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[SOLVED] Can't see some servers.

TIN servers,BG rtv server DN server,all servers where people is gathering at all.
Can anybody explain me what happened to them or maybe my client?


Slayed dreamer
MBII Launcher => Settings => check "Enable logging" => Repair installation.
Post latest log from "Jedi Academy\GameData\MBII_Launcher\logs" here.
MBII Launcher => Settings => check "Enable logging" => Repair installation.
Post latest log from "Jedi Academy\GameData\MBII_Launcher\logs" here.
oh man, that's ok for now, I did repair, started mbII and now I can see those servers I wish to see, thank u for your help.
MBII Launcher => Settings => check "Enable logging" => Repair installation.
Post latest log from "Jedi Academy\GameData\MBII_Launcher\logs" here.
but I've got the trouble I already had. For example I join The Initium Novum Open and again get just an awating gamestate screen and nothing happens...

here is the latest log file.

Movie Battles II Log file Created on: 01.06.2018 12:36:04
Current Launcher's configuration
Installation type (Complete/Basic): BASIC
Installation folder: D:\Star Wars Jedi Knight - Jedi Academy\GameData\
Client: JAMP
Custom launch parameters:
Additional Informations
OS: Win Microsoft Windows 10 Home
GPU: Intel(R) HD Graphics
Checking for old Settings Files
Enumerating subfolders...
InstallPath set to D:\Star Wars Jedi Knight - Jedi Academy\GameData\
Using Patch Repository Movie Battles II Community
Initialising Patcher
Scanning for out of date files.
Scanning for updates and corrupted files...
Validating /mbii.i386
Validating /mbii.x86.exe
Validating /mbiided.i386
Validating /mbiided.x86.exe
Validating /Play_MBII.bat
Validating /Play_MBII.sh
Validating /Play_MBII_CustomOJK.bat
Validating /rd-vanilla-mbii_i386.so
Validating /rd-vanilla-mbii_x86.dll
Validating /reset_mbii_launcher.bat
Validating /RTVRTM.zip
Validating /SDL2.dll
Validating /MBII/01_MovieGameMappack.pk3
Validating /MBII/02_MovieGameMappack.pk3
Validating /MBII/031_MovieGameMappack.pk3
Validating /MBII/03_MovieGameMappack Map List.txt
Validating /MBII/03_MovieGameMappack.pk3
Validating /MBII/campaignrotation.mbcr
Validating /MBII/cgamei386.so
Validating /MBII/FAMBModels.pk3
Validating /MBII/jampgamei386.so
Validating /MBII/mb2_alderaan.pk3
Validating /MBII/mb2_boc.pk3
Validating /MBII/mb2_cloudcity.pk3
Validating /MBII/mb2_cmp Map List.txt
Validating /MBII/mb2_cmp_assets.pk3
Validating /MBII/mb2_cmp_assets2.pk3
Validating /MBII/mb2_cmp_assets3.pk3
Validating /MBII/MB2_Commtower.pk3
Validating /MBII/mb2_corellia.pk3
Validating /MBII/mb2_Coruscant_chase.pk3
Validating /MBII/mb2_deathstar.pk3
Validating /MBII/mb2_dotf.pk3
Validating /MBII/mb2_duel_emperor.pk3
Validating /MBII/mb2_duel_malachor.pk3
Validating /MBII/mb2_duel_office.pk3
Validating /MBII/mb2_duel_ravager.pk3
Validating /MBII/mb2_duel_revan.pk3
Validating /MBII/mb2_duel_sabh.pk3
Validating /MBII/mb2_duel_senate.pk3
Validating /MBII/mb2_duel_starforge.pk3
Validating /MBII/mb2_duel_starkiller_base.pk3
Validating /MBII/mb2_duel_utapau.pk3
Validating /MBII/mb2_duel_votj.pk3
Validating /MBII/mb2_duel_yavin4.pk3
Validating /MBII/mb2_dxun.pk3
Validating /MBII/mb2_echobase.pk3
Validating /MBII/mb2_enclave.pk3
Validating /MBII/mb2_eravana.pk3
Validating /MBII/mb2_jabba.pk3
Validating /MBII/mb2_jakku.pk3
Validating /MBII/mb2_jeditemple.pk3
Validating /MBII/mb2_kamino.pk3
Validating /MBII/mb2_korriban.pk3
Validating /MBII/mb2_lunarbase.pk3
Validating /MBII/mb2_moseisley.pk3
Validating /MBII/mb2_mustafar.pk3
Validating /MBII/mb2_mygeeto.pk3
Validating /MBII/mb2_newicons.ico
Validating /MBII/mb2_rc_hangarC.pk3
Validating /MBII/mb2_republiccruiser.pk3
Validating /MBII/mb2_scarif.pk3
Validating /MBII/mb2_SDestroyer.pk3
Validating /MBII/mb2_smuggler.pk3
Validating /MBII/mb2_starkiller_base.pk3
Validating /MBII/mb2_tantiveIV.pk3
Validating /MBII/mb2_tatooine.pk3
Validating /MBII/mb2_theed.pk3
Validating /MBII/mb2_tradefed.pk3
Validating /MBII/mb2_um Map List.txt
Validating /MBII/mb2_um_assets.pk3
Validating /MBII/mb2_um_assets2.pk3
Validating /MBII/mb2_um_assets3.pk3
Validating /MBII/mb2_undeadstar.pk3
Validating /MBII/MB2_yavinassault.pk3
Validating /MBII/MBAssets.pk3
Validating /MBII/MBAssets2.pk3
Validating /MBII/MBAssets3.pk3
Validating /MBII/MBAssets4.pk3
Validating /MBII/MBHilts.pk3
Validating /MBII/MBII Credits.pdf
Validating /MBII/MBII Maps-Models Credits.txt
Validating /MBII/MBII Readme.zip
Validating /MBII/MBII.pk3
Validating /MBII/MBII_Mac.pk3
Validating /MBII/MB_Effects.pk3
Validating /MBII/OJP_readme.txt
Validating /MBII/oldtrilogy.mb2c
Validating /MBII/OpenJK Readme.txt
Validating /MBII/prequels.mb2c
Validating /MBII/server_config_default.cfg
Validating /MBII/uii386.so
Validating /MBII/version.info
Validating /MBII/zz_MBModels.pk3
Validating /MBII/zz_MBModels2.pk3
Validating /MBII/z_MB_BaseAssets.pk3
Validating /MBII/forcecfg/blue/BH/Assault.fcf
Validating /MBII/forcecfg/blue/BH/Default.fcf
Validating /MBII/forcecfg/blue/BH/Specialist.fcf
Validating /MBII/forcecfg/blue/commander/Assault.fcf
Validating /MBII/forcecfg/blue/commander/Default.fcf
Validating /MBII/forcecfg/blue/commander/Versatile.fcf
Validating /MBII/forcecfg/blue/deka/Default.fcf
Validating /MBII/forcecfg/blue/deka/Specialist.fcf
Validating /MBII/forcecfg/blue/deka/Versatile.fcf
Validating /MBII/forcecfg/blue/manda/Assault.fcf
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Validating /MBII/forcecfg/blue/manda/Specialist.fcf
Validating /MBII/forcecfg/blue/SBD/Assault.fcf
Validating /MBII/forcecfg/blue/SBD/Default.fcf
Validating /MBII/forcecfg/blue/SBD/Specialist.fcf
Validating /MBII/forcecfg/blue/sith/Assault.fcf
Validating /MBII/forcecfg/blue/sith/Default.fcf
Validating /MBII/forcecfg/blue/sith/Specialist.fcf
Validating /MBII/forcecfg/blue/soldier/Assault.fcf
Validating /MBII/forcecfg/blue/soldier/Default.fcf
Validating /MBII/forcecfg/blue/soldier/Versatile.fcf
Validating /MBII/forcecfg/red/arc/Assault.fcf
Validating /MBII/forcecfg/red/arc/Default.fcf
Validating /MBII/forcecfg/red/arc/Specialist.fcf
Validating /MBII/forcecfg/red/clone/Assault.fcf
Validating /MBII/forcecfg/red/clone/Default.fcf
Validating /MBII/forcecfg/red/clone/Specialist.fcf
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Validating /MBII/forcecfg/red/soldier/Assault.fcf
Validating /MBII/forcecfg/red/soldier/Default.fcf
Validating /MBII/forcecfg/red/soldier/Versatile.fcf
Validating /MBII/forcecfg/red/wookiee/Assault.fcf
Validating /MBII/forcecfg/red/wookiee/Default.fcf
Validating /MBII/forcecfg/red/wookiee/Specialist.fcf
Validating /mbii.x86.app/Contents/Info.plist
Validating /mbii.x86.app/Contents/MacOS/mbii.x86
Validating /mbii.x86.app/Contents/MacOS/rd-vanilla_x86.dylib
Validating /mbii.x86.app/Contents/MacOS/base/cgamex86.dylib
Validating /mbii.x86.app/Contents/MacOS/base/jampgamex86.dylib
Validating /mbii.x86.app/Contents/MacOS/base/uix86.dylib
Validating /mbii.x86.app/Contents/Resources/Moviebattles II.icns
Validating /mbii.x86.app/Contents/Resources/English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings
Found 0 Files To Patch
VPN or maybe a false flagging of a vpn if you aren't using one

Try changing your IP or if that doesn't work contact Caelum, the owner of jka.io and most of the servers with any population


To shed a little light: our hosting has seen a big increase in people using VPNs to bypass censorship lately, mainly on account of a sharp rise in internet censorship in Russia. You may have seen news about the Russian government trying to block Telegram by blocking access to entire datacenters at a time. That was the case here as well: Tisio was using a VPN, and most likely, wouldn't even be able to play on most MBII servers without a VPN.

We can't exclude specific people's VPNs from the VPN filtering for a number of reasons, so the only way for these people to play is if the server owner chooses to ask us to stop blocking VPNs (which is an opt-in feature they would've previously asked us to enable). I wrote a tweet about this recently on our status update feed: Jedi Academy Hosting on Twitter

This doesn't only affect many of our hosting customers, but also any other server blocking VPNs with a high level of accuracy. Server owners will have to decide for themselves whether it's still worth blocking VPNs under the circumstances or not.
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Slayed dreamer
our hosting has seen a big increase in people using VPNs to bypass censorship lately, mainly on account of a sharp rise in internet censorship in Russia. You may have seen news about the Russian government trying to block Telegram by blocking access to entire datacenters at a time.
This is all true, but...
Tisio was using a VPN
Turns out Tisio didn't use VPN, actually.
I asked him to open myip.ru and say what IP was displayed. It was, which does not belong to VPN provider, it's his real IP, owned by MTS, big Russian ISP.

More over, turned out I can't connect TIN servers as well, and not just the TIN, but the women and the children too all other jka.io servers, with an exception of Initium Novum| NA, which is located somewhere in the snows of Canada.
Puppytine guaran-damn-tees that Puppytine does not use any VPNs at all. My IP is, it belongs to Rostelecom (rt), an another one big Russian ISP. It has nothing to do with VPN.

The most important thing is that I don't get "awaiting connection" message, it's endless "awaiting gamestate" instead. I repeat: "awaiting gamestate".
It's very important thing to take into account because it means that there is a successful initial connection between my machine and server's computer on transport layer, so it's not about government standing in the middle and blocking access.
Also, isn't listed as blocked by Russian government. I can ping it, but for a some strange reason tracert fails for that address.

So how exactly VPN filtering is implemented on your hosting service?
How connections are getting blocked when they are considered as "VPNed"?
How it's decided whether a connection is from VPN or not? Do you have some IP list of VPN services, or something else? Anyway, if I can't connect because of that VPN thing, it means that filtering doesn't do a good job and false positives are on ridiculous level.
I cannot connect any server which IP starts from 54.37.94.
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Turns out Tisio didn't use VPN, actually.
I asked him to open myip.ru and say what IP was displayed. It was [snip], which does not belong to VPN provider, it's his real IP, owned by MTS, big Russian ISP.

More over, turned out I can't connect TIN servers as well, and not just the TIN, but the women and the children too all other jka.io servers, with an exception of Initium Novum| NA, which is located somewhere in the snows of Canada.
Puppytine guaran-damn-tees that Puppytine does not use any VPNs at all. My IP is [snip], it belongs to Rostelecom (rt), an another one big Russian ISP. It has nothing to do with VPN.
Turns out, if I'm given completely incorrect information, and people who aren't using VPNs insist to me they're using VPNs, I reach conclusions that are wrong.

You guys specifically are suffering from an unrelated network issue on our end affecting a small minority of players, that has nothing to do with VPN detection at all. Already working on solving it for all affected players, and in the meantime, I've just manually fixed it for the both of you. You may want to remove your IPs from a public forum post though, JKA being the way it is. Other affected players don't need to do anything else; the issue will go away on its own.

So how exactly VPN filtering is implemented on your hosting service?
How connections are getting blocked when they are considered as "VPNed"?
How it's decided whether a connection is from VPN or not? Do you have some IP list of VPN services, or something else? Anyway, if I can't connect because of that VPN thing, it means that filtering doesn't do a good job and false positives are on ridiculous level.
I cannot connect any server which IP starts from 54.37.94.
As said, this isn't actually related to our VPN filtering at all, I concluded that because I was given untrue information while trying to figure out what was going wrong. That said, just for the record, our VPN filtering is a part of our firewall we maintain ourselves. It gets VPNs from 2 main sources:
  • Primarily: a list of known VPN IPs and datacenter IPs we maintain in-house. False positive rates for this are near-zero because all involved IPs are guaranteed to be non-residential
  • As a fallback: a set of third-party IP blacklist containing IPs that participated in Bad Things (cracking attempts, forum spam, DDoS, etc) in the previous month, since those often include many VPNs. Has a very occasional false positive mainly because of shared IPs or dynamic IPs that get reassigned.
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That's okay for now guys, I did join TIN open today finally, guess Caelum just turned off Anti-VPN or did some kind of wizard to the servers, really glad for that,appreciate that.
bonjour tout le monde ayant le même problème depuis la récente mise à jour je vous demande votre aide. voici les seuls serveurs que je vois. tous sont vides. Aidez-moi, s'il vous plaît


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