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dual pistols

  1. Ginkobum13

    HD Crosshairs + More Transparent Scopes

    Here are 9 improved crosshairs and 5 scopes I made simply by editing the .tga files with Thought i'd share this because I don't see many crosshair mods for Moviebattles 2. I find these much more pleasing to my eyes as you can see the base crosshairs look like crap. Base...
  2. Lessen

    Dual Pistols improvement: full gun control

    Really straightforward idea: The "just use one gun" firing mode of dual pistols is almost completely redundant. You're not firing more accurately, you're just firing more slowly by not using one of your guns. (Edit: Alright, I realized why this isn't true, but my idea still replaces/improves on...