Cri for help

So i'm back after what? a year or so, so I am incredibly rusty at this game and it doesn't help that I used to spend all of my time on the duelling servers however I do not regret that but now. With the new duelling system and all the changes I have started to play in open now and I need some help/tips on the following classes.

>Hero/Bounty Hunter

Like what I was hoping for was some different builds people use for different scenarios, also I was hoping if there were any general tips people could give to improve my aim because right now it is horrendous and if there were any textures which would help with sniping.

That is all, It is good to be back

Tactical Discussion: Dealing with Force Lightning as gunner

Watch my demo's if want to be gud soldier

I have seen your post and the videos to go with it and have gotten some good info on how to deal with force users. Now i am in search of aiming tips and generally how to aim well and consistently, i can get kills with the sniper and e-11 at times but most of the time i find myself spraying or getting lucky i must be missing something



Internal Beta Team
Try 1st person mode, and switch to 3rd for CQC.
Really? I've found the exact opposite to be more helpful. Assuming we're talking about close-enough-to-touch-playermodels CQC, I find it much easier to aim in first person without my model blocking my view, especially against jedi/sith.

If you're using first person for any prolonged period of time, you're potentially missing out on seeing enemies around corners and to your sides/back.
3rd person gives me a better picture of the swings.

If you're using first person for any prolonged period of time, you're potentially missing out on seeing enemies around corners and to your sides/back.
I played arma for two years.

I have been conditioned to be paranoid.
So I assume people are around every corner and in my blindspots at all times.

I also use my ears more so than my eyes, but what throws me off with this game is how the maps break into sections. I noticed its like this so you cant force sense across the map, but honestly I think you should just set a range on it.
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I remember being paranoid and playing in 3rd person. Youth:)

Now I just either don't care or half-ass guess. And sometimes I lol when I occasionally prefire and get suspicioned upon.

Dats right. Suspicioned upon.

Even the kill hunger has waned. Now, I'm more into seeing how many lame kills I can get by playing stupid/reckless or as I call it, blitzer.

Ranges from poorly to well to epic. Depends on the opposition:)
First a general comment. No matter what class you play, if you're a beginner, try to stay with your team as much as you can. It doesn't matter that you don't have 1337 aim, you can help a lot just by pulling/pushing enemies, doing covering fire, or shooting knocked-down enemies. Ask yourself what your team needs, do they need force power support, snipers, or just more soldier (cannon fodder) manpower? Also, saberists can't just rush and ez-kill most gunners in 1v1 any longer. Even as a soldier, you've got a good chance to kill a saberist if he underestimates you and you know what you're doing. I think saberists have to rely a lot more on their force powers and on sneak attacks because of that. Keep that in mind when a saberist runs towards you. If he's a sith, chances are he'll try to knock you down or use force lightning. Spectate other players to see how they deal with different situations. It helps a lot, even when they're not too good because you can see their mistakes and learn from that.

Things people like to add to their builds for the classes you asked about:
--Dash for heroes. Forget about dodge, dash is going to save you a lot more. It makes you faster and even good sith will think twice before 1v1ing a hero with dash.
--Close combat training for soldiers. People like grenades, and there are situations where it's very useful. However, faster movement speed and recovery from knock-downs is, to me, much more helpful in many more situations.
--Force lightning for sith. I personally don't use it, but if you play a bit more aggressively than I do, you will like force lightning in this build. I wouldn't engage a sith with FL as a lone gunner if I had the option to run away to safety. They stun you long enough for the sith to be able to kill you in most 1v1 scenarios.
--Poison darts for BH's. Again, people like Thermal Detonators but unless Rebels are dumb it won't help your team much. Poison darts are a good way to keep jedi away. It can also be used offensively to burn through their force points faster. Avoid using that in close range because you're more vulnerable.
Great reply, very informal and I'll take all of that info into account and try and use it in my future games, really appreciate all the posts given on this thread but feel free to post any other tips/tricks you people may have because this isn't just to help me because I'm sure there are people reading this post who also need the advice like I do.



Movie Battles II Team Retired
To throw primary grenades, wait until a time where the enemy team is busy with other things (such as one or several of your teammates attacking them, in general when their focus is likely to make them forget about the nade being thrown or at least react late to it) so that they don't expect it. Use any irregularity of the map to make the grenade's trajectory as unpredictable to the opponent as possible, while already roughly knowing where it will go yourself (example: an enemy gunner is rushing towards you, throw a nade that seemingly goes past him and won't harm him if he continues to rush, but in reality will bounce behind and come back in his direction). Don't hesitate to bait the enemy team's (especially the enemy jedi/sith's) focus by posturing as if you are going to throw the nade, while in fact you are only going to cancel it and throw it at a later time when they least expect it; sometimes this may even make the enemy jedi/sith push in advance if you really make it look like you are going to throw, thus rendering them vulnerable to gunfire.

To throw secondary grenades versus jedi/sith, also make it unpredictable (usually almost never on the first try) by mostly baiting their reaction and not actually throwing the nade. If you are lucky that they are bad they might even push in advance allowing you to shoot them (provided you were waiting for that opportunity and had your gun ready right after baiting). A successful secondary grenade on a newbie jedi/sith will grant you a free kill because they will kick/roll away and be vulnerable for enough time for you to shoot them to death; even on an experienced jedi/sith it will be quite useful because it still drains 20+ FP on impact and you will still be able to land 1 or 2 shots when they perform the quick getup. Be careful not to throw the grenade too close to yourself because you might end up knocked down (either from the grenade itself or from the body of the victim if it is thrown towards you).

Also versus jedi/sith: crouch, it reduces the knockback of force push/pull and makes you a more difficult target to hit.
use 3rd person always. lower your sensitivity to where it's at least 25cm/360degrees (as in that or slower). always aim for the head, unless sniping. as a bounty hunter it's almost always a good idea to reposition after each ruptor shot, even if just a little bit. focus on your hit percentage as a sniper, speed always comes last. as a hero don't expect to hit anything with your proj as it's a random ass gun. use your e11 twice as much as you are now (that's a thing that applies to 99% of hero/bh players ive seen).

if you REALLY wanna improve your aim, your best bet is to do it by playing games other than mb2. counter strike, quake, dirty bomb are the most aim-intensive games that i know and that's where you can really work on your skill, mb2 teaches really bad habits that are hard to lose, but if you wanna git gud you will have to lose them sooner or later
How to be better with aiming? Just try it. Don't forget that bullets need time to travel (except the disruptor rifle), so you have to anticipate the target's movement and aim before them. Most weapons are inaccurate when running. Pistols, the arc trooper's gun with the right build and clone's blobs are always accurate.

Get pistol 3 and try to aim every shot. It shouldn't bother you if it takes a lot of time to anticipate the movement of the enemy. A well-aimed shot worth a lot of sprayed. You should dodge of course while aiming. After a couple of rounds you will get faster and more deadly. If you find a server where you can 1v1 a gunner it's a really good practice.

After you get better, you will find it possible to aim for the head, which gives twice the damage. And totally worth it as qwerty said.
These are some really good tips for my soldier bh/hero games I will definitely be using this information to improve and last question, as a hero at this current stage in the game I understand that weapon choice E-11/p3 is personal preference but can I get your guys opinions on the 2 so I can make understand the pros/cons of both weapons? thanks in advance

I like p3 more vs 1 life classes like hero/bh/ARC/mando cause you only gotta land 2-3 shots to kill them (well sometimes more, depends on how much headshot). However against a soldier you need to land 2 shots most of the time to kill them, which sucks. So against soldiers I prefer using e-11.

I like p3 more when my opponents have bad movement. I mean that it's easy to land shots on them. It's hard to explain but like when you are against a p3 user, you can often tell when and where he's gonna shoot, so you can avoid those shots with correct movement. In fact you can do this against every weapon, but it's most effective vs p3 because it's slower fire rate and high damage. (Dodging is just as important as aiming. You could often debate whether a shot missed or was it dodged in this game.)

Other general advice. (I'll be using DOTF examples) -Always stick to your team, if they're timewasting at gen, then you should rather join them than to just die alone and spec their time waste.
-Always check your back, jedi/sith always try to attack from behind. (and often jedi/sith players like to call gunners cowards lol) Doing 360 jumps is a practical way for doing this.
-Check the corners and the walls above you, jedi/sith like to go for ambushes. Be a paranoid if you want to be safe from glowstickers.
-Use teamoverlay. It can tell you a lot. Example, you're an imp at main, and you see your teammate died at t-junc, then you know you're about to get flanked. This is just a simple example, but teamoverlay's information can be used for much more, like for throwing well-timed nades, avoiding unnecessary rage !p from a low hp teammate.
-Know your enemies and know your teammates and their habbits. Example, try to avoid fighting in front of a trigger happy teammate with sloppy aim, they will TK you. If the enemy team has such a player, then try to take advantage of him and get some jedi/sith TKed. Don't be near that guy who keeps throwing obvious TDs at jedi. Be wary of that mando who kept suicide rocketing at the round start for 5 rounds etc.. Prevention is the best way to keep your health as they say.
-If you often find yourself dead too soon, then the best thing is to start doing nothing, just taunt spam at your spawn for a short time or something. It's usually the most dangerous in the 1st minute of the round because of the TDs, rockets, nades and random rushers.

I wouldn't put that much importance on aiming anyway, because in some situations you just need high awareness and optimal decisions to kill even the best players in this game with minimal effort. Also because of the slow bullets that players can dodge.
These are some really good tips for my soldier bh/hero games I will definitely be using this information to improve and last question, as a hero at this current stage in the game I understand that weapon choice E-11/p3 is personal preference but can I get your guys opinions on the 2 so I can make understand the pros/cons of both weapons? thanks in advance


p3 is straight up better in a 1v1 scenario. however, it lacks the utility of the e11 (suppressive fire, defensive play around corners both of which don't work with p3 because of the low ammo and the gun's positioning on your model). it's also absolutely necessary to buy ammo 3 with p3 which for me personally makes it impossible to fit into a hero build. in other words, i find e11 to be optimal in all situations for various reasons, despite the fact it's a weaker gun in terms of 1v1 fights
-Know your enemies and know your teammates and their habbits. Example, try to avoid fighting in front of a trigger happy teammate with sloppy aim, they will TK you. If the enemy team has such a player, then try to take advantage of him and get some jedi/sith TKed. Don't be near that guy who keeps throwing obvious TDs at jedi. Be wary of that mando who kept suicide rocketing at the round start for 5 rounds etc.. Prevention is the best way to keep your health as they say.

This is really good advise. Most players only think about themselves and ignoring what the teammates are currently doing/trying to do.