Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Exposing a secret Pack Dueling Tryhards use

So I was given this pack by a anonymous person that told me alot of Bum Tryhards use in dueling. It basically has white lines all around your player that will turn red as soon as a saberist throws their swing, each line will light up the direction it comes from, for easier PB blocks and overall NO SKILL talent as well as showing what keys they hit as long as your target locked on them LOL. Now I will expose all these bums who use this shitter Pack that think they're good when for a long time I already knew they were cheating little smucks with no skill other than handicap Crap.

Photos and video coming soon.


Internal Beta Team
So I was given this pack by a anonymous person that told me alot of Bum Tryhards use in dueling. It basically has white lines all around your player that will turn red as soon as a saberist throws their swing, each line will light up the direction it comes from, for easier PB blocks and overall NO SKILL talent as well as showing what keys they hit as long as your target locked on them LOL. Now I will expose all these bums who use this shitter Pack that think they're good when for a long time I already knew they were cheating little smucks with no skill other than handicap Crap.

Photos and video coming soon.
You should send it to devs
If this is real, then the pack sounds great as a training exercise for PB's as long as your opponent has knowledge of using it. Clans like LS which consist of mostly new players could adopt the pack for a training regimen. If it's being used by top-level players for an unfair edge - then that's unfortunate.

I'm not too knowledgeable about how animations and packs work in the game, but how would the lines get adjusted to show which swing is being used without some kind of program doing the logic for it?
ah yes my aimhack is a great training regimen to practice sniping in open mode, really helps me know where to shoot
So I was given this pack by a anonymous person that told me alot of Bum Tryhards use in dueling. It basically has white lines all around your player that will turn red as soon as a saberist throws their swing, each line will light up the direction it comes from, for easier PB blocks and overall NO SKILL talent as well as showing what keys they hit as long as your target locked on them LOL. Now I will expose all these bums who use this shitter Pack that think they're good when for a long time I already knew they were cheating little smucks with no skill other than handicap Crap.

Photos and video coming soon.


Internal Beta Team
Do you call everyone you disagree with a troll, Hessu? I raised a new line of questioning and then finished off with a pretty valid question about the subject. The original poster hasn't replied with any information so we're pretty much in the dark on the situation and it's probably not a real post to begin with. To add to it, many fighting games have 'debug' modes so you can see hitboxes which would be similar to the concept outlined here, maybe even visual areas for PB zones to assist people in training and understanding the PB system more intuitively. Besides that, I'm not sure what you're confused about, so instead of throwing insults how about you engage in conversation?
It wasn't an insult, it was a statement
He targets you because you are very articulate, yet you are inexperienced and have odd opinions. You responding to stuff like this does you no good. Take what everyone is saying less seriously. There is some truth to their statements, but the way that they are presented is not constructive. Your remarks come off as ridiculous with the tone you write in sometimes, no offense.

The point people are making here is that packs, skins, or modes like this are very subject to misuse for cheats. Also, there is literally no way for a pack to highlight PB zones if I understand the coding correctly. As for your fighting game comparison, it would be more apt to say stuff like this would be like the game making combo inputs more lenient. It is better to practice without aids like that as they can actively harm your timing in a real situation. If you really need indicators for speed and accuracy on bolts you can just go to the training mode anyway. Leading dots do not function when the opponent dodges.

As for PB practice, the devs are working on Bot AI for that.


Internal Beta Team
And I find your statement insulting, it means you're not taking anything I say seriously when I'm trying to add and develop the discussion - which is the intention of forums like these. Instead of saying stuff like that, could you point out what in particular you found flawed? I'm still scanning and re-reading what I typed trying to find out why it's not acceptable to you.
Most of the things you say are so absurd that i can't take them seriously
So I was given this pack by a anonymous person that told me alot of Bum Tryhards use in dueling. It basically has white lines all around your player that will turn red as soon as a saberist throws their swing, each line will light up the direction it comes from, for easier PB blocks and overall NO SKILL talent as well as showing what keys they hit as long as your target locked on them LOL. Now I will expose all these bums who use this shitter Pack that think they're good when for a long time I already knew they were cheating little smucks with no skill other than handicap Crap.

Photos and video coming soon.
The chances of this being real is so unlikely, that I have a better chance of winning the lottery 3 times in a row. That's how ludicrous of a claim this is. And I highly doubt any videos or photos wouldn't be doctored/edited if you submitted them as evidence of this. No pack of any kind reads in-game information and calculates the proper trajectory of a strike. No pack is going to give you a For Honor indicator system, packs simply don't function like that, because they don't have the capacity to do so. It's too advanced for a pack, like I said the likelihood of something like that actually existing is a 1 to 876 million chance. The pack would have to make REAL-TIME calculations, without any support from the game, a pack is an external file added to the game. The most a pack interacts with the game is the game reading the file and implementing the information from the pack into the game. It does not give information! It receives information/data from a pack. That's why it's so unlikely that a PACK could read information pertaining to Saber Strikes in REAL-TIME without the support of the game. You would have to factor in lag, framerate, server connection bitrate, etc.

If this is real it's far more likely that it is a hack disguised as a "pack" because a true pack does not even come close to the capacity needed to properly assess a saber strike IN REAL-TIME just as or just before it happens without the support of provided game information and data. For a simpler comparison, it's like asking a toddler to solve a theoretical astrophysics problem, the likelihood of the child solving the said problem is near zero. But an Astrophysicist solving the problem is far more likely, and more realistic as well. Why go through the trouble of practically re-inventing the wheel in a sense for a pack, when you could just make a hack, and hide it under the guise of a pack.
Also, there is literally no way for a pack to highlight PB zones if I understand the coding correctly.
Exactly Ranger gets it it's not even theoretically possible, the chance of it being feasible is starting to border the realm of science fiction. That's how unrealistic an actual pack, having these kinds of higher functions is. The chance is so minuscule that in comparison, I would be 60,000 times more likely to be struck by lighting by simply walking outside.