Class Balance


Internal Beta Team
I was playing Death Star, and switching between clone, elite soldier, and regular soldier. Clones are horribly underpowered vs sith compared to the regular and elite soldier b/c of one thing: Lack of explosives. Sure, the concussive shot is nice, but it has a massive cooldown and small radius, and it basically requires a direct hit to deal real damage. They're also slow af, making it impossible to retreat and shoot, which is the basis of gunner game, vs a sith. Compared to the regular soldiers, who run about 3 times faster than the clones, there's no reason to pick clones unless the other team is running only droids and soldiers (this never happens).

Another issue: What tf counters a mando? I asked this in a game chat and the only answer was a really good sniper. Why? Mandos have options for everything. Are you close? Jetpack away! You far? Rockets and snipers! In the open? Jetpack and rain down shots! In a small space? Flamethrower! Conclusion: Nothing counters a team of Mandos, short of a team full of Jedi/Sith, and sometimes not even.

My solution: give clones either a concussion/frag grenade option, or give them a shotgun-type flechette launcher/one-time use flamethrower to counter sith and make the class usable rather than a shitty mobile turret.

IDK if people will think this I'm dumb, and maybe I am. But class balance is kinda fucked when I'd rather play as the dude Vader cut down at the end of Rogue One than as a Republic Commando.
Lack of explosive
But they have concussion and ion blobs
Sure, the concussive shot is nice, but it has a massive cooldown and small radius, and it basically requires a direct hit
Yeah, but that direct hit knocks sith down and often means certain death for them if you know how to aim
They're also slow
Literally just buy stamina and use sprint
there's no reason to pick clones unless
unless you want to wreck shit with clone rifle 3
unless you want to counter sith/manda spam (cr2+conc blobs)
unless you want to counter SBD/Deka/Soldier spam (ion blobs)
unless you just wanna play a very versatile and solid class that clone is
What tf counters a mando?
Good aim and knockdowns. Manda has a pretty slow flip getup, so any knockdown weapon would be very effective against them - frag grenades, conc grenades, conc blobs.
Clones are now a little weaker because low damage weapons have less knockback then they should have.

However, clones do run at the same speed as regular soldiers - even faster with stamina. Try running with melee hands out instead of gun for increased speed. Use class special 1 to activate sprint with stamina. Also it is still pretty easy to nail a sith with a blob if you can time it right - just practice and you'll get better.