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  1. EW//RED

    Is Moviebattles 2 dying?

    Well this took a turn.
  2. EW//RED

    Is Moviebattles 2 dying?

    I think the new influx of Disney Star Wars movies has kept things fairly steady. It also helps that there just isn't a game like this out there at all. It fills a hole in my heart.
  3. EW//RED

    //Elite Warriors

    Correct! We are ballin' on all kinds of servers! We have a pretty cool map rotation going on at that server, I'll make sure to update the list.
  4. EW//RED

    //Elite Warriors

    FUN, FRIENDLY, MATURE GAMERS! FULL AUTHENTIC, FREE FOR ALL, OPEN MODES ACROSS THREE SERVERS Join //EW on {// Bespin Brawl FFA} & {// Resurgence RTV} & {//Duel Rotation} :eek:LOL ALL SUMMER LONG:eek: Hang out and...