuming you're running hull 3 cortosis) yellow, which is around 240 damage per swing normally I think, will do around 30-40 on the first swing against cortosis, and 80-90 on the second swing if it is within 2 seconds, so as an SBD, you want to make sure that the jedi's cannot get consecutive swings, then you should survive a lot longer.

This droid reached out to me privately, briefly before this thread was created.
Although, I have yet to respond until now, due to my- '
busy' schedule.


As far as this public thread goes-
Although I admire his efforts to gleam wisdom from all sources, and would likely do the same- regrettably, most of the advice given in this thread is pitiful.
Almost laughable.

Especially the builds.

Which of course, I can not correct openly, because my own is a long held secret.
(Although some long-time users have gotten extremely close, and over the years I have given enough away that it is likely possible to piece my primary build together, if any sort of investigation was made.)
Still, it shouldn't be difficult to see why 'spamming' slap and bringing battery 3 are 'poor' decisions...
None of them even included radar. For shame.

If any future aspiring SBD user is looking at this thread, and would like SBD advice: Feel at liberty to browse through my old threads, or contact me in private.

Years of rigorous live training,
The focused/dedicated usage of only the SBD since 2016.
If any further convincing is necessary, '
here's my card':

Goliath Shares A Year Long Journey
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