GUIDE: Positioning

I don't know if anyone writes or reads guides anymore or if something like this already exists but I feel like some people could use this

What is positioning
Positioning is the space you take for yourself when defending. I'm going to take a stretching reach and also use it to refer to the line you're expected to more or less move through as you advance during your attack.

Why does it matter
Most importantly to avoid getting hit by your teammates and to avoid hitting your teammates with blaster fire. Understanding how to position yourself helps you not only survive better but to also fight more efficiently and with less frustrating accidental teamkills and bodyblocking.


Taking cover
When you're a gunner taking cover, you want to get those sweet frags but you also want to have an easy way to safety. This means someone will get the nicer spot right next to a wall and someone else will unfortunately have to be further away from it. If everyone hugs the wall the outermost guy obviously can't get back in.


When you take your own 'line' in the cover and follow it you won't walk into your teammates. The guys further back will need to move more both in and out of cover to stay safe and to be able to hit something besides their teammates, but it's better than ruining your teammate's fight.

But isn't this predictable?
Yes, you're moving on one axis instead of two, but while it's predictable for your enemy, it's also predictable for your ally. What isn't predictable is how you time your movement, which doesn't hurt your allies as long as you position yourself right.

Grenade though
Keep calm and keep your line and move further away into the cover if there's space. You should generally have a way to run deeper out of the way if a nade, rocket or a TD is coming in. Ideally your jedi/sith takes care of those, but never trust them too much.


Now, when you want to advance, running in a small line means you're a more predictable target but you also won't get shot in the back. Smart teammates will consider your space and will pick targets that are a clear shot without you in the way, or reposition themselves to help you out while still leaving you some space to dodge shots. Even if you can't hit well it's still a good idea to shoot at where the enemy is to make it harder for them to kill your charging friend, or keep them inside cover while you move forward.

The picture above is mediocre play from everyone involved but it's there to demonstrate how much the guy lower on the left has to move to still safely fire at the same area he was firing at earlier before the other guy started charging in, even when he's hugging the left wall.

I'm a jedi/sith and I have a portable wall
For a saberist, taking a strict straight line at the edge of a corridor helps your gunners and snipers out a lot. When they know where you're moving, it's much easier for them to fire at the enemy without worrying about hitting you in the back.
What you especially don't have to do is strafe in a wide space to avoid blaster fire that isn't even coming your way. You can deflect most shots with minimal avoiding unless there's a lot of gunners firing at you and/or you're in ideal drain range.

But I want to hit them with my sword
Bad idea probably but if you do, go all the way in. Ideally you can push/pull enemies down for your gunners and they'll join your charge. You won't win 3 gunners and a saberist protecting them all by yourself, so taking the entire width of the hallway to jump around in won't save you, and will only lessen your chances of survival because now your gunners can't help you without hitting you either. This guide and general tactics doesn't consider 1% of the playerbase who do acrobatics along the wall for 2 minutes without dying, they're special.

I want to stay put and push nades
There's no one-size fits all place to sit since every situation is different with different amount of gunners, enemy saberists, how many other saberists you have to help out with supporting or attacking, or what classes/weapons you're against. If you want to focus on pushing grenades and rockets and protecting your team from saberists closing in, stay out of the ideal drain range of your enemy gunners. Stay at the edge of a room or hallway so your gunners have a clear shot. Any cover your allies aren't using is a good spot to avoid blaster fire and conserve FP.
Another thing to consider is how fast you are to react. If you're slow, it might even be a good idea to stay a little behind your gunners, as long as you're not blocking anyone. Being behind your allies also makes it easier to counter push any grenades they throw. Being in front however allows you to move forward a little to push down running enemies, and to generally be a disturbance even if you really aren't, which is 3 forms of support instead of just one.

Might add something more to this later if I can think of anything. Open to criticism and additions from players who are actually better in the game than I am or actually learned real strategy in an officer school or something.


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