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  1. Ginkobum13

    Feedback Thread: v1.11 Open Beta #1 - May 25th 2024

    too much stuff what the fuck is this man I wasn't expecting 100 different changes and man the saber system is way too confusing with all the new drains and attunement crap, the ui is ugly as hell. Just simplify the game not add all this bullshit you guys cant even fix flinch and you're trying to...
  2. Ginkobum13

    Fix Auto Dfa and Unintentional Special Attacks

    Fix special attacks so you have to hold use to do them for backslash, dfa's, and even cartwheels, they happen unintentionally all the time and holding use negates all bp loss from using special attacks like dfa's or cartwheels it is broken. You guys made cartwheels super viable for countering...
  3. Ginkobum13


    Remove post im not trying to start some discussion about how a script that does 2-3 inputs is considered cheating its not that big of a deal I can beat scripters easily without scripts it doesnt make them godlike in anyway so remove this post and stop crying please get good
  4. Ginkobum13


  5. Ginkobum13


  6. Ginkobum13


  7. Ginkobum13


  8. Ginkobum13


  9. Ginkobum13


  10. Ginkobum13


  11. Ginkobum13

    Exposing another Script to Remove

    Bruh xDDDD ^^^^^^^
  12. Ginkobum13

    Perspective of a relatively new player.

    Yea, I agree the skill ceiling is frustrating at first but there's all sorts of good sabering tutorials on youtube, aiming blasters is not my steelo but i use crosshair mods on this forum and you want to aim ahead of your opponent cus the projectiles actually travel not like in Call of dooty...
  13. Ginkobum13

    I wanna make sound mod for grenades

    zzz_Yeet I amplified the tick sound when nade is thrown but I couldn't find the tick sound for concussion nade anywhere.
  14. Ginkobum13

    I wanna make sound mod for grenades

    Does anyone know where the sound files for concussion nades tick sounds and im gonna make a sound mod so you can actually hear that shit and make grenade throws say YEET
  15. Ginkobum13

    Duel mode stuttering and collisions

    Duel mode has been having more collision issues than before and the join lag stuttering on high pop makes the mode almost unplayable just wanna make sure u devs know that instead of fixing it you actually made collisions even worse so yea
  16. Ginkobum13

    {LS} Knight's den Sever admin

    LS server isn't an official server so they can't really do anything about it, they need more admins probably its one of most popular NA duel servers. Pbscripters are a problem with the game, and more people are starting to abuse it seems, hopefully the devs are working on fixing that. I'd...
  17. Ginkobum13

    Vote kick or mechanic to prevent laming and timewasting

    A few of people who I talk to said what ruins the game for them is toxic players. I'm sure you guys have heard this all before and an admin online would be a better solution but most the time they aren't available and it would be nice to have a deterrent to the toxic degenerate whose soul...
  18. Ginkobum13

    NVIDIA RTX Remix in MB2

    I could only imagine my computer setting fire with this, already struggle getting 125 fps in some map areas xD cool stuff though.
  19. Ginkobum13

    Moviebattles II Hotfix Released

    R.I.P. If you guys removed force ghost bug. Why you guys keep fixing fun bugs, games becomming plain and boring without funny stuff like that.
  20. Ginkobum13

    Z-6 Jetpack Sound and Improved Rocket Sound Effects

    Z-6 Jetpack sound effect: zz_Z-6Sound Replaces all jetpack sound effects and replaces all Rocket sound effects. Z-6 Jetpack edit: amplified thrust, idle, and jetpackoff sounds so they sound more level with all conjunction of sound effects