
  1. CodeRenard

    Third party Lightsaber spam glitch

    So, I've recently noticed a bug that consists on a player having their avatar and the lightsaber bugged, with the later one turning on and off repeatedly, making a sound that is just plain out annoying. I was told there was a small fix around the forums, but I just cannot find it.
  2. Hayth Mosan

    Technical Issue it wont change weapons

    i am doing everything right but my character is stuck on fists
  3. Louet

    Open Beta server - possibiity to get out of map [Luarbase]

    Player ur mom just get out of map on Lunarbase as jedi. He did it at side - jumping on black box [ss] and then using this Dual Sabers move from Jump + Attack. Screenshots below:
  4. RogueWookiee

    Technical Issue Extreme Lag ever since new patch

    So lately i have been getting high ping and everyone has too. It was never like this before the patch came out. If this is a bug please tell me how to fix it, it ruins the game for me and others. Thank you (PS Comment below if you have any fixes)
  5. Kaedus4

    Technical Issue Lag, for no apparent reason

    So until recently i've had this game playing just fine, aside from the occasional lag spike. however starting from about a week ago(NOTE: around this time i installed penekepack and peneke animations,possible cause?) the game Lags a ridiculous amount, and here's the kicker my ping is usually...
  6. M

    Technical Issue Weird square graphical glitch?

    Hey all! Was very keen to start playing the game and upon boot I realized my cursor is a grey sqaure, along with lightsabers and also there are weird HUD elements. What can I do to fix?