general feedback thread

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i've been playing this mod for a week or so now, i thought i'd offer some feedback on my gameplay experience from multiplayer, here are some things i think could be changed, should be added, or aren't right. if i say "should" i'm saying "it'd be cool if"


saber throw - it's a pain to land a throw and it only does 35 damage when you do hit. either there needs to be more ultility for the saber throw (like how vader collapsed a platform in ROTJ) or it just needs to be more devastating against non-blockers. i'm not asking for battlefront 2 saber spam, but at least let me kill a stormtrooper. it also seems like 2x sabers should be able to block with the remaining saber.

general extra skills for jedi/sith - mind trick is great, but it doesn't really make sense that only jedi can mind trick. while i'm aware this is a mod balance choice, it leads to some unbalanced situations for the dark side users, where most of their team can just get blindsided - where sith get no such opportunity against clones so to speak.
speed is fun, but again it makes no sense the sith can't use it. the jedi only having mind trick is fair enough, but speed? what about sheev and his spinning scream? - it's a lot like the lunging jump attack speed 3 can do. i'd give sith the ability to scream lunge attack if they take lightning 3 so this ability can stay in the jedi class.
grip is amusing, but it's not really very useful and it's generally only used for 1v1 force whoring. compared to mind trick it's a bit of a gimmick. i'd replace it entirely with sith scream lunge skill because grip is basicly just push. at the same time, it doesn't really make sense only sith can use it. jedi throw clones about plenty... a team version of grip would be cool, so you can throw clones across large jumps. also, if you can use grip while blocking, why can't you push and use other powers? it'd be nice to be able to use a well aimed grip to pick a grenade or rocket out of the air.
lightning is great, but maybe it should drain block a bit more than it does. maybe give a force jedi the opportunity to absorb it like yoda does.
basicly i think sith should be as acrobatic as jedi can be, if not more so.

clones aren't really balanced. their concussive shot should be made the same as ion shot so it doesn't have unlimited power. they should be the same as stormtroopers really. why would older technology be that much better?

bounty hunters should get the same acrobatics as arc troopers, but their sniper rifles should be only as effective as arc troopers. arc troopers pistols shot damage should be reduced but their pistol rate of fire increased.

3 spawn soldiers should be more susceptible to longer ranged push. they can already totally suppress a jedi or sith with constant fire, and they get 3 lives where a jedi doesn't. trying to push in a lot of situations is suicide against some soldiers, and you're only likely to get one unless you're a sneaky sith with lightning.
i have very few comments on the saber system. it's pretty much perfect, though there could be some additions in variety and hilt advantage, and one observation, which i'll start with. it's too easy to knock people down. hitting should have a smaller chance to actually knock down but a very high chance to knock back.

i'd add reverse saber style in single and 2x versions at light 3, like starkiller's style. could just be implimented on two handed dual sabers with one blade turned off.

i'd add a more acrobatic alternative style for dual sabers. i might be able to get animations for this.

i'd add lightsaber pikes at heavy 3, like the royal guards from TFU use.

i'd make angled hilts have different properties to standard hilts, explanation in path to destruction

i'd make spinning the camera while swinging give the opportunity to hit more than once, but if you spin around you expose your back and make it harder to block the next swing

i don't like that wallrunning and wallsitting drain BP. it'd be cool if you could hang/grab a ledge and climb up as well as just a flat wall.


silly but serious

is there a way to add a hutt character? a hutt jedi would make the game great. you can do the animations by just sticking the legs together, then you strap on a hutt model to one leg.

can we get yoda's sabers? or the ability to change saber length? smaller sabers swing faster but larger sabers swing longer

are magnaguards out of the question?

can we get helicopter sabers?
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I think it'd be enough just to fix the weird targeting where you have to look a little to the left, but not too much, and pray you got the hitbox right, and usually miss anyway. Saber throw can be a powerful asset under the right circumstances, but using it is virtually impossible.

i had limited success using it in 1v1 duels using 2x sabers, i'd attack, fall back, throw then try to slip them up by attacking and risking getting hit if i didn't get out before their next swing. it's not possible to use it if there's any uncivilized weapons about, though.


Movie Battles II Team Retired
it's not possible to use it if there's any uncivilized weapons about, though.

Nonsense. It's actually best against gunners, but you either have to have pinpoint accuracy and know they're critically wounded (sense 3, or careful analysis of their pain sounds), or you have to be somewhere where you can take cover when it fails. With 30 damage, I've managed to finish off gunners wounded by my deflects/allied gunners, and sometimes even a retreating Sith (again, wounded by allies) - but I just as easily open myself up to blaster fire without even hurting the target. (Like I said in an earlier post - compensating for gravity is fine, but compensating for weird hitboxes is just stupid.)
Nonsense. It's actually best against gunners, but you either have to have pinpoint accuracy and know they're critically wounded (sense 3, or careful analysis of their pain sounds), or you have to be somewhere where you can take cover when it fails. With 30 damage, I've managed to finish off gunners wounded by my deflects/allied gunners, and sometimes even a retreating Sith (again, wounded by allies) - but I just as easily open myself up to blaster fire without even hurting the target. (Like I said in an earlier post - compensating for gravity is fine, but compensating for weird hitboxes is just stupid.)

i meant if you're using it against a saber user while there is a supporting trooper or something, but yes i see your point.

by the way, is there a trick to deflecting accurately?

and what's the deal with block+click blocking where you move the saber while blocking, what's the point in that?


Movie Battles II Team Retired
i meant if you're using it against a saber user while there is a supporting trooper or something, but yes i see your point.

by the way, is there a trick to deflecting accurately?

You have to move your crosshair to compensate for the enemy's efforts to throw you off. A common trick is to aim for your legs - you just have to aim above their head to correct that one, but if they start shooting at your head you have to lower your aim again, etc.

Also, saber throw almost never works against saberists in my experience - there are obviously exceptions, like the retreating crippled Sith I mentioned, but...

and what's the deal with block+click blocking where you move the saber while blocking, what's the point in that?

That's... I'm not sure how to explain it. @SeV, @Tempest, can someone lend me a hand here?


Internal Beta Team
EU Official Server Admin
and what's the deal with block+click blocking where you move the saber while blocking, what's the point in that?

If you mean the animations that the model shows when you hold shift+movement+attack+block, its completely useless. They are mblock animations but currently mblock doesnt require them.
If you mean the animations that the model shows when you hold shift+movement+attack+block, its completely useless. They are mblock animations but currently mblock doesnt require them.

what exactly is mblock? and what's the difference between that and swingblock? and why does doing that drain fp?


Internal Beta Team
what exactly is mblock? and what's the difference between that and swingblock? and why does doing that drain fp?

Mblock = Manual Block, an old term referring to manually matching swing directions with saber input. It causes a disarm if you do not swingblock. Also, the mblock anims are only shown if you hold walk while holding both mouse buttons. If you put points into deflect, mblock drains your FP because it is how you trigger deflecting. Without holding the two mouse buttons, you don't use deflect meaning you can't aim blaster bolts back at the enemy with the skill. I believe deflect 1 and 2 drain your FP slowly but deflect 3 just halts its regen. The difference between the levels is in the frequency with which you can deflect.


Movie Battles II Team Retired
Having the manual blocking animations trigger only when holding walk is meant to give the jedi/sith the possibility to either show or hide the fact that he's deflecting.
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Gameplay Design
Movie Battles II Team
"i only want feedback from people who are set in their opinions and have played the mod from outset"

if nobody gave you any feedback would you just put whatever ideas you thought were best in? like how EA make arcadefront

if anything you should ask everyone to give feedback after their first hour of gameplay for initial impressions of what's useful and what isn't to a blind man.
The problem is that most of the things in MB2 have depth requiring far more than a few hours or weeks of play to have a solid grasp on. While feedback is always appreciated, most of what you've suggested very clearly demonstrates why this is the case.
"i only want feedback from people who are set in their opinions and have played the mod from outset"

if nobody gave you any feedback would you just put whatever ideas you thought were best in? like how EA make arcadefront

if anything you should ask everyone to give feedback after their first hour of gameplay for initial impressions of what's useful and what isn't to a blind man.

MB2 is not your general third person shooter, you have not mastered the game or understood the balance & what counters what within a week. Now, in the nicest way possible, please don't make three threads in the feedback & gameplay section with content that unfortunately is more akin to shitposting than helpful or meaningful discussion or suggestion.

Don't even try and discuss the saber combat beyond asking for help in understanding it until you get a few hundred hours in learning all of the mechanics, timings & finally practice that shit till you can wave your glowstick e-peen around, only to get decimated by arc-fu.
somebody who played for hundreds of hours can still give retarded feedback, how many hours are in a few weeks, by the way? plenty to learn the basics and begin to apply them effectively. especially if i'm only really playing MB2.

i didn't discuss the saber combat because i think it's pretty much perfect as it is, in that it's the best execution of a full saber system i've seen, improving on the base game by leaps and bounds. i said i'd make the staves more acrobatic and give 2x a block after thrown but that's all i'd change.

i only asked for some help understanding for the blocking because nobody thought to explain it in a tooltip, the rest of it i'm perfectly proficient in.

after trying all of the styles i prefer red and to a certain extent dark blue, but staves are also fun because you can trip people up with the secondary blade, but i also use it when i want to be perfect blocking, although red seems nice with perfect blocks. i worked out you could trip up a lot of people by slowly walking backwards so your enemy always has to attack while moving forward, halving the amount of locations a perfect block cam can be in. with red this leads to a style like dooku uses, where one blocks to wear down the opponent before striking. i like red for this because you can do a slow swing and then follow it with opposite fast swings in combos. red doesn't really work very well against cyan unless you hit with the fast side of the combo first, otherwise it's disarm perk tends to get in the way. i think that's because red is so slow by comparison, so you need to do swings at the right time. i also prefer red because in DOTF the window break is about 3x as fast with a heavy style, giving the enemy less time to react to balcony warning.

probably the most important thing i learned was to walk while i swing, since that essentially means you can combo indefinitely "in a vacuum" - i also found out that jumping is the last thing you really want to do, unless you're doing the downward jump swing or something like the 2x sabers jumping attack or escaping, but then mindtrick+speed or a wallrun is probably better anyway.

lightning and mintrick are great against soldiers, both achieving the same sort of outcomes, but mindtrick can also win duels if you get force focus up. it seems like you can often confuse somebody to death, even if you don't attack them with the first mindtrick. this is the strategy described to darth bane on staves and dual sabers, and also his angled hilt. to confuse the enemy first. when i first considered this, i started rapidly spinning my camera occasionally during combat. logically this should do nothing, and even expose me, but it seemed to gain great results for that reason.

speed has great synergy with mindtrick, since you can cover a whole corridor while invisible, or even speed kata while invisible or bare-handed jump over the enemy.

i've used the other styles but i've not developed the same level of strategy, and i'm not so sure of their specific bonuses because they aren't explained anywhere obvious. cyan seems great, but i prefer having heavy strikes and 100% health damage. i said i liked dark blue, it has the same problems as cyan though. yellow is probably the best style because it matches speed with power. purple is great, but i prefer red's perk and apparent slower swing speed.

since i've never used the deflect correctly i was always at more of a disadvantage against non-saber users than perhaps i should have been, i spent a lot of time working out alternative ways to approach blaster users without having to deflect, lightning and push or mindtrick were my go-tos for un-supported blasters.

i said it was the best implementation, it's not unique. i'm totally used to combos that look like "wa s wd"
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Internal Beta Team
EU Official Server Admin
Like seriously, all the stuff you are saying is false. Cyans disarm perk? Like cmon man. I suggest you read this saber system tutorial by Sev, before you go on posting anymore of your "facts": [Guide] The Dueling Compendium

This might come off as hostile but im getting triggered hard by this. Like Appo said, go get yourself a few hundred hours of sabering and then you might have a word in this.

It doesnt matter if you have played a week of mb2. There is no way you could have possibly gathered enough information to make a post about the sabering system that makes even a tiny bit of sense.
Like seriously, all the stuff you are saying is false. Cyans disarm perk? Like cmon man. I suggest you read this saber system tutorial by Sev, before you go on posting anymore of your "facts": [Guide] The Dueling Compendium

This might come off as hostile but im getting triggered hard by this. Like Appo said, go get yourself a few hundred hours of sabering and then you might have a word in this.

It doesnt matter if you have played a week of mb2. There is no way you could have possibly gathered enough information to make a post about the sabering system that makes even a tiny bit of sense.

if you fucks listen to what i'm saying, i said i ALREADY have a few hundred hours experience, you fucks just don't think to explain anything ingame.

i was told cyan had a disarm perk ingame, so your shitty tooltips are confusing most of your playerbase.

4 days have a hundred hours FYI

your autism explained:

"From the above, it looks like Blue is the best defensive stance and Red the worst. In truth however, because of the red PB perk, someone who can PB well can make Red a very strong defensive stance. Blue on the other hand, is an aggressive stance by nature because of the flurry of fast attacks. If I were to pick the stance with the strongest defensive playstyle, it would be White style aka Staff, because of the Mblock perk. More on individual styles and perks later"

this is like, nearly word-for-word what i said about these three styles. perfect blocking is nice with red.


if you fucks listen to what i'm saying, i said i ALREADY have a few hundred hours experience, you fucks just don't think to explain anything ingame.

i was told cyan had a disarm perk ingame, so your shitty tooltips are confusing most of your playerbase.

4 days have a hundred hours FYI
Wait what? You said you've played for a week and you've had hundreds of hours? What the fuck? I've played for a year and I've had like 1500. (I play every single day) I just dont understand. Do you even sleep?!?!?! How have you had this much time in ONE WEEK. HOWWWWWWW
Wait what? You said you've played for a week and you've had hundreds of hours? What the F**k? I've played for a year and I've had like 1500. (I play every single day) I just dont understand. Do you even sleep?!?!?! How have you had this much time in ONE WEEK. HOWWWWWWW

i didn't mean literally a week or literally a day, and the fact that you people are so set on "ur nub u cant have opinion until you do" is actually putting me off your community.

like i said, the game has the best saber system i've seen. including FUCKING IDENTICAL BUT WORSE EXECUTED saber systems. so i know easily 90% of the ins and outs of how everything works already. there's just some stupid shit like each style having a gay little perk that's not explained anywhere that i don't know specifically.

i don't see anything in here that i didn't know except for about 1 specific combo which is not mentioned ingame, and obviously the hertofore unexplained saber styles. i was right about how to fight with/against them all, it seems.
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i didn't mean literally a week or literally a day, and the fact that you people are so set on "ur nub u cant have opinion until you do" is actually putting me off your community.
I never said that though. I think people are just getting a bit triggered because it really takes a lot of time to get 'good' in this game. And when I say a lot of time, I mean a shit ton of time. More than a week, anyway. And in that time you learn more and more about the game.
I never said that though. I think people are just getting a bit triggered because it really takes a lot of time to get 'good' in this game. And when I say a lot of time, I mean a shit ton of time. More than a week, anyway.

you shouldn't care about who's good in feedback. sith scream is going to be 1000x less abusable than grip. it's a fucking good suggestion and i'm not going to sit here and let you guys tell me that 1/40 of your active players are too bad to speak.

why is grip a bad skill?

1# map is DOTF. it's the only one people regularly play. if you ever even get into a situation where grip is useful, you're just going to lame end your duel by dumping them off the side the moment you get focus up. when they can't push through your block. i never saw vader attack with grip "through luke's defenses"

2# only baddies use it. anyone who's good and wants sith powers uses lightning for PBAOE weapon off, but some people will spend all those points just to hit through somebody's block like a little kiddo who doesn't want to actually try a duel.


FYI i was already following all of sev's advice ingame through intuition. any incorrect info i'd been told was because i had to actually ask ingame, since where other games have informationals when you mouse over an item, nobody thought to do it here. i'd be willing to write you some of these if none of you can be bothered. there should be a combo list too. come on guys.


i dont understand you people's attitude to my 3p abuse thread. what? even fucking EA games thinks this is an issue in their games, they're a big fucking soulless hate machine, and they care about people looking round corners.
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you shouldn't care about who's good in feedback
Well im not sure what its like for open mode, but for duel mode, it does matter lol.

avnas said:
sith scream is going to be 1000x less abusable than grip. it's a fucking good suggestion
Your opinion. Doesnt mean everyone here has to agree with you.

avnas said:
and i'm not going to sit here and let you guys tell me that 1/40 of your active players are too bad to speak.

avnas said:
1# map is DOTF. it's the only one people regularly play. if you ever even get into a situation where grip is useful, you're just going to lame end your duel by dumping them off the side the moment you get focus up. when they can't push through your block. i never saw vader attack with grip "through luke's defenses"
I am pretty sure you can use pull or push when you're gripped.

avnas said:
FYI i was already following all of sev's advice ingame through intuition. any incorrect info i'd been told was because i had to actually ask ingame, since where other games have informationals when you mouse over an item, nobody thought to do it here. i'd be willing to write you some of these if none of you can be bothered. there should be a combo list too. come on guys.
This is even more proof that you dont have enough experience ingame ;) As for the information part, you should really read the library. (It might be a bit outdated for the saber system stuff, but I think its fine for open mode) And there are quite a few guides on the forums (even in video form!) that teach you how to play if you're new. As for the combo list, just no lol.

avnas said:
i dont understand you people's attitude to my 3p abuse thread. what? even fucking EA games thinks this is an issue in their games, they're a big fucking soulless hate machine, and they care about people looking round corners.
AFAIK that thread was about how third person range can be abused and stuff, right? Honestly, it would change the game in such a bad way if the third person peaking stuff was removed. It would fuck up a lot of stuff lol. If you're really against that shit, just play in first person.
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