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[SOLVED] Command for restarting round

Hi there. I've sucessfully managed to set up my own server thanks to the guide available.
I even managed to find a list of available admin commands on my own (I'm all grown up!) BUT I can't seem to find a command that allows me to restart rounds.
I've seen admins do it on other servers a lot, on request for people which forgot to join mostly, so I know I'm overlooking something.
Google ain't helping so here I am.

Here's a list of all the commands I have already found.
/rconPassword <password> - log in as RCON admin
/rcon status - get list of players on the server with their IPs, IDs and other info
/rcon clientkick <nick or id> - kick
/rcon ban <nick or id> - ban
/rcon removeip <xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx> - unban IP
/rcon mute <nick or id> <minutes> - mute player for <minutes> minutes
/rcon settk <nick or id> <amount> - set TK points of <nick or id> to <amount>
/rcon addip <xxx.xxx.0.0.> - rangeban
/rcon svsay <message> - print "Server: <message>" in the chatbox
you can also set cvars on server by typing
/rcon <cvar> <value>, for example /rcon g_MinMBPoints 50

login <password> - Allows you to login as SMOD admin.
logout - Allows you to logout from SMOD.
status - Displays server status.
who - Displays status of other admins on server.
map <map> - Changes map.
nextmap - Switches to next map in rotation.
gametype <number> - Changes gametype (3 = Duel, 4 = Power Duel, 7 = MovieBattles)
mbmode <number> - Changes MB mode - only works in MovieBattles gametype (0 = Open Mode, 1 = Semi-Authentic, 2 = Full-Authentic).
say <message> - Prints chat message in red labelled as 'Admin'.
smsay <message> - Prints chat message in yellow, in the admin chat channel("[Admin]"), only visible to other admins.
ban <name or clientid> - Bans the specified client.
removeban <IP> - Removes the specified IP from the banlist.
tempban <clientid or name> <number of rounds> - Temporarily bans client for specified number of rounds.
tempbanlist - Shows actual temporarily banned clients with number of rounds remaining to go and tempbanID.
removetempban <tempbanID> - Removes the specified tempbanID from the tempbanlist.
kick <name or clientid> - Kicks the specified client.
forceteam <name or clientid> <team> - Forces the specified client to the specified team (1 = Red team, 2 = Blue team, 3 = Spectator).
info - Displays all SMOD commands which are available according to your log-in level.
vstr <argument> - Allows you to execute vstr commands.
campaign <number> - Disable (0) or enable (1) the usage of the campaign file.
campaignfile <argument> - Name of the campaign file (.mbcr file).
shuffle - Reassigns all players to a team according to their scores and locks them to the team for an amount of time defined in the g_ShuffleTimer cvar.
mute <clientid or name> <number of minutes> - Prevents a client using chat for the specified number of minutes. The default mute time is 5 minutes.
unmute <clientid or name> - Unmutes a muted client.
settk <clientid or name> <number of TK points> - Forces the TK points of a client to the specified number.

Am I just a massive doofus for not finding it among this list? Thanks in advance.

Edit: Aaaand I figured it out myself. For anyone with the same issue:
The command is /smod maprestart
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I suggest reading the MBII readme file, which is present in JKA installation folder/GameData/MBII/MBII Readme.html, section server install and there is a list of smod commands.

What you are looking for is most likely /smod newround