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  1. R

    Open is finally dead.

    This. I have been playing MB2 since 2007. I've rarely post here because I don't care about duel/competition or most of thoses thing. If I have played MB2 more than any other game in those 17 years it's because MB2 was the most fun and pleasant Star Wars game to play with a great community...
  2. R

    Open is finally dead.

    Yesterday was kind of an exception. Since the R20 release Open servers are empty almost everyday, even on week-end (at least in EU). MB2 open has been slowly dying for a moment now, with only one open server with people most of the time, but since the update even one server is becoming rare...
  3. R

    I Came Back Briefly, And you Devs somehow made the game even dogshit worse LMAO.

    Where do you see hate about yellow on my post? I just stated facts, today yellow is almost the only saber style you'll see among playerbase. Meanwhile some years ago players used to play with other styles too. I can't even remember the last time I saw someone playing with cyan or purple...
  4. R

    I Came Back Briefly, And you Devs somehow made the game even dogshit worse LMAO.

    While this is true you cant deny that most of the time people use yellow. Some years ago there was a lot more of blue, cyan, red, dual and so on. Nowdays if I see one person using blue each week it's already a lot.
  5. R

    Moviebattles II Version 1.10 Released

    Since the sounds effect for weapon won't roll back, is it possible to get the previous sounds used to make my own replacement?
  6. R

    The TK system and accidentally pushing a grenade

    Skill does play a role yes but you can't always preddict what your teammate will do or weird push/bounce on wall trajectories. Being !p because you try to save your team from a grenade should not be possible. However I can see how tuning this too forgiving could be used by troll as another way...
  7. R

    Moviebattles II Version 1.10 Released

    After playing a bit more I feel like the TK system needs to be adjusted. Here's an absurd story on DeathStar. I was firing at at soldier when a jedi came and took one of my shot and die. He gave me 100 tk point. Next round on side corridor a jedi is standing still to keep the door open, a...
  8. R

    Moviebattles II Version 1.10 Released

    The new sounds effects for clone rifle/pistol are awful. They sound like a child toy now. SBD & T21 are fine, even if for the T21 I still like the previous one more. As for mand is it possible to change the hold to aim mode on ee3 to an on/off switch ? It feels really weird for all weapon to...
  9. R

    Moviebattles II 1.9.2 Released

    The new anti-tk system may be a bit too punishing. I got my first temp ban for tk in years just beacause two jedi rushed into a nad I had throwned early in the round. Otherwise it's great to see the mod still loved and supported after so many years.
  10. R

    Moviebattles II V1.5.2 Released

    Nice, it's time to get great battle in hangar again. I wonder, why was it this specific version which was ported and not the one with balcony ?
  11. R

    Solution to grip troll

    I think we can all agree mb2 is full of troll using grip to indirectly tk their teammates. Since admin are not omnipotent being and cant be here 24/24, I have two proposals. When using grip on your own team, your tk point raises immediatly preventing you from doing it more than 1-2 sec. If...
  12. R

    Make classic dotf playable again

    This is not specific to Mb2. Nowadays people are used to get everything in hand, and if not complain until they get it. Just watch people when they have trouble on their smartphone, on their internet box or on other games. They complain but don't look by themselves while the solution is on...
  13. R

    Make classic dotf playable again

    This is not a problem since you can name one Dotf_Classic and the other DotfV2, so no one will confuse the map. There is no official reason as to why they dont have released it back yet. You're right, you can already pick up the map on old MB2 build and play with it alongside Dotf V2 on your...
  14. R

    Technical Issue Can't See any servers

    Same here, I have to use favorite to see some servers.
  15. R

    Make classic dotf playable again

    While fixing Dotf2, you can give us classic_dotf too, like that we'll have both version to play with and everyone will be happy.
  16. R

    Bring back old dotf

    The new Dotf may be more beautiful, especially in gen, but it's not a fun map anymore. What was fun in the old dotf was the constant struggle you had, in main & in gen, then in side, and then in throne. You never knew which team was about to win. Now throne is impossible to defend, side are...
  17. R

    One Week and 60+ Hours In

    You can get it. Go in setup, visual option and check "draw old class bar".
  18. R

    Do you even Dotf?

    We had, but it wasn't quit popular, either round were too long and people get bored, either too short and people get frustrated.
  19. R

    Do you even Dotf?

    Only one European Doft server may seem to be a good deal, so players will not be splitted like on your screenshot, but sometimes both servers are full, and BG RTV got enough people to play with to. However dont get ride of Dotf servers. New one will come or RTV server will be on Dotf more often...
  20. R

    Rock the Shuffle?

    Even if this sound great, won't this be blocked by player on the winning team ? If we need 1/2 of the people of the server to RTS, why those who don't want to switch would want to initiate a shuffle ?