EU DUEL Admin application

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In-Game nickname: Suxy/Suxu
MBII Experience: Start in 2009-2010 but I made a break during 6 years and now I'm back
Age: 24 years old
Description: I'm the stuffed rolled meat master, when I came in 2009 I did not speak english and play, now I speak and play a little bit better
Reason: I want to be admin of EU Duel because there is so much lamers. Lamers in duel mode can mess the rounds. If there is no admin for kick them it's madness. I hesitated so much about make this apply but everyday I meet lamers in EU offi. Now there is more players and also more servers. Also I think it can be good to have a french admin for the french community, I speak a lot about MB II too many people, if I can be something like an ambassador of my
compatriots it can be good. There is more french players now. Thanks for reading
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