Bounced shots to award half the TK points

Bounce shots can very easily get you punished (auto-killed or even auto-banned) for TK points by the TK system. You either have a choice to not throw any risky bounce shots and just play safe limiting your output, or to take any chance to damage the enemy with them and use bounce shots to the fullest. Right now if you want to use bounce shots to the fullest you have to be prepared to be auto-killed by the TK system each round, especially when you have an angry punisher in your team that punishes every time. Since you can't really control where every one of your bounced shot will go, since you are not a computer, I suggest that the shots that bounced award only half the TK points (only for TK points awarded by teamdamage, the TK points for teamkill would stay the same). This would improve the gameplay experience for bounce shot users.
No no no no. Imagine yourself at the receiving end, getting hit by bouncies every rounds because the guy who spams them doesn't care about TK points that much. The TK penalty should definitely stay the same. If you are worried about hitting your teammates, then think ahead and don't charge them more than you need to - 1 or 2 bounces are usually enough.