anyone know

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Movie Battles II Team Retired
Lmao I'm sorry to abuse my mod powers and post in already closed thread, but this sentence

If she is perma AFK and there is radio silence you should assume the worst has happened and take the bus factor into account.

It's like, goddamint viserys, why did this worst thing happen to you exactly when BG server started to have problems?!
R.I.P. BG servers, never gonna restart again.
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ex team lead
Movie Battles II Team Retired
I don't know when I became Sxx 2.0 but allow me to clear some things up:

I didn't abandon the servers and disappear. The servers restart fully, automatically, every 3 days, just to fix issues like these. If I were around, I'd do just that. {BG}Gumba has the access to start/stop/restart all 3 servers and their RTVs as well. Not sure why he couldn't fix the issue, but as I understand it, the automatic restart fixed it anyway. If a matter can't be fixed with a restart (e.g. server lag) then that needs to be escalated to the host which only {BG}Maick can do.

Also, the reason I have full access, besides apparently being the MB2 Cersei Lannister, is that no other BG has knowledge of server setup and linux hosting. And FYI, at least 1 other person has access to all the server information, meaning if the server requires anything, I'm not the only one that can do it.

I apologize for any inconvenience caused during the 2-3 days you waited for the servers to auto-restart.
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