I'll tell you who's ddosing. Whoever LS pissed off his name is Darth dragon and he messaged me in the past of taking down all of mbii AOD and LS Lmaoo and losers think it's me. I make money and I'm not stupid enough to spend my own money on ************************** yes Drybum and cuckshark I know the term. It costs them ******** to do these attacks which means they're converting their own hard earned popeyes chicken 32 hr paycheck to kill servers. It's OK I'm about to open 23 servers cause I can and see how this bum wastes his money lmao
By the way I have fought this dude before. There are only two people on NA that use Staff/yellow when fighting I fought this bum in the past I just can't remember his name, if anyone else has fought him he uses staff/yellow always.