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  1. *LCG* High Overseer.rec.

    Sullustan Model

    Ashoka, we only have room for one bae on this team.
  2. *LCG* High Overseer.rec.

    MB2 Official Event: Spin!

    It's a game and a silly event, it's supposed to be fun.
  3. *LCG* High Overseer.rec.

    MB2 Official Event: Spin!

    Being screwed over repeatedly by really negative outcomes is extremely annoying, why not remove the outcome that takes all but 1 of your hp? That completely screws you over. Also suggestion if it's possible add a spin that makes you bigger, slower, and gives you double hp, and one that makes...
  4. *LCG* High Overseer.rec.


    Herro, welcome to a place full of dying memes.
  5. *LCG* High Overseer.rec.

    [SOLVED] jaMME is not functioning with 1.4.1, the Main Menu is unavigatable.

    Okay, that worked now I have yet another problem! I go to look at my demos, and there are none there after I recorded them, and in JAMP i can see them.
  6. *LCG* High Overseer.rec.

    [SOLVED] jaMME is not functioning with 1.4.1, the Main Menu is unavigatable.

    I have recently wanted to try out jaMME but it seems in 1.4.1, the entire Main Menu's letters are ripped off and shoved in the upper left corner of the screen
  7. *LCG* High Overseer.rec.

    Wassup buddies - Delaware boy

    Greetings from your superior sister state of Maryland, keep your hands out of the Chesapeake! Have fun!
  8. *LCG* High Overseer.rec.

    MB2 Official Event: Point Progression!

    Let's do this, Oldskrewl.
  9. *LCG* High Overseer.rec.

    [SOLVED] AVG Deleted MBII.exe

    Go into AVG, Go to the top right I believe settings or what have you, then go to virus vault, and un-quarantine it before it wipes it. Also AVG can become hyperactive, you may want to try a different Antivirus like Avast! if you have problems with this one.
  10. *LCG* High Overseer.rec.

    Penekepack 2.4 // CLASSIC UI RESTORATION

    ComЯade, I shall tЯy new build, hopefully is betteЯ than newest model of T-PolaЯ-ExploЯation-BeaЯ[/color=red]
  11. *LCG* High Overseer.rec.

    "One more round"

    Goodbye ComЯade, do not let polar bear bite. We shall Яemebeя you Brotheя.
  12. *LCG* High Overseer.rec.

    Goodbye! (Subaru is retiring)

    Goodbye ComЯade Шe will remember u forever, BABY COME BACK /weep /bai Good luck, have a gud life, maybe you'll make something massive one day :D
  13. *LCG* High Overseer.rec.

    US Application for US All

    May name, or word may not mean much, but I know whomever Noob would trust, would be a great admin. Noob is probably one of the more fair, and balanced admins we have (kek)
  14. *LCG* High Overseer.rec.

    About Mindtrick

    Mindtrick replaces some of your team's models with the enemy's models? temporarily on your screen? That would be lels, and classes wouldn't be exclusive, so you have a jetpacking old ben anyday.
  15. *LCG* High Overseer.rec.

    Cmp and the other extra maps

    DL clean full install with launcher not the basic install, or torrent the full manual install.
  16. *LCG* High Overseer.rec.

    About Mindtrick

    Allow Mindtrick 4 from jka. Let's mind control soldiers off cliffs, and make them tk :D
  17. *LCG* High Overseer.rec.

    Hosting Server Fastdownload/HTTP Download

    By security you mean for the client, who may download a map with a virus? Granted you trust the server owner that shouldn't be a problem right?
  18. *LCG* High Overseer.rec.

    Penekepack 2.4 // CLASSIC UI RESTORATION

    Just downloaded, will report back later if issues.
  19. *LCG* High Overseer.rec.

    More co-op/team force moves

    That last bit, I was always thinking of a Super Open Mode, name owing back to long ago. Except the map would decide what the classes consisted of, and you could spec it how you wanted like open mode. Maybe add suicidal jawas, and Ewoks with jetpacks idk?