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  1. Terricule

    Force Sense and Droids

    Does anyone else think it kind of odd that Detect Life covers everything, including the mechanical? It goes without saying that these things have no life. I of course primarily mean the SBDs and Droidekas. I imagine it would be a little harder to implement something of this sort to say, the...
  2. Terricule

    Additional saber colors for Jedi and Sith: white, black, other...

    How likely is it for sith characters to get additional saber colors? I'm not asking like the iconic blue or green of the jedi, but maybe at least purple.
  3. Terricule

    Stormtrooper tonfas

    So when is the MB team going to add in the electro tonfas for the stormtroopers? This is absolutely essential for troopers who wish to have the movie-like experience of going ham and cheese on jedi noobs, as seen in the new movie.