Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Exposing a secret Pack Dueling Tryhards use

So I was given this pack by a anonymous person that told me alot of Bum Tryhards use in dueling. It basically has white lines all around your player that will turn red as soon as a saberist throws their swing, each line will light up the direction it comes from, for easier PB blocks and overall NO SKILL talent as well as showing what keys they hit as long as your target locked on them.

So, the majority of what you said was false, impossible, or extremely unlikely we covered this already. And I thought that would be the end of it until. Myself and the entire EU Sen server today just experienced something similar to what you said. Around 4 hours ago, I and a server with about 20 people just faced what I can only call a Demon that thing was apparently a female fake padawan. At first, nothing really happened then people myself included started dueling her and it all went downhill from there. She wasn't just winning duels she was completely dominating them; she already knew the moves people were going to make before they even made them. At first, we just thought it was a fluke along with everyone else on the server. That's when it started spiraling out of control 2v1,3v1,4v1,6v1, and 9v1 she didn't just win them no no no, she completely dominated again.

Knowing everyone's movements before they even made them! And this wasn't one-off 2v1's or 3v1's people, myself included tried several times on each one to no avail. Then even more experienced people started to come on the server then it just got out of hand to the point of insanity, and just outright ludicrous. 13v1's and one point the entire server jumped in. I'm not kidding. Durning the 13v1's we noticed something on a very rare occasion when she was fighting the more experienced players she'd lose. And they noted in the chat it wasn't even them that were gaining the victory, she only lost when she got TIRED! Soon we all started to notice this in 3v1's, 4v1's, etc. That's when I noticed the time, she had been dominating everyone on the server, for an hour and 30 mins straight. She would stay on for another 30 minutes, during that time she got occasionally tired and lost. 98% of the time, she completely predicted EVERYONE'S MOVEMENTS!! It was nearly flawless! It made no sense, even Sen clan who ran the server were perplexed. No one knew who she was, and no one had the slightest clue, how the only way she would lose, was due to her being tired.

THIS is Movie Battles 2! Not some DARK SOULS boss battle!! She predicted all our movements and lost when she got tired! Now if you know ANYTHING about MB2 you know this doesn't make any sense!! It got to the point where people were suggesting we DDOSS the server to see if she would still fight the same during a DDOSS. This would essentially prove that she wasn't human at that point. Unfortunately, she left at the 2-hour mark, so we never got to test it. Everyone, myself included were completely perplexed by the event. I don't even think it's possible to predict everyone's movements before they make them... First this legacy pack mystery, and now this Fake Padawan Demon, I must say I think I've had my fill of EU servers for 1 lifetime thank you very much. I think that this might be related to what I said in an earlier post about if this pack was real, it would be a hack disguised as a pack. Well if this is related it's 100 percent a hack disguised as a "pack" at this point the only I can think of that would explain this phenomenon is hacking or a super developed AI program.


Internal Beta Team
So, the majority of what you said was false, impossible, or extremely unlikely we covered this already. And I thought that would be the end of it until. Myself and the entire EU Sen server today just experienced something similar to what you said. Around 4 hours ago, I and a server with about 20 people just faced what I can only call a Demon that thing was apparently a female fake padawan. At first, nothing really happened then people myself included started dueling her and it all went downhill from there. She wasn't just winning duels she was completely dominating them; she already knew the moves people were going to make before they even made them. At first, we just thought it was a fluke along with everyone else on the server. That's when it started spiraling out of control 2v1,3v1,4v1,6v1, and 9v1 she didn't just win them no no no, she completely dominated again.

Knowing everyone's movements before they even made them! And this wasn't one-off 2v1's or 3v1's people, myself included tried several times on each one to no avail. Then even more experienced people started to come on the server then it just got out of hand to the point of insanity, and just outright ludicrous. 13v1's and one point the entire server jumped in. I'm not kidding. Durning the 13v1's we noticed something on a very rare occasion when she was fighting the more experienced players she'd lose. And they noted in the chat it wasn't even them that were gaining the victory, she only lost when she got TIRED! Soon we all started to notice this in 3v1's, 4v1's, etc. That's when I noticed the time, she had been dominating everyone on the server, for an hour and 30 mins straight. She would stay on for another 30 minutes, during that time she got occasionally tired and lost. 98% of the time, she completely predicted EVERYONE'S MOVEMENTS!! It was nearly flawless! It made no sense, even Sen clan who ran the server were perplexed. No one knew who she was, and no one had the slightest clue, how the only way she would lose, was due to her being tired.

THIS is Movie Battles 2! Not some DARK SOULS boss battle!! She predicted all our movements and lost when she got tired! Now if you know ANYTHING about MB2 you know this doesn't make any sense!! It got to the point where people were suggesting we DDOSS the server to see if she would still fight the same during a DDOSS. This would essentially prove that she wasn't human at that point. Unfortunately, she left at the 2-hour mark, so we never got to test it. Everyone, myself included were completely perplexed by the event. I don't even think it's possible to predict everyone's movements before they make them... First this legacy pack mystery, and now this Fake Padawan Demon, I must say I think I've had my fill of EU servers for 1 lifetime thank you very much. I think that this might be related to what I said in an earlier post about if this pack was real, it would be a hack disguised as a pack. Well if this is related it's 100 percent a hack disguised as a "pack" at this point the only I can think of that would explain this phenomenon is hacking or a super developed AI program.
Nice storytime