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Technical Issue Another Sad post. (Patch 1.5 issues)



So after this patch has come out, my game is running increadibly badly.

To describe it as good as i can, whenever im near a mob/crowd of people, especially lightsabers, my game begins to lag, like you wont imagine, and some of the graphics on the screen turns pitch black for 0.5 seconds or so. Playwise, to give you a picture, if i duel someone my game is so delayed they can easily backwack me cus i get spikes constantly.

What ive tried;

Reinstalling Game

Repairing the Mod

Changing client ( JAMP Steam Integration vs MB2 Client )

Went to setup to set all the graphics to the absolute lowest settings possibly(which did help a bit but nothing big as a whole).

Deleted other mods/skins that could interfere.

My ''Gear'';
A (shit) Lenovo G50 computer from 2015, think i bought it for 500 dollars.
Ive only had minor problems running this game, up until this patch came out.

I have no idea what to do, if any suggestions, please join in!
Also, please ask about my setup/settings and I will try my best to answer, im no pro at neither software nor hardware lol.

Sorry for bad gramma and spelling, Im not a native English speaker.

Almost forgot! Before this patch came out there was a launcher update, that wierdly enough made my game run better than ever?