the options like sense where u can just know all enemy positions are so lame to me lol. since deka and SBD and BH arent gonna be getting any more nerfs soon it feels like, why not allow more small changes that might let BH fight jedi better, or let soldiers fight cunt ass robots better, even if pulse grenades are kinda shit and it will still only work if there's groups of rebels.
I agree, I think tracking darts is more respectable than sense because unlike sense it actually takes a bit of effort to use. Personally I would like sense to get a nerf, not an extreme nerf because it's useful for finding those time wasters, but just a nice little twack.
"why not allow more small changes that might let BH fight jedi better"
To be fair, I think BH is a very powerful class, not too long ago I completely dominated a server with a small BH stack. I think if anything Mandos just need a buff to wrist laser. Wrist laser is an ability that sounds like it's meant to be really good against Jedi, but in practice it's very rare I see it be more useful than Mando's other anti-jedi tactics. ee3 does quite a bit of fp drain on it's own and flamethrower is the goto for crowd controlling jedi.
However, I also agree with giving BH some more tools if those new tools are balanced against their current kit by creating unique sidegrade playstyles. The tracking dart support idea is cool because it's support utility that doesn't directly make BH more deadly. Tracking dart is kinda underpowered relative to BH's other tools, I always opt for poison over TDs. I also had an idea recently of giving BH a gunslinger ability that would let them store a fully charged pistol alt-fire by holstering it, but it would cost the whole magazine.