class suggestion

  1. Dr. Ball M.D.

    Discussion start for new features for MBII version 2.0

    My first suggestion: Ever tried to give one class in open medic and ammo perks? Available for purchase with points, or without idk? Make the medic perk very slow (maybe) and execute-able by "use" (no selfheal) and the ammo perk will give a middle ration of ammo for everyone, with a cooldown. Or...
  2. M

    Why Gungan Class would NEVER work...

    Hi, I'm Captain Obvious, here to tell you why Gungans would NEVER work in Open. Let's ignore for now the animosity the fanbase has for Jar Jar Binks. A lot of people might assume GUNgans would be gunners, but blasters are not a weapon Gungans deploy into war. Hence why the blaster Jar Jar uses...
  3. Vizino

    SBD Speed

    So I'm sure everyone here has seen SBD and its speed and i know its not designed to be a fast class even in the movies/games its not a fast class, i was thinking, since it has the battery perhaps there could be an run ability you could buy in the class store (what ever its called) that you could...
  4. Zeebo

    Restore the glory of the kung fu soldier

    Look into my eyes. Restore the glory of the kung fu soldier. The kung fu soldier shuns modern weapons, using only his FISTS of STEEL (and sometimes conc nades if he's getting spammed.) Now that close combat training 2 has been removed, he is slow like the bantha and unable to gracefully flip...