Favorite Star Wars?

Favorite Star Wars?

  • I

    Votes: 5 11.4%
  • II

    Votes: 1 2.3%
  • III

    Votes: 13 29.5%
  • IV

    Votes: 6 13.6%
  • V

    Votes: 14 31.8%
  • VI

    Votes: 3 6.8%
  • VII

    Votes: 2 4.5%

  • Total voters
i really dont have THE ONE but the closest to it is probably epi 6 but my star wars movie fav list goes like this:
epi 6,3,5,7,4,1,2


Slayed dreamer
I know my opinion isn't very popular, but I really like prequels
  • They are more serious
  • Have less "humor"
  • No ewoks defeating elite troopers with god damn wooden sticks
  • Modern SFX
  • More gore, and fried chickensAnakin
  • Intense saber duels
  • Deep and complicated motivation of betrayal from Anakin (ok, call him whiny boy, I don't care)
  • And indeed, my favorite part: insidious, evil, powerful chancellor Palpatine, ruler of The Empire, winning at life! YES!
So my list goes like this: 3, 2, OT, 7, 1.


Just a Guy
Movie Battles II Team
I like the prequels for the backstory and politics and rise to power. Everything else I didn't like


Internal Beta Team
I can't say I have a favorite, but I've always liked EP 1. I also enjoy both episode 4, 5 and 6 to a lesser extent. Not that EP 2 or 3 are bad movies or anything, but I can't take the fight in EP3 seriously with all that spastic flailing. To my mind the fight between Obi-wan and Darth vader on the death star is far better.
my list is something like 5>4>3>6>2>7>1

probably, anyway. 7 wasn't particularly bad but there was something about it that left a bad aftertaste


Movie Battles II Team Retired
I love every episode. But if i have to choose, I go for classic 4th episode.
These EP.3 votes.

Millennials pls

I know right, thankfully you're so much wiser and more objective than they are.

Again I'm not saying that episode 3 is "objectively" the best. People have different expectations when they're watching a movie, some like the "fun" aspect , some prefer the story, some prefer the music, etc.

I know Gumba that I am drastically inferior to your mighty intellect given that I voted for Star Wars 3.

Yet I believe as well that you won't really even consider another's perspective so I'm really addressing this message to the people who liked his message and the people who like the prequels and get shit on all the time just because some people can't accept that one's perception of a movie is by no way objective.

So I'm going to make my case on why I think the prequels are great, especially the third one, so bear with me because it's a pretty long message.

I happen to think that the story of the prequels utterly destroys that of the originals (not necessarily in terms of execution as the prequels can be very unequal) but in terms of depth.

I recently rewatched the opera scene and it still amazes me just how much I love it. There's more subtlety in that scene than in any other star wars film (especially the OT, I still really like that scene in ep 6 in which Luke has half of his face in the light, half of it in the dark, and a LOT more than in 7). For one it actually questions the supposed absolute nature of "good" and "bad." Something, of course, none of the more manichean films in the OT or in the 7th have done (and really doubt it ever will in the Disney Trilogy). You also have the potential implications that it was Plagueis that created Anakin. In short, that scene highlights that, imo, you really have to read between the lines to get the full story of the prequels (the most obvious example is the fact that the entire war was started by Palpatine to eradicate the jedi and create his empire).

I came across this comment by "Insanity Luke"
You need to go to the moment he refers to in order to understand what he's saying

"1:51 The applause just came exactly after annakin finished his sentence. Thats the difference between the Sith and the Jedi. The perfect Jedi are selfless and don't strive for their own personal gain. They let go of everything that can cause negative emotions to them (fear, anger, hatred and suffering). Too bad that is also Annakins weakness, his inability to let go of his loved ones and the fear to lose them, which eventually allowed him to be consumed by the dark side."

Following that I came up with a new interpretation of that passage

"Really good observation there. The timing seems too perfect to be unintentional. Here's my analysis of that passage: Anakin still believed in the jedi order at this point: he debunked Palpatine's argument that sith and jedi were the same. After making his point Anakin looks away, probably a bit distrustful of the Chancelor. Palpatine knew at that moment he couldn't yet turn Anakin to the dark side by showing him the hypocrisy of the jedi council. When Anakin looks away, Palpatine's face is a bit hesitant, he probably was not expecting that Anakin still remained loyal to the jedi after all the council had done. Palpatine was left with his last, the one that really interested Anakin: the power to save Padme. And that's when the applause stopped. Anakin's interest in the story of Plagueis was the beginning of his turn to the dark side (notice the change in the music when Anakin turns to Palpatine, as well as the camera focus on what I perceive as the reflection of Vader's mask in the orb (here's a link to a reddit topic talking about it, with a link to the scene in 1080p TIL you can see a very faint reflection of Vader's mask in the bubble of water during the opera scene in ROTS. • /r/StarWars)."

The combination in that small passage of the visuals, the music, the actual text is amazing as far as I'm concerned.

And just to make it clear, I'm not shitting on the people who like the OT or episode 7, we like different things, we perceive things differently but at least I tolerate their opinions because how you appreciate and perceive a movie is subjective

Hence those making claims about how shitty one's taste in movies is because they can't acknowledge that the OT is objectively vastly superior should (imo again of course) check their ego because they're not some super humans who are able to perceive things "objectively," most of all things like movies.

But of course all of the above is just my opinion.
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Since I somehow get the feeling that you didn't read my post, let me make it easy for you.

Hence those making claims about how shitty one's taste in movies is because they can't acknowledge that the OT is objectively vastly superior should (imo again of course) check their ego because they're not some super humans who are able to perceive things "objectively," most of all things like movies.