
So am I even allowed to post this here, this looks like the right place but men. OK so this probably seems like a sht idea, probably is, but how about adding a new clone class. Republic commando. Main weapon would be a DC-17m, with attachments available? Special 1 would be the wrist blade with a cool down similar to sith\jedi slap. I think it should do maybe 40-75 damage. Special two would be a grab like attack, grabbing the target smacking them before firing one round into them. Hp/armor both would be 100. I don't know what the opposite of this class would be, didn't think this through much, but I thought this would be a cool addition.
Arc is different then what I'm proposing, this is a more stay away from class, because sith could be grabbed, whacked, shot, pushed to the ground and shot again, or just flinched and stabbed, this class wouldn't be able to jump or do the massive roll, or use dual pistols, westar is different from DC, and arcs don't have a blade on their wrist. Other points may alsoalso be there that state these as different
So am I even allowed to post this here, this looks like the right place but men. OK so this probably seems like a sht idea, probably is, but how about adding a new clone class. Republic commando. Main weapon would be a DC-17m, with attachments available? Special 1 would be the wrist blade with a cool down similar to sith\jedi slap. I think it should do maybe 40-75 damage. Special two would be a grab like attack, grabbing the target smacking them before firing one round into them. Hp/armor both would be 100. I don't know what the opposite of this class would be, didn't think this through much, but I thought this would be a cool addition.
Bruh, I guess your equivalent class would be a Droid Commando but still a grab as a special action, seems little op to me and and then they get Shot too? lets all give classes grab specials and that would be it imo just grab someone and boom full everything to like half and attachments? I mean the westar pretty much covers that I mean you don't get the anti tank rounds (unless you get the PLX launcher) but you get sniper and kinda do get nade rounds and obv the normal firing besides already have enough gloans running around spamming what do we need another for ;) Im not saying its a terrible idea cuz i myself love Delta Squad and anything Commando related but the ARC class really does cover for having a secondary commando class imo westar maybe diffrent from the DC but how, they both shoot can go sniper as i said before dosent have the anti armor but still i mean your like adding +1 to an ARC expansion idea on the class by giving them this stuff but it would be neat to see something like it just not something super OP on the Republic crusier map on FA the droid commando gets a vibro sword perhaps that could be the equivalent to the melee knife that they use? :D
Easy solution is just have any bounty hunters take care of the commando before they can grab, or just not get close to them, and it wouldn't do high damage, The westar thing is true, but this class would be weak to SBD and deka's because there's no way anti art should be added, sniper I feel should be a bit more damaging then westar, but five shot limit and a shot cool down so can't be spammed like the we star. And grab isn't really op, most people don't come up and blast you a inch away, and sith could just keep away until you're stunned by a grenade or such. I feel get up from push and such should be a in between thing of clone and arc. And the vibro sword is kinda what I'm thinking, all commandos had a small little wrist blade on their left wrist, activating it and stabbing something that got too close and then retracting it. But I like the idea of a vibro sword.