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  1. Fear

    Another sabering poll

  2. Fear

    NA Dueling Championship - Weekly Challenger Tournaments

    Just to clarify why I don't care. Because the Devs are too incompetent to notice all the shortcomings of this game and neglect to fix anything relevant with the patch. I no longer play this mod hardly at all. U might see me once in a blue moon but thats it. Cheers- Fear
  3. Fear

    Tempest's Saber Build

    I have no complaints. I dislike the current turtling meta as it is anyway, and quite frankly alot of these changes are things that should have been done a long time ago Lol.
  4. Fear

    New Game Mode Suggestion

    Lol jam
  5. Fear

    A simpler saber system?

    NO absolutely not if this game becomes any fucking simpler itll just go straight to hell the current system is already braindead enough as it is so if u cant deal with just don't play the class man. If u don't wanna put in the effort or time to bother with sabering then u shouldn't be worried...
  6. Fear


    If u aren't weak. -Malak
  7. Fear

    Padawan[1] has connected

    LOL Moochh sup bud XD
  8. Fear


    Rosh is a good force whore and zappy boi. If u havent seen him in action then u havent seen lightning yet.
  9. Fear

    Saberist of the Edgiest Caliber

    Saberist of the Edgiest Caliber
  10. Fear

    Padawan[1] has connected

    Hi Im [tR]Fear Im not shit at dueling. Im arrogant/Prideful, Im an ass to most people, and Im Straight. Pleasure to meet u :D
  11. Fear

    Congrats to Faux

  12. Fear

    Apology and explanation.

    No one likes me because Im an arrogant ass whose also good at the game and I flaunt it. But I do that because its fun to start confrontations and make kids like u mad :D
  13. Fear

    Apology and explanation.

    And yet I was muted for calling you out to be a troll by Defiant because he thought u were being legitimate Lolllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll PROJECT LEAD BTW. Either way it was quite funny
  14. Fear

    Is TR even a real clan?

    Idk whats more sad this post or the fact that he took the time to reply to every single thread that was up on the newest posts.....
  15. Fear

    The day you all have been waiting for

    Its Goliath!? How goes the organic purge?
  16. Fear

    Some [tR] guys tking me in his server

    Why is this always on the forums when its not an official server Lol
  17. Fear

    Dark Lord Desann skin!

    One less jedi.....
  18. Fear

    "It's treason, then"

    This was interesting. I must say.
  19. Fear

    Shenghai's Clone Replacement pack V3

    It always sounds like that I thought? Cause even I hear that. And I don't use shengs pack