Guides/Help for Purple and Red styles.

Hello! I have around 200 hours of mb2 under my belt now and sadly have only used yellow for most of it. I'm trying to learn Purple/Red styles for some variety. Everything I've been reading is either about Nudging or like 6 Years old. Any tips and help is appreciated. Thanks!
Hello! I have around 200 hours of mb2 under my belt now and sadly have only used yellow for most of it. I'm trying to learn Purple/Red styles for some variety. Everything I've been reading is either about Nudging or like 6 Years old. Any tips and help is appreciated. Thanks!
red is very good at counterswinging (singles/doubles and full combo) for high damage and last hits, purple is trash. but if u can PB very well then you can make it work.
Hello, sorry for my engl.
I played purple with saber def 1 and winning most of duels. The secret is keeping distance and dodging all hits (its for both red and purple). Im almost dont use PB and dont block at all (thats why i have def 1). Mostly just dodge and shadowswing (1-2 hits ).....
Red is more comfortable for most of plyrs but i prefer purple and thats why:
1 unusual and uncomfortable animations for enemy (often cause of side kills :))
2 fast combos: SA WA D and SD W A used after enemy's slap
3 all hits is ez to use from air, when u jump on enemy while attack
AND REMEMBER! swing block ur EVERY first hit in combo :)

i hope it will help, be ready to be the Glass Cannon :)


Internal Beta Team
Ehh...Purple with Saber Defence 1 is a free meal for any duelist who can press Mouse Button 1 and Perfect Block, unfortunately.

Re OP:

You'll find Red a lot more effective for the vast majority of cases. Have done a lot of Purple, especially in recent times (bored of Blue), and while you can catch someone unawares at times, there's not a single instance I can think of that where I would have found it easier to duel someone with Purple over Red.

General Tips
  • Learn the combinations. Red relies heavily on its 3-hit combinations, so make sure you spend time learning how to vary your hits while performing 3-hit combinations (general rule is to hit a different angle with each swing to lessen chances of being Perfect Blocked).
  • You must learn how to Perfect Block (this is especially true against faster styles, where you will be relying a lot more on counters).
  • Practice the Red jump: perform an attack, as soon as you hear the swoosh noise, TAP forward+attack+jump+reload. Red jumps cover a lot of ground, and are good for launching oneself into the enemy from distance, following up with a second attack to initiate.
  • Don't always be aggressive: Red has very potent counters, so it's okay to allow the enemy to hit you first, and then follow-up with a counter combination.

Might update this with specific tips on how to fight different styles. Also, I'm happy to pop on Sentinel Duel Server to offer some tips/guidance.
1 - ow ye, free meal, but unfortunately, it seems like no one can aim properly to land their hits, if u dodge them.
2 - perfect block cant help u if u cant hit back after it, disarming cant help too coz of swingblock
3 - good luck to perfect block SA WA D и SD W A purple combos lol

but basically yes, red is more ez to play with, cringy animations of red against badass animations of purple... hmmm
to play with purple successfully, you must forget most of the rules from dueling guides and learn it by yourself.
its the way of experiments and not obvious mechanics (this way is criptonite for sweating duelists who repeat same shit over and over again)
dont listen anybody, just try purple and soon u will understand if its for u or not :)

and last little tip: red and purple has good attack range, it means that u can keep distance while u attacking. keep distance and get many lulz when their slaps just cant reach u coz of that distance :)
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Hello! I have around 200 hours of mb2 under my belt now and sadly have only used yellow for most of it. I'm trying to learn Purple/Red styles for some variety. Everything I've been reading is either about Nudging or like 6 Years old. Any tips and help is appreciated. Thanks!
The best tip i can tell you so far is to ignore this guy, he speaks like he knows the game but he is only saying bullshit
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Any proofs, or just toxicity as usual? xD

All i saying aprooved by experience.

P.S. (Sweaty's dont like criticism and emediately became toxic)
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Internal Beta Team
Any proofs, or just toxicity as usual? xD

All i saying aprooved by experience.

P.S. (Sweaty's dont like criticism and mediately became toxic)
Noone is laughing at the fact that you use Purple, man - it's a very fun stance and you can definitely kill people with it.

My comments pertain to dueling against people with a good duel IQ, where forfeiting the dueling basics alone will get you killed in 3 seconds; add Purple to the mix (which is essentially a watered-down Red), with swings that are easy to Perfect Block, and against styles that can interrupt it all day, and you're going to have a bad time.
I think that all that conflicts is based on different approaches to the gaming.

There is 2 types of players:
First type trying to do the best they can do in game and searching the most effective ways of killing enemies, dueling, team working etc. Some kind of sport.
Second type is searching the ways to just have fun and enjoy the gameplay, when its not necessarily to be good at dueling or shooting. (For example there is players who dont kill enemies in open mode at all, and trying to speedrun obj instead)

Im the second type. I found the way of proper dueling is extremely boring and i trying to found some unobvious mechanics instead. The way of experiments for me is more interesting, thats why i like purple whitch is the most experimental style imo.
Yes, its maybe not the most effective way of playing and pro duelists can defeat me, but first, there is not soo many pro duelists (as i can see. because i loose duels quite rare with purp def 1), and second, i dont really care of winning all fights, only of having fun.
I must confess that im always pretty triggering when ''proper duelists'' criticize this type of gameplay in a toxic way.
Red is better(or rather, more reliable/easier) than Purple, but Purple can be played quite well and hold its own against good yellow users and every other style, however it requires a lot more effort, probably the most in the game to get good at than any other style. I believe it has the highest skillcap in the game currently because of how underpowered it can feel at first against every other style and its very low margin for error, but the fact that its rarely used as well as its capacity for unpredictability and generating ACM from PBs can make it very powerful.

Playing purple against a good yellow duelist is like playing yellow against a good cyan/blue. Its rough, its annoying, and their halfswings get everywhere.
Against every style you will need a different approach/tactic.

The most important thing about purple is to yaw your swings as much as possible to speed them up. Not only does it speed up your swings, but it also makes them very hard to block consistently as long as you aren't doing the same combo over and over.
Purple also has instant counterswings much like red, but they are more dependent on a couple of a things: From which direction the opponent's next swing will come from (or how long it would take for their next strike to reach you) and how fast you are able to yaw the counterswing. WD in particular is really fast as a counterswing. Another very important skill to have when playing purple is to learn to read your opponent, more so than other styles because of how slow its swing windup is. This applies to both knowing when to attack or counter so you don't get interrupted, as well as reading your opponent's yaw'd attacks so you know where to PB.

If you are able to stay unpredictable with your combos and weave in halfswings and stab kata at unexpected moments you will be able to pull off some of the most satisfying kills in this game. Its a shame not many people are able to play it effectively, but that also speaks to the character of such players. Players that play purple are the masochist chads that really strive to improve themselves and enjoy the challenge of playing something more difficult than the norm.
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Ehh...Purple with Saber Defence 1 is a free meal for any duelist who can press Mouse Button 1 and Perfect Block, unfortunately.

Re OP:

You'll find Red a lot more effective for the vast majority of cases. Have done a lot of Purple, especially in recent times (bored of Blue), and while you can catch someone unawares at times, there's not a single instance I can think of that where I would have found it easier to duel someone with Purple over Red.

General Tips
  • Learn the combinations. Red relies heavily on its 3-hit combinations, so make sure you spend time learning how to vary your hits while performing 3-hit combinations (general rule is to hit a different angle with each swing to lessen chances of being Perfect Blocked).
  • You must learn how to Perfect Block (this is especially true against faster styles, where you will be relying a lot more on counters).
  • Practice the Red jump: perform an attack, as soon as you hear the swoosh noise, TAP forward+attack+jump+reload. Red jumps cover a lot of ground, and are good for launching oneself into the enemy from distance, following up with a second attack to initiate.
  • Don't always be aggressive: Red has very potent counters, so it's okay to allow the enemy to hit you first, and then follow-up with a counter combination.

Might update this with specific tips on how to fight different styles. Also, I'm happy to pop on Sentinel Duel Server to offer some tips/guidance.
I'd love that sometime :)


Internal Beta Team
Purple can work if you are good at masking combos and are a master at camera movement yawing drags etc. As for Red its counters and dfa interrupt spam is about the best you will get out of it atm. Currently Red and Purple aren't very competitive styles compared to yellow and blue so just have fun with them.
I'm also in the same boat, I started yesterday and want to learn how to be a better duelist in purple. I might sub in cyan as well though not really sure what to put pts in for duel mode?