Complete noob looks for secret knowledge to be OP in no time.

Hello people. I'm new to this game and already like it. 3 days i was playing as mandalorian and sith. I caught myself thinking that I didn't understand how play with saber at all. I am swinging, the enemy is swinging, and then i dying because my character doesn't block the hit that he blocked a few seconds ago. I already read few basics and advanced dueling guides but majority seems to be out of date. So my question is: can someone share links to non-outdated guides on game mechanics, duels, styles, or simply your knowledge, please? I realy enjoying dual sabers now and want to master it in future.
Ask for help if you ever need it in game, most of the time people are more than willing to help. Just try to be specific with your inquiries.
Hello people. I'm new to this game and already like it. 3 days i was playing as mandalorian and sith. I caught myself thinking that I didn't understand how play with saber at all. I am swinging, the enemy is swinging, and then i dying because my character doesn't block the hit that he blocked a few seconds ago. I already read few basics and advanced dueling guides but majority seems to be out of date. So my question is: can someone share links to non-outdated guides on game mechanics, duels, styles, or simply your knowledge, please? I realy enjoying dual sabers now and want to master it in future.
My advice: Play gunner for your first week or so. It will give you a great understanding of not only the tactics of the game, but how other players think. Also forewarning: I've played for 3 years and never learned to saber because it requires, in my opinion, way too much time.
Hello people. I'm new to this game and already like it. 3 days i was playing as mandalorian and sith. I caught myself thinking that I didn't
understand how play with saber at all. I am swinging, the enemy is swinging, and then i dying because my character doesn't block the hit that he blocked a
few seconds ago. I already read few basics and advanced dueling guides but majority seems to be out of date. So my
question is: can someone share links to non-outdated guides on game mechanics, duels, styles, or simply you
r knowledge, please? I realy enjoying dual sabers now and want to master it in future.
If you're NA just hit me up and ill be willing to set time aside for you and help all I can
As Blazer said, spend your first week playing gunner. Wait until the next build to start learning jedi/sith because right now It's pretty stale.
If you're NA just hit me up and ill be willing to set time aside for you and help all I can
Thanks. I'm from eastern europe so here UTC +3 time zone. I have 155-170 ping to official US servers and 130 to random EUW servers. Basically my active time is between 20:00 and 01:00. Do you think we can get something from this?
Hi, hide behind your team
That ois actaully the best advice here. If you go solo you are most liekly going to die; that 's a mistake many new and even experienced players make. Forget about positive k/d at first, stick to the biggest crowd of your teammates and try to be helpful. SOmetimes if you see a very good player with insane k/d it's worth going to spectator and watching them play. Decision making in this game is by far the most difficult skill to attain. When to attack, when to flank, when to throw a nade... All of these skills require intuitive understanding of the map design, typical scenarios happening and typical timings. A well timed burst or nade on certain angles can do miracles and requires no aiming skills.
Thanks. I'm from eastern europe so here UTC +3 time zone. I have 155-170 ping to official US servers and 130 to random EUW servers. Basically my active time is between 20:00 and 01:00. Do you think we can get something from this?
In your server browser select view empty servers : no and pick SF/TIN servers when playing. Ping is extremely important if you want to be able to play properly. You can sort servers by ping by clicking on the word above the numbers. Look for servers below 50, no higher than 80


Supremacy Maintainer
Probationary Developer
Welcome! If you are in the North American / Canada Region in US EST, I will be gladly able to teach you and assist you when I am available!

EDIT: I saw europe, hopefully this discord would still be useful, and I can still help you if so desire -- you can find me easier on steam or discord.

Here is some resources, if you do consider .. although there's plenty of trainers that can help you far better!

Steam Community :: 2cwldys

A discord a while back I started JUST FOR this reason, doesn't get much use but it's properly set up for it.

Discord - Free voice and text chat for gamers

There are people here more than capable of helping you, if you just shoot them a message.. even those specified in the images below!


Thanks. I'm from eastern europe so here UTC +3 time zone. I have 155-170 ping to official US servers and 130 to random EUW servers. Basically my
active time is between 20:00 and 01:00. Do you think we can get something from this?
Sadly not ):
Unfortunate, I would of liked to. Good luck though


Chaos Connoisseur
Movie Battles II Team
I have a whole collection of guides, a few .pk3s and other various goodies on {EW}'s Discord.